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Treason's Greetings!

Rebecca Campbell

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Dec. 19, 2011

From the same public servants who have gifted us with:


o The 9/11 state terrorist attacks against the American people, as well as many other false flag state terrorist attacks against the people of the world since the 19th century;


o The incremental gutting of the US Bill of Rights using 9/11 as a pretext, with the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001, the Military Commissions Act of 2006, the proposed Homegrown Terrorism and Radicalization of 2007, and now the embedded detention/torture provisions in the

National Defense Authorization Act of 2012,  as well as many other such enabling pieces of legislation/unchallenged executive orders/statutes/policies and court decisions since the latter part of the 19th century;


o  Since 1989, the US Congress-sanctioned covert/proxy US military/NATO/UN/IDF genocides in Panama, Haiti, Kosovo/Bosnia, Central Africa, Lebanon, Iraq, Afganistan, Gaza, Libya and Pakistan, with further planned US/NATO/IDF genocides in Syria and Iran, the latter seven also using the 9/11 state false flag terrorist attacks against the American people as a pretext for these war crimes;  this also includes the covert ongoing geobiocide -- the destruction of the planet and all life upon it -- occuring in and around, as well as from,

Fukushima and the region of the Gulf of Mexico;


o  Aiding and abetting through strategic legislative action and inaction the banking cartel-engineered destruction, through massive fraud, of the global financial system and consolidation of control of the communications media and educational systems, with this financial and cultural terrorism being especially directed at the American people as a prominent example for all to take warning;


o  Aiding and abetting through strategic legislative action and inaction the use covert terrorism against the American people and the people of the world through chemical and biological toxification, mass mind control and disturbance of/in our air, water, land, food, water, medicine and physical wellbeing, the massive suppression of alternative energy technologies, the covert use of threats, harassment, illegitmate criminalization and imprisonment as well as violence and assassination against those who dissent --o  As well as so much more -- all with the intention of reducing the population of our planet by 90%, the better to help the 1% completely to enslave those who survive. 


We the people -- the real superpower -- the 99% -- must together take back our power from these inhuman systems created in our name that have betrayed us.  We must first confess our complicity in the creation of these systems through willful ignorance and denial, then act peacefully but decisively to dismantle them, thenceforth using our power to create that which truly sustains our integrity as  human beings, and that of this world which we seek more fulsomely to occupy.


May you draw power from that of this holy season, both to look within and act withal, on your own behalf and that of all life, humbly accepting the possibility of unexpected.

Campbell Rebecca: