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Dec. 25, 2011



On June 29th of this year I was contacted by an anonymous source inside the Masonic hierarchy; someone I could call part of the 'Illuminati', as we understand that group.  I was given a warning that we were approaching what they termed 'Blackout' - 55 days from June 29th.  That day arrived 55 days to the day of his warning - on August 23rd - with the 'earthquakes' in Virginia, reaching as far as NYC,

followed by a hurricane, and yes, power-outage 'blackouts' up and down the Eastern seaboard.

That is to preface this mass e-mail which comes under unfortunate times in our nation's history, and even more unfortunately during the holiday season; however, as many of you are already aware, President Obama is on the verge of signing into law the National Defense Authorization Act, whose conditions were stipulated by his administration, to turn America into a 'battlefield' wherein American citizens can be detained indefinitely by the military without trial, in violation of Habeas Corpus and any pretense of 'due process'. 

Since September 11, 2001, we have watched our constitution shredded under the guise of national security and safety in the 'Homeland' (as only an empire would need to distinguish between its homeland and foreign-held territories); but as a republic, just like the German republic from 1932 to 1945, we 'thought we were free'.  Now, with the passage of this act, our government is making an overt declaration of war upon the constitutional republic of the United States, in conjunction with a financial elite that is rapidly watching their control wither in conjunction with a collapsing Euro, and dollar to follow.  The Russians, under Putin, have recognized the Anglo-American desire for an 'Armageddon' situation in the Middle East, and have moved to block, thus far, American-Israeli direct intervention into Syria and Iran.  From the Illuminati perspective, as related to me by another member, the 'new Bolsheviks' are all that stands in the way of general thermonuclear war (in fact, the Russians have directed their nuclear arsenal at America's European-based missiles as a clear warning against the outbreak of World War III in the Middle East). 

When I returned from Iran three months ago, I made a public statement that Iran has the right to nuclear weapons.  That is to say, we must defend the sovereignty of the nation-state against the New World Order's rapid attempts to dissolve any pretense remaining of sovereign nations.  That is the actual target of this NDAA - the notion of the republic of the United States.  Do not doubt that the return of US army and private military personnel from Iraq to the United States is a step toward the implementation of martial law on American soil, 'in case of emergency'.  The conditions around Occupy Wall Street are quite possibly the prerequisite for such actions, as can be witnessed by the London demonstrations that ended in martial law, earlier this year. 

We are all now perceived as 'sheeple' by the Illuminati 'aristocratic' oligarchy behind President Obama - the first President who has to date assassinated American citizens, used unmanned drones for police actions inside the United States, and now, with the NDAA, will turn America into a battlefield.  President Obama warrants impeachment for those reasons, and if we can make Obama's impeachment the focus of the next six months, I believe this coming 'blackout' can be averted.  If anyone believes that 'concentration camps' are impossible inside the United States, I recommend watching the Conspiracy Theory episode my friends Jessie Ventura and Alex Jones made, proving these camps are all too real (this is the one episode of Conspiracy Theory that was subsequently banned by the network -

Further, the time-frame for this 'curtain call' will unfold in the next three months, as I've been told by multiple sources.  In fact, the aid to the author of this NDAA legislation personally warned a mutual friend to get out of the country by April of 2012.  But I don't believe in fear-mongering; I believe that through the dissemination of information, and through the courage to speak truth to liars and cowards, the United States republic will prevail against empire. 

A friend of mine, Dennis Speed, who works with Lyndon LaRouche's PoliticalActionCommittee may also be contacting some or all of you in the coming days and weeks to brief you further on the developing situation...

Warm Regards,


p.s. - Over this holiday season, I'd recommend a reading of Milton Mayer's book "They Thought They Were Free" (The Germans, 1933-1945).

FWD: From Dennis


"How can you expect the Congress that voted for NDAA, to vote for Obama's impeachment?", is an Aristotelian question, and obviously so.  
How do you expect the same cup that holds poison, to hold medicine? 
How do you expect the same shovel that picked up dirt, to hit someone in the back of the head? 
How do you expect the same group of people that do nothing, to do something? 
How do you expect people that think one way, to think another way?
Platonists always know the answer; Aristotelians do also, but they lie about it. 
The answer is, you take responsibility for making what you {want} to have happen, happen. 
The Aristotelians lie and say, "you can't", because they know that self-determined responsibility is denied to slaves. 
That's what Aristotle calls "The Politics".
The surest way to keep a man in slavery is to allow him to perpetuate
 the delusion that his/her problems are the result of the failings of others. 
"The fault lies not in our Congress, but in ourselves, that we are underlings". 
That thought, however, will darken your Christmas delusion with the shadow of Washington's Revolution. 
Wouldn't want to do that, wouldja?
"Behold, I will tell you a mystery": everything that happens, is either what you allow to happen, 
what you want to happen, or what you do not prevent to happen. 
"We {shall} not die, but we {shall} be changed" is a statement of intent, and therefore, only be means of intent, 
a statement of fact: " in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye" is the time it takes to decide. 
But you, not the Congress, have to decide whether Obama is impeached or not. 
If you have read Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and understood it, then that, compared to what he had to deal with, 
is an easy task.
As the Irishman demanded:"What are your prepared
 to do?"
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: SS
To:  JR
Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2011 6:16 PM
Subject: FW: Alarming