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June 2, 2012

Syria Regime Change On Bilderberg Agenda

Paul Joseph Watson | Pro-NATO intervention SNC head in attendance at elite confab.

AFP Staffer Manhandled By Police During Arrest At Bilderberg 2012 | American Free Press staffer is manhandled by overzealous police at the Bilderberg 2012 meetings.

Elite Plan One World Bank at Bilderberg Confab | Infowars Nightly News round up of protest action from Bilderberg 2012.

The Global Elite’s Death Race with Joe Banister | Former special agent of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and IRS whistleblower Joe Banister joins Alex on location at the Bilderberg meeting.

Protest groups converge to denounce secretive Bilderberg conference

London Guardian | Annual off-the-record finance gathering attracts protesters from disparate groups, but they often have a similar goal in mind.

Is Bilderberg a conference on world affairs or a powerful global cabal? Depends on who you ask

Washington Post | Outside the Jersey barriers, dozens of protesters and conspiracy theorists — convinced that Bilderberg is a global cabal that runs the world — waved signs and shouted into bullhorns.

Gov. Daniels participants in mysterious Bilderberg Meeting

Indianapolis Star | Gov. Mitch Daniels was to come home Friday from an appearance at the little-known and somewhat mysterious Bilderberg Meeting.

Noonan attends annual conference of Bilderberg group

Irish Times | Irish Minister for Finance Michael Noonan is in the US attending the annual conference of the secretive Bilderberg group.

Bilderberg Protester Arrested For Crossing Street

Paul Joseph Watson | Security crackdown surrounding elite confab intensifies.

Bilderberg 2012: bigger and badder and better than ever

London Guardian | What a lovely lot of politicians we’ve got at this year’s Bilderberg.