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~To the Un Power Elite, Cabal, Illulninati

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Jan. 9, 2012

We the human race are well awake and aware of you now. We not only know that you are out there. We know who you are.  We know where you are. We know your plans for the human race in detail. You are being exposed increasingly on a daily basis. Your power structure is coming down and is close to it's  final demise. We know of those who work for you for their pay and because of their fear. It is very obvious.  We know of the corporations who you have devised for the deception and control of the human race. We know of your infiltration of otherwise good organizations, with the intent to change them from good, to evil oriented agendas under your cloak of deception. Your tactics and plans are now out in the open.  Your day of reckoning has arrived.  Your power structure built upon greed, for money, power and  control is at an end. You are heartless, with no concern for human life, or our planet. Your program of deception has been to kill, destroy, and control by deception, and lie!

  You are The Antichrist, anti God, anti Love, and anti righteousness.

     You were behind all the wars by working both sides against each other. You were behind the diseases introduced to our race for control and money. You were behind the assinations of those who got in your way.  You used money to accomplish these things, money which you stole from our race, and used it to destroy us.  Our race and our planet is being watched over by Divine beings of Love. They have decreed that you shall go no farther.  They are helping our race to bring your deceptive plans to an end.  We have uncovered your treck down through time from the earliest days of human History, with your control, kill and destroy agenda, for our planet and it's peoples.  What can you do now? There is only one option for all of you who are now aware of The Truth. Give it up, change sides, and join the forces of Light. This is the only option.  The God Force of The Human Race

----- Original Message -----
From: "Roy" <>
Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2012 10:09 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10