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Benjamin Fulford

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Nov. 28, 2011

Chaos prevails at the highest levels of government in the West.  What can be added to this report? Not much, from me, at least. This "Truth is stranger than Fiction" story rings very true to me, and I'm sure many reading this will find it not a surprise, especially based up on previous articles by Ben, David Wilcock, and others.
The even greater surprise for most will be who has really been working behind the scenes to support all of this, and keep the planet from being destroyed by these Gog-Magog folks (and whatever happened to "Pa-Gog"?).
Highlights...the story is that the true source of power in the West, control of the financial system, fell into the hands of fanatical religious cultists who wanted to artificially make the prophecies in an ancient religious text (the Torah or Old Testament), come true.


This fraud-based is enterprise is now falling apart.

One of the immediate triggers is a lawsuit that was filed in New York on November 23rd, claiming the assets of the global financial system belong to the people of the planet and not a powerful religious cult that uses the United Nations as a façade.

Since neither most Jews nor many Asian wealthy families wished to hand over their gold, the cult staged World War 2 in order to confiscate it.

Instead of global development, the religious cultists started the cold war. Their aim was to stage an end-times war between “Gog and Magog”...A group of 77 nations, known as the non-aligned group, disagreed with these plans ...

...the cultists forged the rights to create money... using arcane financial instruments devised by Henry Kissinger... [and] created a false organization known as the OITC...

With their... Gog-Magog plan not working, the cultists devised a new plan... the new Gog would be the G5 Nations... the Magog would be Russia, China and Iran. The... trigger to this new Armageddon was to be a limited nuclear war between Israel and Iran

Fortunately for us, the Pentagon, the Russian Military and the Chinese government were all refusing to go along with this insane cult scenario... Instead, an elaborate sting operation was set up...

The cultists were planning to flee either to underground bases or the Southern Hemisphere when their fake Armageddon started.

[Ban Ki] Moon... is a lackey of high level cultists like the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Henry Kissinger, the Warburgs, the Morgans, the Rothschilds and the Bush/Clinton crime syndicate.

The very fountain of their power in the post-war era was fraud perpetrated on the people of the planet. This lawsuit gets at the very heart of that fraud...

As the cult control grid in the G5 countries falls apart over the coming weeks and months, humanity will be presented with mind-boggling information about their hidden history. New ways of running the planet will be openly debated.