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Dan Ecklund, MD / From James Rink

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Dec. 30, 2011

I have spent the last several days intensely studying something which has made me question most of what I thought I knew about what is happening in the world. 
As you likely know, I am pretty conversant with most of the large conspiracies and cover-ups in the US as well as the world, including 9/11, Bilderbergers, Illuminati, CFR, Bush-Nazi connection, Trilateral Commission, NWO, UFOs, Roswell, implants, RFID chips, Disclosure, Stargate technology, Tesla Technology, Super Soldiers, mind control, DUMBs, teleportation, bases on Mars, Annununaki, Kazarians, Rothschilds, Templars, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Moon bases, Secret NASA, Vatican Secrets, Gnosticism (what am I missing?). 
Six months or so ago, I received a link to watch a video by DallasGoldBug (DBG or Ed Charini).  He was using forensic facial and ear analysis techniques to link persons from various media events together.  It seemed pretty interesting, but there were some things that I could not accept at the time.  One was that Dr. Steven Greer of Disclosure project was an actor, and the same actor as Mr. Jefferies, the polygamist undergoing trial at that time.  Another was that Benjamin Fulford is an actor, from Arizona, like most of the other actors DallasGoldBug was exposing, and the third was that Carol Rosin is an actress from Arizona as well!(yes, the Vilcabamba Carol, the former owner of Madre Tierra, the pathological liar who says she was run out of town, and who is famous for saying that she was the close confidant of Werner von Braun, who told her on his death bed that there was a planned fake Alien Invasion in the future that she should watch for.
I couldn’t accept those things, and wrote to a friend who is actually living in Carol’s former house.  He said that he thought that it was likely that Carol IS an actress.  Certainly, she became known in Ecuador as a pathological liar!.  But I dropped the whole subject at the time.
I recently got another suggestion that I watch a link, and it turned out to be a 100 minute long video by the same guy.  Here it is:
The Truth EXPOSED Full Video:
I have now watched most of this video three times, and have spent days studying his other videos and information.  It is not easy going, especially with a slow internet connection as I have here in Ukraine.   Basically, what he says is this:
Many of the public events that occupy the media are staged.  This includes murders, disappearances, police brutality, terrorist attacks, and demonstrations, among others.  Much of these staged operations involve actors from Arizona, especially from the Pima County Sheriff’s office, a particular film company, Pima college, and the Independent Film Association of Southern Arizona.  Actors from these organizations (including the Sheriff’s office) are found repeatedly in films from Toronto, New York, Dallas, but mostly Arizona.  These actors can be found as police one day, and as protestors the next.  And many of the actors are associated with a few wealthy Jewish families.  (well, DallasGoldBug doesn’t say Jewish, but they are Jewish.)
The author is trained as an artist and forensic facial examiner.  His work was included in a best selling book on the Kennedy assassination when he was only 15.  He first started picking up on this information when he began examining the case of the apparent shooting of US Representative Gabrielle Gifford in Tuscon in January 2011.  He found many things that did not make sense.  First of all, there was no blood.  There was no damage to the walls and windows of the store, behind where 9 people were shot.  The crime scene was not treated as a crime scene, but as an exercise stage. The same alarm was called in to the police dispatcher twice, several hours apart.  And later, he found that the 9 year old girl who was supposedly killed was never buried, had no birth certificate, no death certificate, and belonged to one of those powerful families.  But had a different name and different parents than that reported in the news. 
With the gift of idetic memory for faces, DGB discovered that certain faces kept showing up over and over in his media investigations.  And most of them were associated with either the Pima County Sheriff’s Department, or the Facebook account of someone named Dave Weiss.  By gleaning the photographs of these sources, and comparing the photos with facial analysis techniques, he began matching up the players from many different news stories.  And some of these faces were involved in the Gifford shooting, both at the time of the incident, but also as Gifford associates, Gifford’s 2 physicians, and even Gifford herself!  And photo of the supposed shooter is the photo of Weiss’s partner as owner of Radian-Helix Productions!   He even has a humorous video of Rep. Gifford and the actress who plays rep Gifford giving speeches, using identical hand and face gestures.
One of the news stories that he explored was the Columbine shooting—a very strange response, if you look at the videos.  Somewhere along the line, he discovered that there is a FEMA and Homeland Security program  to conduct mass casualty exercises, as in school shootings, bomb attacks, and others.  And that the  Homeland Security exercise plan described what each stage of the exercise would involve, what each player, monitor and participant would do.  And the ExPlan that is posted on the website was for a school shooting, just like Columbine.   (Since I began writing this, he appears to be updating his website, and I can no longer locate the extensive information and copies of the ExPlan papers.  I hope that he restores it soon!  I attach a School Shooting Exercise Plan document without the DBG commentary.)
He doesn’t really have one video which explains the whole concept.  He has hundreds of fragmentary videos, and a few more comprehensive ones.  The whole concept is so extensive, that it takes a while to wrap your head around it.  Most of the videos assume that you have a basic knowledge of the Gifford mass casualty exercise, but I haven’t found one video out of the hundreds that he has posted that lays out the whole Gifford information.  There are 10 or so videos which cover part of it.  The website itself is currently rather difficult to use.  The key is a little drop down box at the top left which lets you find most of the videos.  It is pretty easy to miss it, though.  It appears that the site is currently being redone.
After viewing the 100 min video here: The Truth EXPOSED Full Video:
I would recommend that you might go next to the Columbine video.  Then, you might pick up on some of the Gifford videos and try to put that together, and then find out about some of the players in the Greenberg/Strong families. and
I made a list of some of the events and persons connected to these groups, and it is quite extensive.  I don’t agree that all of these people are actors, or that they are all the same people that DGB says that they are, but even if only a few fit his analysis, that is a very important find.
I recognize that most of you are NOT very well connected with the Mainstream US Media, so your connections with many of these stories are thin.  But, the story is still important.  Because it shows us exactly how many of the programs to change the government and social systems of the world are being created.
One important finding is that many of the operations involved show the government in a bad light.  They say the same things that you and I would say.  Remember the long rant of the well-spoken young man at Occupy Wall Street, saying how we should do away with the Federal reserve?  Well, he is a member of that family I mentioned.  And I guess that they DO want to get rid of the Federal Reserve, and replace it with a One World Bank.
I also want to point out that the Homeland Security CZAR Janet Napolitano was governor of Arizona, and is sending a lot of money down there.  One of the things that money has produced is a computer system called CopLink.   CopLink allows police to access all kinds of information about someone, including the GPS on their cars, their credit card use, all kinds of data, link it together so that they can find anyone anywhere.  This program appears to be one of the goals of this media campaign.  It appears that they are trying to make all sorts of women and children appear to disappear so that they can then show a need to track them.  RFID chips in potential sex offenders may also be a goal of this program.
As we have discovered, the lie is different at every level!  I think that we have broken into a new level.  As DallasGoldBug says,
“You are witnessing the matrix crumble in front of your eyes.”
So, besides microchipping and CopLink, what are their goals?  Why in the world would a group interested in globalization support Occupy Wall Street and other movements which speak AGAINST NWO agendas?  DGB suggests three things, and I added a fourth:
1.       Demonize anything to do with Islam.
2.       Get rid of guns in US Civilian’s hands.
3.       Cause civil unrest to bring in World Bank (theirs)
4.       Cause nationwide acceptance of Cop List police data program
“Ask yourself how many foreign governments were ousted recently by angry mobs, rumored to have been instigated by CIA provocateurs?  [Think Greece, Spain, Italy, Libya, Yemen, Egypt…] Only to have the New World Order step in afterwards and set up their new banking systems?”  [ For example, look at Italy and Spain, both taken over by NWO/CFR economists!]
Most particularly, it is vital to understand the connections between Homeland Security, the Pima County Arizona Sheriff’s Department, and a film production company called Radian-Heliz Media.  As well as their connection with Israel, the Main Stream Media, and the elite internationalists.
A very good primer on these powerful families, and their Israeli and NWO connection:
Greenberg/Strong/Bloomberg photo family tree:
Here is a quote from Maurice Strong (Trilateral, Bilderberger, CFR, creator of Carbon Tax!)
What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment.



Will they do it?


The group's conclusion is 'no'. The rich countries won't do it. They won't change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?


Maurice Strong, Interview 1992, concerning the plot of a book he would like to write.

Strong is a former Canadian industrialist and globalist, who now lives in Switzerland.
Here are some of the events which DGB thinks are related to these groups.  See the legend below for the meaning of the symbols.  Most of this information can be found on the website.  Specific recommended links are included below:
Gifford Mass Shooting Drill:
“Cop Link”  data program* %
Rep. Gabrielle Gifford’s “shooting” &&!*+%$
                “Murder” of “  Christina Taylor Green” at that “shooting” !!!&&& *+%$ (Turns out she is alive and well, and her name is Samantha Sexton
                “Judge John Roll” supposedly murdered during this attack, is found to be a player named Christophe Schleppe and a Pima Cty sheriff deputy at 8 min in. %*
9-11 attacks + &%#
Amy Fisher &
Several of the most infamous missing women/girls cases:
Jon Benet Ramsey  %&
Casey Anthony “murder” !*+& (Alive and well, she is Sydney Greenberg, daughter of Tony) 12 minutes in
                Susan Powell “disappearance” %
                Holly Bobo “disappearance” %&+
                Colorado teen Kenia Monge disappearance %+
                “Foxy Knox” Amanda Knox imprisoned in Italy ?
                Missing Teen Yee Wah “Eve” Ho or Dave Weiss Associate Anchyi Lena Urena %+
Elizabeth Smart ? **                                                       LEGEND
                Jaycee Dugard “kidnapping” in 1991**                   !—Strongly suggestive
                                                                                                                ?—I am not convinced
OCCUPY WALL STREET !!! % * & + $#                                        *--Pima County Sheriffs office Personnel
                Young man giving rant about Fed $ &                     $--Independent Film Assn of Southern Arizona
                Black Marine Dream at Occupy WS *%                   +--Radian-Helix Personnel
Occupy Dallas $ % +#                                                                      %--Dave Weiss Film Studio Connection
Toronto G20 protests !!! % * $ +#                                              &--Greenberg/Strong/Blumberg /Bloomberg  Family Member
Ft Hood shooting!! %  + $                                                    (George Soros’ organization)                                   
Virginia Tech Shooting %#                                                          
Probably Oklahoma City Bombing                                          
DB Cooper $%                                  
Disclosure Project %$ * +
Carol Rosin ? % $ *
Jeff’s Family Arizona Polygamists % $
Project Avalon
                Eleni ?
William Cooper = Jordan Maxwell?
Sgt Clifford Stone?
The Shoe Bomber and Underwear Bomber ! % * $
Sybil Edmonds, 9/11 FBI informant &
“Nurse Nayirah”, “Kuwaiti Nurse” whose woeful fable about Iraqis taking babies out of incubators got us into the gulf war !!! &
                A member of the Greenberg/Strong family, she is now is a PressTV reporter, pretending to be an Arab!!!
Seal Team 6, the ones who supposedly shot Osama: !!! %  No, they didn’t die, they are alive and on Dave Weiss’ Facebook page!!!
Osama Bin Laden &
Rockefeller Family !&
David de Rothschild (the “Good” Rothschild) !! & $
Dr. Mengele &
Adolph Eichmann and other Nazis &
Project Paperclip !&
AIG !&  Maurice Greenberg was CEO
Lady Gaga!!%&  about 1:14 into it.
Benjamin Fulford?—though I am not entirely convinced about this one.
Dreamworks Studios !&
Southern Poverty Law Center *&
Oath Keepers!*
Nevada Organic Picnic Raided %+&
Koran Burning Preacher !*
Man raided by SWAT for overdue student loans *
Marine Sgt shot 71 times by “mistake” *%
Jennifer Jones--Woman arrested for speaking out in town hall meeting  in Arizona *&
Airport security beats up woman %
Race car “Death” of TV personality Ryan Dunn of Jackass, etc. %+ (He is still alive, filming at Move On WS and Dallas)
Manhunt for ex-Marine and supposed Oathkeeper Chapter Leaader “Charles Dyer” accused of child rape—actually Pima County Sheriff’s dept officer!!! *$
Today Show &
Press TV &
Canadian TV &
WikiLeaks #
This is a lot of information, a lot of analysis, a lot of conjecture.  And I am sure that not all of these persons are actors.  But, if there is even ONE of them who is an actor, and is playing these roles in different media productions passed off as REALITY, then that is important.  And if, as DGB says, these people are instilling fear in order to cause the change of our government or laws, then THAT BY DEFINITION IS TERRORISM.
Dan Ecklund, MD
James Rink:
PDF FILE "ExPlan File"
----- Original Message ----
From: James Rink
Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2011 1:25 AM
Subject: Fw: Further Down the Rabbit Hole
HI James
Thanks for this. I will forward it to my other friends. James Horak's team pointed this concept out to me awhile back and I checked out the wellaware website. Their research into this is well worth checking out also. I'm happy to send you Crystal Clark's research on this and her radio shows through skype if you would like? The most compelling part of this was the modus operandi behind control of public perception. That is the replacement of the Federal Reserve with the one world bank beginning with countries in the middle east. The other agenda's being realised as the man pointed out were taking guns out of civilian hands thanks to Columbine. It was no coincidence Michael Moore made his popular documentary `Bowling for Columbine'. However, his drama surrounding the national rifle asssociation chairman Charleton Heston's non-cancellation of their association's meeting following the shooting highlights how this had an ulterior motive.
I think it was you who pointed out to me that Maurice Strong is Khazarian and a Nazi going under two other names. I have a friend who is a political journalist and she recently interviewed Carol Rosen. So, it would be good to receive her feedback on this. The fact Carol is Jewish and associated with Werner Von Braun is of course suspicious in itself. Moreover, once again the agenda of creating a hostile alien invasion thesis is well supported by Carolyn. The whole comet Elenin fiasco built up by Hoagland and Proj Cam never once resolved or really analysed what was really going on. It was infact an E.T. ship and they're here to help if we really need it. However, not in the way Sheldon Nidle et al are portraying it. Groups like Exopolitics give containment to the situation for the cabal so E.T.'s are `identified' and their `behaviour' `culture' `motives' are all of course easily explained and put into `Newspeak'. The fact of the matter James is there are several other groups living in our solar system. Sagen and NASA have known about this for sometime. If this concept was introduced to people their stupid hostile alien thesis wouldn't hold water. None of these groups living in our system want anything to do with us. There are various reasons why E.T. groups are here but I'm not going to speak for them as Cassidy, Webre, Ashayana Deane and all the others so often do.
9/11 is the staged event that woke many of us up and indeed even the BBC admitted that many of the bombers were regular civilians resident in other countries at the time. One mother horrified to see her son portrayed as a terrorist and seen to be dead by the world contacted the FBI. They said `so what?' and they weren't interested! Something which isn't given wide media publicity. The course of creating a set pool of actors for media terrorism was therefore set. The control of perception is paramount and people do so readily believe not only their media but their social media websites. Say anything bad about James Rink on facebook and within a day you're cast off. I know you use the word cloning alot and according to Horak it is more accurately body sculpting due to the process involved. Apparently, they cannot clone per se. They have a form of it thereof. This is why you see anomalies in the lookalikes such as two moles on Hilary clinton's right cheek and missing on another. The other fact James is not many people really socialise with the Bushes and the Clintons etc. All they perceive is through a TV screen and other electronic media.
The one world bank is being centralised across the board and since police states are expensive we're seeing built in redundancy in everything not least the human being. Terry Gilliam's Brazil film clearly shows constant `terrorist acts' keeping people in fear in order to feed the machine of constant war preparedness which of course takes out those rebelling and seeing through the system of lies. In my country everything breaks down now and China serve that booming economy of crappiness. Corporations are the only ones able to pay the huge taxes demanded and we're in a fascist dictatorship as more and more is taken back by the cabal. So, individualism and true creativity are stifiled and dumbing down and the illusion of `knowledge' are encouraged. Educational standards drop every year and the debt created by the loans feed the machine while allowing the cabal to go after the parents of these kids.
So in conclusion James is it really so surprising that some of this could well be true? Manipulating perception is a big part of control. They've done this before in the last war. Those particular people who were taken to concentration camps had genetic traits which empowered humanity. Specifically, immunity to certain diseases and mind control frequencies. The Reichstag fire was staged and manipulated to make people believe the communists were taking over the country and in steps Hitler. Films like V for Victory made by the same group who gave us the Matrix clearly show this Heglegian Dialectic in action. That is problem, reaction and solution. If you remember this film you'll know that `V' was a product of genetic experiments to do with immunity.
The creation of the alternative media was done to muddy the waters on those they knew would be onto them. Create enough smoke and enough fires and you'll never be able to navigate. They create facebook and use technology in an attempt not only to manipulate us but to pre-empty what we might do. But not everything can be controlled James. Technology is always a poor imitation of nature and although they have some knowledge of unified theory they haven't got all the bases covered.
Thanks again for all this and take care.