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GMO Labeling in the Farm Bill? Support for Organics? Only You Can Make it Happen!

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June 16, 2012


Subject:  GMO labeling in the Farm Bill? Support for Organics? Only you can make it happen!


I think you will WANT to look into this a bit more - It is PART OF AGENDA 21!    


I know you remember that at the State Convention we, The Ga State Republican Party, CONDEMNED Agenda 21 and anything related to it.

Obviously, they work in ANY WAY POSSIBLE to mislead us and USE us by converting us into shills for their HORRIBLE plot.


Their common "PLEA", which is the ONLY thing that will enervate and bring people together more than a War, without THINKING or INVESTIGATING the facts, is:  "SAVE THE PLANET".


It is true that we do not want farm subsidies - or subsidies of any type for anything - mainly because it REDUCES incentive to innovate and create better ways,

which can ONLY lead to poorer quality and more expensive goods - whatever they are. 

And, of course, this means we will Work MORE for LESS!  And, individual wealth and the quality of our lives is reduced.


BUT, this "APPEAL" is a sideline in a VERY different direction than what is appears to be.


One of the primary parts of AGENDA 21 is to eliminate all ALL mechanized farming and return everybody to plows behind oxen & horses (as an INTERMEDIATE step - the FINAL Goal is YOU pull the plow!).

This goes along with some of their other goals like:

    ELIMINATING 90% of the PEOPLE in the World,  (how do you suppose this will be done?)

    taking control of EVERY part of our lives,  (surely you will be thankful that your BRAIN will no longer be needed - because the TRUSTED Elite Class much better understands YOUR needs and has promised to meet them)

    disarming EVERYBODY (except, of course, the ELITE ruling class.   I wonder WHY?),

    elimination of ALL Personal Property (you will own NOTHING - not your house, your land, your car , your purse - not even your toothbrush),

    returning  MOST of the land to Wilderness, (so Humans cannot possibly despoil it)

    where people will NOT BE ALLOWED, (under severe penalty of the LAW),

    putting the REMAINING Humans into a very small area in HIGH-DENSITY housing, (there will NO private, single family homes)

    giving animals SUPERIOR right to Humans (this means if you do ANYTHING that affects an animal, for their GOOD or BAD, you WILL be a criminal and IMPRISONED, or worse),

    and many more "wonderful" things  - that are designed to SAVE THE PLANET.


The main thing is go to their site: click their "Take Action Now!" button below.      

    Then see that Senator Bernie Sanders (a self-described SOCIALIST:

    and Barbara Boxer (another Socialist:

    are behind this.


Read their propaganda, including the petition:  "they want everybody to INSURE the crops & PAY if they fail" (YOU PAY if someone doesn't get a good crop!  for whatever reason!   Won't you ALREADY pay through higher prices?)


Then see that:  "FOOD DEMOCRACY NOW" is a part of the Democratic Socialist Party  (American COMMUNIST Party).


Then go to their "ABOUT" tab:  The FIRST sentence has the word SUSTAINABLE.  This is the KEYWORD of Agenda 21.   ANYTHING that has this word in it is AGENDA21 and it means DEATH to the World as WE know it.


Wading through the  "WONDERFUL, sweet sounding goals" you will find COMMUNISM & Agenda 21 in EVERY phrase"


Then check out the people - GOOGLE:  David Murphy, Lisa Stokkes, Paul Willis and Aaron Woolf... but add "activist" and "socialist" to the search:    You will find MILLIONS of hits under the COMMUNIST Party & Democratic Socialist Party etc.


Then GOOGLE:   "Food democracy Now"  but ADDING   "Socialist?"   More of the SAME.


Then try adding Agenda 21 or PLOT etc..     Holy Mackerel!      How come NOBODY I KNOW is aware of this?  (could it be because you ARE NOT a Communist?)


                                                 You will NOT LIKE what you find!


And, I;m pretty sure you will want to WARN YOUR FRIENDS.   It is NOT LIKELY that they are aware of this.


I can furnish you more info if you need it. 




On 6/15/2012 4:40 PM, Tali Olmi wrote:







Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2012 21:57:33 -0400


There are three different links below… please take time to click all three and quickly fill in your names… this is important!



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GMO labeling in the Farm Bill? Support for Organics? Only you can make it happen!


Dear Michael

Right now the U.S. Senate is working to hammer out the final details on the farm bill and it isn’t pretty. While a number of important reforms have been won, like getting rid of wasteful direct payments, agribusiness lobbyists have succeeded in larding the bill up with billions in inefficient programs that harm America’s farmers, our environment and eaters everywhere.

Fortunately, this morning, Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) took to the Senate floor to announce an important amendment to the Farm Bill that would require labeling of genetically engineered food. Sanders repeated the well-known facts that:

  • Already nearly 50 countries around the world require GMO labeling.
  • In a Canadian study, the GMO Bt toxin was found in the blood of 93% of pregnant women.
  • Monsanto's Roundup tolerant GMOs have led to the rise of superweeds that now infest more than 10 million acres - Predicted to reach 40 million acres by mid-decade - that means more chemicals used on our crops

It was an amazing and historic speech, but GMO labeling and creating a sustainable food supply won’t happen without you.

If you want to create a system that promotes healthy and organic food and builds a sustainable future for family farmers and the environment, Food Democracy Now! needs you to act today!



Click here to tell your Senators that you support the Sanders-Boxer amendment to label GMOs in the 2012 Food and Farm bill.



After you tell your Senators that you support the Sanders-Boxer GMO labeling amendment, please them tell that you support these other vital amendments for reform.

It’s hard to image that 150 years ago, President Abraham Lincoln founded the U.S. Department of Agriculture to promote family farm ownership of the land and improve food and agriculture production that benefited farmers and the American people. Today, the USDA more accurately represents the interests of the massive agribusiness lobby that milks the government of billions of dollars in federal subsidies while stealing opportunities from America’s hungriest families and hardworking family farmers.

Right now, the current farm bill is set to make massive cuts to vital nutrition and conservation programs while rapidly expanding the subsidized insurance programs that will cost taxpayers more than $90 billion over the next 10 years while putting the environment and our land greatly at risk.

Food Democracy Now! and farmers and eaters everywhere need you to stand up for family farmers and the environment today!

As it is currently written the 2012 Farm Bill will give away billions of dollars to America’s largest and most profitable farmers, while continuing to discriminate against the fastest growing segment of the food supply – organic food and farming.

The good news is that Senator Merkley (D-OR) has introduced an important amendment that would make crop insurance more accessible to organic famers and pay them a fair premium when their crops failed. Currently, when an organic farmer’s crops fail they are paid the going rate for commodity crops, not the fair market price premium that organic crops receive. A recent report found that organic food industry creates more than half a million jobs and the most important job in organic agriculture is the organic farmer. They need your support today!

Please stand with organic farmers by telling your Senators to support the Merkley Organic Crop Insurance Amendment.



With the rise of corporate funded science, public funded research of important plant varieties has been largely abandoned for the quick biotech fix. In the past century alone, more than 75% of crop biodiversity has been lost. Fortunately, Senator Tester (D-MT) has introduced an amendment that will protect vital crop breeds and diversity.

As we are well aware, classical breeding is cost-effective and offers the best source of complex traits that allow farmers and researchers to respond to changing conditions and new market opportunities to create sustainable crops for our future.



Click here to support the Tester Crop Diversity Amendment to maintain access to the best varieties of seeds for farmers and future generations.



Remember, democracy is like a muscle... either use or lose it!

Thanks again for participating in food democracy,

Dave, Lisa and the Food Democracy Now! team


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Dick Anderson

Atlanta GA 30341

Cell 770-377-6430