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The City of London Banking Cabal Implodes

American Kabuki

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July 5, 2012

hings are moving so fast in the UK now I don't think even I can keep up with it. I found this interesting web site at The Guardian that is updating the news in realtime so rather than re-write all this coming out, I'm just going to direct you to this amazing URL directly:

Barclays blames 'senior Whitehall figures' for Libor scandal

as Bob Diamond resigns - live feed


2008 email implicates Bank of England and Labour government in Libor manipulation

• Barclays briefs media on CEO's departure - 3.25pm onwards

• COO Jerry Del Missier also resigns - full details

Sir Mervyn King implicated.....

Will Diamond now 'declare war' on Bank of England?

Boris Johnson still values Diamond

Barclays statement here

Note: The Bank of England is Rothschild . It is, like the Federal Reserve (co-owned by blood-line families along with the Rothschilds) , anything but Government owned, despite its official sounding name.  All central banks are Rothschild owned but 2 (I believe Russia and China).  The BIS is also a Rothschild enterprise.