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12 Pictures That Demonstrate How The New World Order Openly Mocks Us

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May 18, 2012

If you know what to look for, it quickly becomes obvious that the elite of the world are not even trying to hide their insidious plans for the planet.  They hope to unite the entire globe under their leadership, and they don't think that we are strong enough or smart enough to stop them.  They openly embed symbols expressing their desire for a one world economic system, a one world religion and a one world government on our buildings, on our monuments and on our money and they think that it is funny that most people have no idea what those symbols mean.  The New World Order openly mocks us and they seem to take pleasure in giving us "clues" about what their plans for humanity are.  In the "global society" that they have planned for us, individual freedoms and liberties will be greatly restricted "for the good of humanity" and they will use the emerging Big Brother police state control grid to monitor and control everything that we do.  It would be a totalitarian regime unlike anything the world has ever seen before.  That is why it is absolutely imperative that we wake people up and get them educated about what the globalists plan to do so that they can resist this growing tyranny.


The following are 12 pictures that demonstrate how the New World Order openly mocks us....

Wenlock - Official Mascot Of The 2012 London Olympics

On the official London 2012 website, we are told that Wenlock, the official mascot of the 2012 London Olympics, has a camera for an eye because that "lets Wenlock record everything".

How creepy is that?

No matter what Wenlock is doing, he is always watching and always recording....


A recent Vanity Fair article by Michael Joseph Gross contained some additional details about Wenlock....