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DEc. 26, 2011







   1. The Executive Branch

       Council on Foreign Relations

       Trilateral Commission

       The Bilderberg Group

       National Security Council

       Joint Chiefs of Staff

       National Program Office

       Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)


   2. Intelligence Branch

       National Security Agency (NSA)

       National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)

       National Reconnaissance Organization

       Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

       Federal Bureau of Investigation, Counter Intelligence Division (FBI)

       Department of Energy Intelligence

       NSA's Central Security Service and CIA's Special Security Office

       U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM)

       U.S. Navy Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)

       U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI)

       Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

       NASA Intelligence

       Air Force Special Security Service

       Defense Industry Security Command (DISCO)

       Defense Investigative Service

       Naval Investigative Service (NIS)

       Air Force Electronic Security Command

       Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Intelligence

       Federal Police Agency Intelligence

       Defense Electronic Security Command

       Project Deep Water

       Project Paperclip


   3. War Department

       CIA's Directorate for Science and Technology

       Strategic Defense Initiative Office (SDIO)

       Ballistic Missile Defense Org. (BMDO)

       Department of Energy (DOE)

       Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories

       Sandia National Laboratories-West (SNL-W)

       Idaho National Engineering Laboratories (INEL)

       Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)

       Phillips Air Force Laboratory

       Tonapah Test Range

       Haystack (Buttes) USAF Laboratory, Edwards AFB, California

       Los Alamos National Laboratories

       Area 51/Groom Lake (USAF/DOE/CIA) Base & S-4 (Papoose Lake Base)

       U.S. Special Forces Command

       Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

       The Jason Group

       Aquarius Group

       Defense Science Board

       Defense Nuclear Agency

       U.S. Space Command

       North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)

       Air Force Office of Space Systems

       National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

       NASA's Ames Research Center

       Project Cold Empire

       Project Snowbird

       Project Aquarius

       Project MILSTAR

       Project Tacit Rainbow

       Project Timberwind

       Project Code EVA

       Project Cobra Mist

       Project Cold Witness


   4. Weapons Industry

       Stanford Research Institute, Inc.


       RAND Corporation

       Edgerton, Germhausen & Greer Corporation

       Wackenhut Corporation

       Bechtel Corporation

       United Nuclear Corporation

       Walsh Construction Company

       Aerojet (Genstar Corporation)

       Reynolds Electronics Engineering

       Lear Aircraft Company

       Northrop Corporation

       Hughes Aircraft

       Lockheed-Maritn Corporation

       McDonnell-Douglas Corporation

       BDM Corporation

       General Electric Corporation

       PSI-TECH Corporation

       Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)


   5. Financial Department

       Federal Reserve System

       CIA self-financing

       Department of Justice self-financing

       Special Forces self-financing



   40 Acres In A Prison by Crystal Cartier




Regular Features


Myth Breakers


Did You Know?


   Part 1-AIFLD in Central America: Agents as Organizers

   Part 2-Children, Labor, Fraud, Elite Groups

   Part 3-Israeli Draft Resister, World Economic Forum members


America's Concerns


   Part 1-Public School Education

   Part 2-Stem Cell Research

   Part 3-Government Surveillance

   Part 4-Who Are the Real Criminals?


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