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FULFORD: Weekly Geopolitial News and Analysis20111205: The US Senate and Obama claiming the right to murder and imprison Americans without trial was a fatal mistake

Benjamin Fulford

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Dec. 5, 2011

The word is that the Pentagon, the agencies and the militias are on the brink of taking violent action against President Obama and the Senators who claimed the right to kill and/or indefinitely imprison Americans without trial. The criminal cabal in Washington D.C. and Wall Street may be able to pretend they are setting up a fascist/totalitarian dictatorship in the US for a while longer but no serious armed group is going to support them. The same is true in Europe were Freemason P2 lodgers and Bilderbergers will make a move towards fascist control this week and will seem to be on the offensive but will ultimately fail. The simple fact of the matter is that these fascists simply do not have any reality to back up the numbers they are putting into their financial computers to bribe people and hire bully boys. They are mathematically doomed.

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analys