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May 4, 2012

Country singer legend Charlie Daniels was on introducing his new video, Behold a Pale Horse about Agenda 21 and the UN's plan to totally take away our property rights, gun rights, and even our system of justice. Please get the video and help wake up our nation!!!!
This has NOT been reported by the local media so don't feel bad for not knowing about this unbelievable attempt to destroy our Constitution by the UN through both political parties. Just feel offended by the controlled media's deliberate attempt to keep you in the dark
PS Madeline Albright and other government officials reported Osama died back in 2001.. Are you being told now by the controlled media that he died 1 year ago?? I bet you think there are WMDs also, that is if you swallow the controlled media's garbage.
Shame on the local media for willingly spreading propaganda.
From RO