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The Awakening and 2011

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There has been so much information coming out this past year about the powers behind world events, that it is now clear we’re headed for some kind of revolution.

Indeed, elite manipulator Zbigniew Brzezinski warned other globalists at the Council on Foreign Relations conference in Montreal that “For the first time in all of human history mankind is politically awakened – that’s a total new reality – it has not been so for most of human history.”

The big players on the world stage, often collectively labeled the ‘Illuminati’ are sometimes accused of using occult philosophy when conducting their operations. Churchill was a member of the Druidic Orders:

In Numerology D-Day fell on 666

6/6/1944 = 1+9+4+4 = 18 which is a multiple of 6 = 666

The 9/11 attacks are often brought up in numerology:

In occultism the number 9 represents the planet Mars the god of war, and the twin towers symbolise America which is ruled by Gemini the sign of the twins, illustrating the powers of war attacking america, and the only world power able to stand down of all the US defence systems, I.C.B.M retaliation capability, Air Force, ground watch forces, N.S.A computers, Intersatelite monitoring, and to send President Bush off to speak with school children was of course America itself.

The number 11 also represents the coming age of aquarius; the theory being that lots of important events incorporate the number 11 while leading up to the new age, either by deliberate planning by powerful people, or an unknown planetary force from the cosmos.

The numbers on the fireman’s hat during George Bush’s famous Ground Zero speech add up to 11. The attacks themselves were on September 11th. The twin towers can illustrate the number 11.

Most people with a passing interest in the occult will also have heard of Freemasons and the 33 degrees. Like Brzezinski’s book The Grand Chessboard, the game of chess is a game of strategy and planning for war, the pieces number 32 and the board itself makes it 33, this is the highest number in old testament numerology.

Infamous occultist Aleister Crowley was a close friend of Churchill, and as noted by the Guardian:

It was also Crowley who gave Churchill his famous victory sign, a magickal gesture to counteract the Nazi’s use of the swastika.

It is not always necessary to go that far down the rabbit hole when exposing the world elite. It will be impossible to awaken every single person to the dark antics of some of our rulers. The political awakening we are experiencing is because it’s plainfully ovious that what they’re doing is criminal.

This last year we have seen governments giving the people’s money to the banks, this shows the power in these countries really lays with the money men – it’s common sense. We might call them the Illuminati, but it’s not necessary because we can openly observe that they are behind the scenes choosing the puppets we call presidents and prime ministers; magic or ritual understanding is not fundamental to overthrowing the crooks.

Governments see their own people as their enemy, and recent law changes against the people show a tightening of the control grid. The TV news has become a laughable parody of minor celebrities and sport, with x factor and dancing shows critically analysed instead of hardline world issues. The TV soaps are social engineering exercises in distraction, and newspapers are now seen as what they are, just rags of lowbrow titilation that the public no longer fully support. J P Morgan, Lord Beaverbrook and Rupert Murdoch have all twisted the news in the newspapers and are part of the same anti democratic group that run TV and entertainment; this monopoly does not report news,

its remit is to ‘make it’.

The Queen’s televised speech was not about the country in crisis, people living on the streets, jobs and homes being snatched from British families, old people dying of starvation and hyperthermia, the economy, freezing weather, GM foods, more wars being prepared… it was about sport! another out of touch ‘let the people eat cake’ speech, they cant have homes jobs clean water or real food but they can have sport.

‘we the people’ must make it clear that we don’t want to bail out crooked bankers, we dont want genetically modified foods, we dont want any more daft wars, we want peace, real food clean water jobs and homes, proper news without the nonsense hatred and propaganda.

The Lunar eclipse coinciding with the winter solstice on Demember 21st was an important omen for anyone of a spiritual persuasion, and the pundits predicted several earthquakes and floods.

In occult terms this coming year 2011, 2 and 11 refer to force strength and fortitude, and is the sign of Leo.

The full moon on August 1st in Aquarius in the first house at London, could signify much conflict in England over foreign colonisaton, and either Barack Obama’s birthday on August 1st or the New moon on August 30 would be the time for another damagaing event like a false flag op.

The number 11 is one of the most significant of numbers and the choice of the 11-11 for remembering glorifying and justifying the wars is not coincidence. The Hebrew mathematicians have a vast occult lore surrounding these twin pillars, and it is seen as an ominous number and one of warning in this, its own year.

Of course not everyone will venture this far down the rabbit hole. To most people, it’s almost a given that there will be more riots thanks to cuts, continued conflict and more false flags. That’s the nature of the beast.

Information is information and needs to be tailored for the individual to have the greatest impact for freedom. Those that delve in to spiritual and occult concepts are not kooks, but if they see things coming over the horizon it would be more constructive to present the information in a way that the average person can understand.

And those that stick to mainstream facts are not ignorant, they can only take people to the next level of the rabbit hole if those people make it through the first stage.

Both sets of people will be instrumental in the coming 2011 chaos when it comes to educating and freeing the masses. So whether you delve in to the occult or stick to topics like the Banking scam, we are in this together and on the same side!


T Stokes was Britian’s first lecturer in paraspiritual and eschatological studies.

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