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Exclusive: Bilderberg 1966 Data Dump – The War on Nationalism Exposed

Aaron Dykes

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June 12, 2012

RELATED: Strictly Confidential: 1966 Bilderberg Documents Leaked

RELATED: Leaked Bilderberg Documents: “Nationalism Is Dangerous”

In the days following coverage of the 2012 Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly, Virginia, Infowars began exposing a series of leaked documents marked “strictly confidential” and “not for publication” exposing details from inside past Bilderberg meetings– namely the Wiesbaden, Germany conference that took place during March 1966.

Our on-air coverage exposed the Bilderberg-centered globalists’ deep-seated hatred for nationalism and, of course, their long-term vision to steer the world towards global government. In 1966, these larger goals hinged around two key agenda items, as set by Bilderberg’s founder and then chairman, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. As the documents below make clear, the first item dealt with reorganizing NATO, while the second dealt with coordinating world economic development, particularly between the industrial world and the developing world.

(Click to enlarge)

For the first time, we are releasing these documents in full, so that all may read themselves and the veil of secrecy shrouded around Bilderberg may be brought to an end. Given the cost in bandwidth to serve out these documents, please remember that you can support us by subscribing to or mirroring these PDFs on your own platform. Let’s just get the word out!

Also, visit our Bilderberg 2012 archive, with extensive coverage of the current agenda now unfolding.

Watch our videos discussing the important members of Bilderberg, and the now-revealed aspects of their agenda below:

- Basic attendees list for Bilderberg 1966 [PDF]

- Information for 1966 invitees on travel, etc., including Prince Bernhard’s letter, the basic agenda, and an extended attendee list. [PDF]

- Handwritten minutes taken down by Sen. Fred Harris during each 1966 Bilderberg speaker, including repeated statements demonizing nationalism [PDF]

- AGENDA ITEM #1: Should NATO be reorganized and if so how?

Bilderberg policy proposal on reorganizing NATO’s purpose, as per 1966 agenda item #1, written by attendee Robert R. Bowie (United States), followed by background info send to invitees on NATO as well as U.S. Senate Testimony given by Dean Acheson (a prominent member of the Wise Men deeply embedded in Bilderberg, Skull & Bones, etc.) in April 1966, presumably in response to Bilderberg’s proposals. [PDF]

- AGENDA ITEM #2: The future of world economic relations, especially between industrial and developing countries.

Bilderberg policy proposal on world economic development, as per agenda item #2, written by attendee Jan Tinbergen (Netherlands), followed by background information on IMF policies regarding “Compensatory Financing of Export Fluctuations” from 1963, and then by David Rockefeller’s 1965 speech to the International Industrial Conference in San Francisco. [PDF]


- A separate file of just David Rockefeller’s 1965 speech to the International Industrial Conference in San Francisco, wherein he concludes by boldly stating “What we are is God’s gift to man; What we become is man’s gift to God.” [PDF]

- Miscelleneous and incomplete documents from both the 1965 and 1967 Bilderberg meetings, including a 1965 attendees list and cover sheets for a 1967 meeting summary document, as well as a cover sheet for a report by Bilderberg’s shadow founder Dr. Joseph Retinger dated April 1962. [PDF]


- A series of follow-up letter exchanges between Sen. Fred Harris (whose library these documents emerged from) and individuals including UAW president Walter P. Reuther (a fellow 1966 attendee), Emilio Collado, vice president of Standard Oil & first president of the World Bank, discussing one Dr. Siro Vasquez, a petroleum engineer who worked for Standard Oil and other Rockefeller entities, and finally from Joe Weingarten, inviting Harris to join the World Institute for Peace, an interest closely linked with top Bilderbergers like U.S. organizer Joseph E. Johnson, who then headed the Carnegie Institute for International Peace. [PDF]

All files in ZIP format (31.1 MB)