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April 23, 2012

The campaign for World Government (A Globalist backed institution) in 1942 created a manifesto for how a World Government is to be formed.

Written by Rosika Schwimmer (born on September 11, 1877, a self labeled socialist) and Lola Maverick Lloyd (self proclaimed pioneer of the movement for world government), with the aid of the Globalists, tried to establish World Government in response to the failures of the League of Nations.

In 1937, both Rosika Schwimmer and Lola Maverick Lloyd formed the Campaign for World Government in order to achieve a society that is fee of borders, centralized and controlled by the most powerful and elite.

There is now no doubt that the Globalists are actively seeking to introduce World Government and now we have evidence of what could be described as the first written record of how the Globalists are planning to introduce World Government.

Blueprints for World Government

Immediate Action

The main lines of this blueprint for governmental or unofficial action to organize the world were drawn in 1924. We revised our work and published the present pamphlet in 1937. This is the fourth edition. Believing government initiation of world union to be at present not only hopeless but even undesirable, we wish to emphasize the part of our plan designed for unofficial action. Immediate action along unofficial lines is imperative.

We have seen our globe in not time turned into one armed camp. We can transform it as quickly into a fit home for the human family. Self-made governments in exile have for military purposes been grouped with the greater powers into the “United Nations”. As the first step in peaceful achievement of world union, we urge the immediate creation of the self-made Provisional World Government to take all the unofficial action recommended in our original plan. Its world-wide announcement must include an appeal to all people to lay down their arms and prepare to participate in creating the new world order.

The only chance of creating the long-overdue federalized world government, all inclusive, non-military and democratic in its structure, is to stop this war before either belligerent is exhausted. Men and women of supreme integrity and imaginative daring must rise and lead mankind into their new safe road. Good plans have long been ready.

Internationally controlled demarcation lines must be established between the hostile forces, immobilizing them. They can cooperate in local reconstruction work until world organization has reached the stage where its own federal commissions can supervise their systematic demobilization and immediate absorption into planned creative work on a global scale.

The Provisional World Government in continuous session with full publicity shall draw up the World Constitution. Simultaneously it shall be prepared to assume the impartial administration of scientifically planned emergency relief of starving populations. It shall also receive complaints, accusations and claims against individuals, groups and nations for proper preparations and submission to courts to be established under the World Constitution.

If we fail, the war leaders will carry on to the exhaustion of one or both sides. After exhaustion will follow chaos, revolution, dictatorship and recurring global war until the human family destroys itself.

The prerequisite of Provisional World Government is headquarters and a fund of millions to begin unofficially on world organization, the only hopeful basis for immediate cessation of hostilities and a warless future.

There must exist men and women able to provide the means who sincerely and passionately desire world peace.

The life of mankind is at stake.

Lola Maverick Lloyd and Rosika Schwimmer
November 11, 1942

The Plan

The following outline for international action is addressed to all those who agree that we must stop theorizing about peace and put the best existing theories into practice. It offers an answer to the question, “How can we start practical action to establish world peace now?” It presents the preliminary steps necessary for a representative World Convention to draft the best possible constitution for an all-inclusive, non-military, democratic Federation of Nations.

Plan for Governmental Action

The President of the United States or in other countries the comparable governmental authority shall invite a small group of experts in voting methods to formulate the best practical method for the democratic election in all countries alike of delegates to a World Constitutional Convention. The Committee of Experts shall meet not later than four weeks after appointment and at the earliest possible moment make their recommendations simultaneously to the governments and the public, using the most effective channels of communication to reach all the people.

Congress or the parliaments at the same time that they adopt the report of the Committee of Experts shall legislate to start the recommended machinery for the organization of the World Constitutional Convention. Not later than three months after the law is passed delegates to the Constitutional Convention shall be nationally elected.

No member or departmental head of the military or naval forces or of the national governments of any nation shall be eligible in any capacity whatsoever for participation in the preparation or the proceedings of the World Constitutional Convention.

As soon as at least six nations have elected and officially appointed their delegates to the World Constitutional Convention, the delegates shall assemble and open their sessions without delay; the delegates from the other countries to join them as soon as elected.

The convention shall meet in the country which first invites it.

If Governments Do Not Act

If neither the President of the United States nor any other government acts, organizations or individuals shall raise the necessary funds and invite a small group of experts in voting methods to formulate the best practical method for the democratic election in all countries alike of delegates to a World Constitutional Convention. The unofficial Committee of Experts shall be regulated as to time of meeting and other duties by the rules given above for the official Committee of Experts except that they shall prepare two plans for the World Constitutional Convention, one for governmental action, if at that stage governments are ready to act, and the other to be used if government are not ready to act.

In case world organization must continue unofficially, international-minded individuals shall be chosen as delegates by the method recommended by the unofficial Committee of Experts. The delegates shall meet and function as an unofficial World Constitutional Convention. They shall draft a complete Constitution regulating the federal life of the human family in a superstructure where the states are free to develop independently, their national sovereignty being unlimited except where their interdependence requires federal regulation.

The duty of the Convention is to draw up a detailed plan for the political, economic, and social cooperation of all the nations. It shall also propose a place for the permanent location of the world parliament and an equitable division of its expenses. Within one year it shall simultaneously publish its plan and present it to all the governments of the world.

The World Constitution shall first be urged on all governments for adoption. After one year, if no government has agreed to initiate the recommended steps, unofficial steps must be taken by the people to inaugurate the all-inclusive, non-military, democratic Federation of Nations.

Tentative Plan for the Federation of Nations

In order to clarify and offer our demands in such a shape that they can serve as a basis of discussion for the World Constitutional Convention, we submit the following outline of the Federation of Nations:

The individual development of member states is left to their own decision except where it may conflict with world welfare. The world government must control the international relations between states. This situation will be similar to that between the states and the federal government in the United States of America, or that between the cantons and the federal government of Switzerland.

All the sixty-four states of the world are to be admitted immediately and unconditionally. There shall be but one class of membership.


The Federation of Nations must be a democratic league controlled by direct representation of the peoples and not by governments and bureaucracies.

To achieve the direct representation of the peoples to the Federation of Nations all states shall adopt for the election of their delegates the voting system recommended by the Committee of Experts on voting methods.

The organs of the Federation of Nations shall be a World Parliament, an Executive Board, and a Permanent Secretary.

Each state shall elect ten delegates and ten alternates to the World Parliament for a term of ten years. They shall be subject to recall by their own electorate.

The votes of the delegates in the World Parliament shall be counted individually and not by nations. Delegates from any state may differ among themselves on any issue and will find similar differences in other delegations. Every important group in a nation can be represented among its ten delegates, and will find like-minded groups from other nations in the World Parliament, where divisions will consequently occur along lines of opinion, not lines of geography. No unanimous vote on any question shall be required from a national delegation.

The delegates shall organize the World Parliament and elect a president, a vice-president, an executive board and all the necessary commissions, employing the voting system recommended by the Committee of Experts. Temporary or permanent vacancies shall be filled by the originally elected alternates.

The World Parliament shall be in session the first three months of every year. Sessions may be prolonged or reassembled by vote of the delegates to the World Parliament.

All sessions of the World Parliament must be public, and an official summary of its proceedings must be furnished daily to the press.

The Executive Board and the Permanent Secretary shall carry on the business of the World Parliament and shall reside permanently at its sear. For administrative purposes regional headquarters shall be established on all continents. Regional secretaries shall be chosen by the World Parliament. These continental offices will have direct communication – telegraph, telephone and wireless – and a central broadcasting station will be operated.

The commissions will be entitled to employ experts and any other help necessary to the extent of the appropriations voted them by the World Parliament.

While every delegate shall have the right to use his own language in Parliament, for the auxiliary world language we recommend English, as it is already used as auxiliary language by a larger number of people than any other language.

While every nation, race or religion is free to use its traditional reckoning of time, we recommend that the World Parliament count its official time from that year in which world unity shall be attained. The consummation of world unification, the most important date in history, will be the point from which an adult world will reckon time.

Federal Commissions to Be Organized

I. Economic

A) Commission to plan industrial, agricultural, technical, engineering, scientific and other work extensive enough to absorb the millions liberated by the abandonment of the war system and also to take care of all the unemployed of the world. The abolition of armies, navies, air fleets, armaments and munition factories in all the states of the world will release for this vast reemployment scheme the scrapped war material and enormous sums heretofore provided in open and concealed war budgets.

B) Commission to plan the regulation of the world’s production of raw materials and the control of its distribution according to the needs of all nations, thus removing the excuse for forcible conquest of territory and for continued existence of empires, colonies, mandates.

C) Commission to plan the abolition of all tariffs and customs and the establishment of free trade between all nations and to act as Arbitration Board in trade disputes between member states.

D) Commission on transportation and communication for international control of traffic between states by railways and waterways, by automobile transportation and aviation, and of the postal, telegraph, telephone and radio services.

E) Commission to plan the regulation of world finance and to evolve a uniform monetary system.

II. Legal

F) Commission to prepare the code of international laws and to plan executive machinery for their administration and courts for their adjudication.

G) Commission on international relations for reorganizing the existing machinery (Diplomacy) of political contact and intercourse between nations.

H) Commission to plan and set up national arbitration bodies for the settlement of internal disputes which may cause civil war, and to set up a federal body to which national arbitration cases may be appealed.

I) Commission to plan and carry out the elimination of capital punishment in all states, and to set up institutions in which criminals formerly subject to capital punishment shall be incarcerated for scientific study and treatment.

III. Population Questions

J) Commission for solving population problems by planned relief of overpopulated regions and thus removing an excuse of aggressive militarists for wars of conquest.

  1. By transfer of population to undeveloped territories and under-populated regions, migration never to be compulsory but induced by making the under-populated regions and undeveloped territories offer better opportunities.
  2. By legalization of birth-control.

K) Commission on world citizenship to regulate the rights and duties of citizens of the Federation of Nations. In addition to equal world citizenship each human being shall have the rights and duties of a citizen of the nation where he resides.

IV. Miscellaneous

L) Commission on education to plan educational opportunities for all children. Textbooks and other materials for education shall be based on unbiased facts, and history shall be taught from the world point of view, emphasizing the moral, economic, scientific and artistic contributions to mankind’s progress and happiness by all nations, races, classes, creeds and both sexes.

M) Health commission for scientific and practical research into all hygienic problems and for planning adequate health service.

N) Commission to prepare international legislation to safeguard historically truthful presentation of news by the press, screen and radio and to protect the honor of nations and individuals through national and international Press-Juries, Courts of Honor and similar forums.

Other commissions shall be organized by the World Parliament as needed.

We cannot overemphasize the importance of choosing at every stage of procedure the right personnel. We must not repeat the mistake of the Hague Conferences and the Disarmament Conference of 1932 where high international aims were frustrated by delegates who lacked the world viewpoint. Only international-minded men and women can be trusted to reorganize human society on a safe basis.