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NWO DOOMED! ETs/ EDs DECLARE WAR ON THE NWO/ ETs/EDs’ Predictions Proven Correct! Bodies Are Dropping!

John Kettler

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Jan. 6, 2012

NWO Detention Center1 300x225 NWO Doomed! ETs/EDs Declare War On The NWO

NWO Detention Center, Hardin, Montana Photo Credit:

New World Order types, beware! You are squarely in the sights of an ever growing, single minded force of ETs/EDs (extraterrestrials/extradimensionals) determined to liberate Earth and her people from your terrible thrall. What has happened so far to the NWO game plan is as nothing when compared to what’s to come for the NWO.

Your latest NWO attempt to start a war in the Middle East died stillborn, as did your long effort to set us up for an NWO-engineered “alien invasion” scenario, but that too got blown.  Then there’s the NWO fake Second Coming (BLUE BEAM) using technological wizardry designed to leave the rubes (the sheeple) in slack jawed stupefaction. Blown again!

You got us for a time with your NWO engineered “terrorism” scam, but the backlash has begun there, too, for it is the NWO, in its various incarnations and power centers here and abroad, which plans, finances and executes terrorism as an excuse to take away human freedom and impose your Ordo ab Chao (Order from Chaos), chaos you continually create. You can forget killing off 90% of the world’s population and enslaving the rest, for the ETs/EDs know exactly what you’re trying to pull, and you are about to pay dearly, for what you have already done and plan to do. Can you say busted?

NWO & The False Rapture

As your NWO world of control and domination is both progressively battered to pieces and unravels, the resultant and ever increasing stress from fear of exposure and richly deserved retribution is going to kill a lot of you NWO types. Certain authorities have already been warned to expect this. The NWO enforcers and assassins who kept everyone in line will undergo heavy attrition one the one hand and turn on their NWO masters on the other. This, in turn, will free a lot of otherwise silent tongues, and the most damning testimony and evidence against the NWO will begin to surface, further hastening the utter destruction of the NWO. As for the false Rapture, a whole bunch of you are going to simply disappear, never to be heard from again.  You unbelievably arrogant, “entitled” NWO types may wind up on a retrieval ship sent from whatever world left you here in the first place. You may wind up being sent off for reeducation, or you may simply be annihilated if nothing else can be done with you. One way or another, you shall and will leave this Earth you have raped and despoiled and the people you have ceaselessly plotted against, enslaved, poisoned, mind raped, maimed and  killed, all for the NWO and the NWO agenda of total surveillance and control, not to mention gigantic profits.

Nothing and no one will save you: not your exclusive nuclear-proof underground community, not a DUMB (Deep Underground Military Base), not escaping to the long established colonies on the Moon and Mars; not even a Star Gate or other dimensional portal will save you. They are all guarded. Your one hope is to confess all, do everything you can to help undo the horrific damage you helped create, and throw yourself on the mercy of whatever tribunal, court or group of outraged citizens you happen to be hauled before.

NWO Be Warned–The People Are Onto You!

Everywhere the people are waking from a horrible electrochemically induced  zombie like state. The rapidly disappearing NWO orbital mind control satellites, cell towers that are not (used instead for electronic mind control with chemicals in processed food to create such susceptibility); fluoride in the water to create docility (used in Nazi concentration camps) and cripple brain development–all are going away. And more and more of us know you have flooded our communities with drugs that enhance electronic mind control (cocaine, opiates), while suppressing marijuana, since it interferes with it, in your unceasing efforts to create crime, factionalize and polarize us against ourselves, engineer unrest and create “justifications” for ever more control and surveillance on the relentless march to your NWO police state.  

More and more Americans realize they have been had by the NWO. 80% of the American soldiers would refuse an NWO command to fire on their fellow Americans. Police of every stripe have been educated to NWO plans to use them against us–and will not cooperate. Such diverse groups as the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), military veterans, the Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF), the much vilified militias and even church groups are fully aware of the NWO and its horrendous plans. Americans may be slow to wake up, but once they are, they are a terrible foe once awake and aroused. Just ask the Japanese! NWO devotees, prepare to reap the whirlwind!


ETs/EDs’ Predictions Proven Correct! Bodies Are Dropping!

Hangmans Noose1 217x300 ETs/EDs Predictions Proven Correct! Bodies Are Dropping!ETs/EDs Were Right-Bodies Are Dropping!

ETs/EDs’ Predictions Come To Pass!

By John Kettler

ETs/EDs’ (extraterrestrials/extradimensionals) warnings made earlier here have been proven fatally correct. Ultra reliable information indicates some five plus CIA officials, ranking as high as the Deputy Director level, have apparently committed suicide en bloc by hanging themselves with their own silk ties. Some did it in their office cubes, while others were found dangling “where the trees talk to you” on the approach to the CIA’s main entrance. The “talking trees,” wired with both mikes and speakers, allow the unseen guards to challenge visitors and receive their responses–while watching visitors on security cameras. What the ETs/EDs said would occur has now occurred. Again!

The earlier blow made by ETs/EDs  against Israel’s efficient CIA equivalent, Mossad, targeted the little-known Kidon (“bayonet” in Hebrew), Mossad’s elite assassination unit. No additional details available. Nor did Israel heed the emphatic warning from the ETs/EDs regarding sailing her ex-French nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN), now wending slowly toward Iran via the long route. No way would Egypt have let it pass through the Suez Canal! The ETs/EDs know this, and said: “That boat is forfeit. It will simply vanish, never to be seen again.” Israel did not listen to the ETs/EDs and will suffer accordingly.

With ETs/EDs’ Predictions Made Here Now Multiply Proven, This Blog Generates New Alert Status!

The notoriously leaky CIA has reportedly created, and the DCI (Director of Central Intelligence) has recommended to other agencies, a new alert state indicator called the KC Level, short for Kettler Condition Level. The scale runs from one to ten–in Roman numerals, but this post, which shows the ETS/EDs’ predictions were spot on, is likely to force the users to go higher than that! The ETs/EDs are about to wreak wholesale havoc.

The KC Level depends on: the sensitivity of the information (information on ETs/EDs off the charts) in the latest post, the hazard said information poses and what has happened to confirm that and/or earlier posts. The KC Level now joins the more familiar Homeland Security Terrorism Threat Level and the scarier DEFCON (Defense (Alert) Condition; runs from 1-5, with 5 being the lowest and 1 being all-out thermonuclear war). What “that Kettler fellow” says in this blog has become the single most discussed topic in spook circles, be the topic ETs/EDs or other ID (instant diarrhea)-inducing matters.

ETs/EDs-Related Information In This Blog Creates Huge Government Reaction!

This tiny blog, with a handful of visitors (best day 76), but hordes of spooks who invisibly visit, read about ETs/EDs plus other sensitive stuff (please buy the writer’s E-book while you are here; on Home page), is having a gigantic impact, shaking the Intelligence Community and others to their very foundations, one literally through the ETs/EDs’ actions! This blog has triggered a government wide security clampdown and a witch hunt for the leak source/s, plus a chiding memo from one agency head to another as to whose “shop” has leaks.

Clearly, the spook community is paying exacting attention to everything said here on warnings from ETs/EDs, ETs/EDs’ announcements, ETs/EDs’ comments and ETs/EDs-related technology matters and is freaked over all this material on ETs/EDs getting out. This conclusively proves a) the U.S. government has knowingly lied for decades about the existence of UFOs, ETs/EDs, aliens, Visitors; b) all topics on /about ETs/EDs are National Security matters of the highest import and c) posts some think madness are precisely on target, hence, the extreme reaction.

The Agency (common name for the CIA) reportedly photocopied all this blog’s copyrighted posts and sent individual post collections (some 24,000 and accompanied by a survey) full of material on ETs/EDs to everyone at Langley. Hilariously, some got redacted versions, not being cleared for the information! Anyone with a redacted copy has but to come here to see what got redacted, be it on ETs/EDs or something else. To limit classified gossip, on ETs/EDs and other hot topics, no more than two at a time are allowed near the water cooler.

The Pentagon has not gone to such publishing extremes, but each post is copied and passed around by various individuals to people it affects/would find it of interest. This blog is also read avidly at the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) and NSA (National Security Agency), to name but a few.

ETs/EDs’ Activities–Looking Ahead

Since the ETs/EDs’ predictions have now been repeatly proven dead on, the ETs/EDs’ “street cred” must now be taken as astronomic. Senior spook officials have seen the ETs/EDs’ “handwriting on the wall,” could not stand it, and either offed themselves or were “suicided.” More bodies will continue to drop; it is a mathematical certainty. In turn, the disappearances the ETs/EDs promised, if not already begun, come next. And they will not be subtle, either. People will simply vanish on the spot. The people who do not read this blog may get excited, mistakenly believing the Rapture is happening.

The ETs/EDs are determined to extirpate the NWO (New World Order), but will ensure the innocent are not harmed. In parallel/after those disappearances will be spectacles no government can explain. Using the general form here is deliberate. Russia, China, the United Kingdom, Israel and other countries are already suffering/will suffer the same fate. The ETs/EDs have declared war on the NWO, and the ETs/EDs’ actions so far mere pinpricks! Critical targets and nodes will be hit first, but the entire NWO will be savaged–until it is no more and Earth and her people are free.