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China Warns Russia Of Coming American 'Great Event'

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

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A shocking new Federal Security Services (FSB) report on Prime Minister Putin’s meeting this past week with one of China’s top military leaders is warning that the United States and its Western allies are in “active preparation” for the unleashing of a series of catastrophic events over the coming year designed to throw the world into chaos from which they hope global economic and social order can be restored.

According to this FSB report, China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS) were given the outlines of this massive plot by a former Blackwater mercenary named Bryan Underwood who was a contract security guard at a US consulate in China who believed his actions in getting this information to China and Russia would help avert an “apocalypse.”

Underwood has subsequently been arrested by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) who stated in their arrest report of him that: “According to the superseding indictment, from about March 1, 2011, to about Aug. 5, 2011, Underwood knowingly and unlawfully attempted to communicate photographs and other information relating to the national defense to representatives of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), with the intent and reason to believe that these materials would be used to the injury of the United States and to the advantage of a foreign nation.”

Chinese intelligence sources quoted in this report appear to verify Underwood’s fears by noting that the over 1,000 top-secret US documents and photographs obtained by them show an American government “under siege” from multiple threats they fear will spread causing the unleashing of “unprecedented chaos” from which “normal order” will never be able to be reestablished again.

These US fears of “unprecedented chaos” appear to be well founded as the massive protests spreading around the world due to the Global Economic Meltdown have now hit America with over 700 reported arrested Sunday in New York City and further unrest now spreading across the United States.

Even worse, this report shows the US government is also “terrified” over new reports detailing the “unprecedented loss” of our Earth’s protective ozone layer over the Arctic that shows no signs of abating and is further expected to cause even worse weather cataclysms in a world barely able to sustain its equilibrium from the historic natural disasters it has experienced already this year that are now the costliest in history

As open revolution has now reached the American shores due to the unstoppable “Global Financial Apocalypse” that will wipe out the savings of millions, and as our world’s ecosystems are undergoing massive shifts too, this report details an insidious US government plot to “manage and control” these many disasters it and its allies face by their “embracing mass genocide” as a means to sustain their survival.

In fact, one of the most chilling documents given to China’s MSS by Underwood details how the Central Intelligence Agencies (CIA) Haqqani terror network in Pakistan has launched an unprecedented bio-attack using the dengue fever virus the Americans plan to “modify” and then reintroduce into their own population.

In the spring and summer of 1981, Cuba experienced a severe hemorrhagic dengue fever epidemic. Between May and October 1981, the island nation had 158 dengue-related deaths with about 75,000 reported infection cases.

At the height of the epidemic, over 10,000 people (per day) were found infected and 116,150 were hospitalized. At the same time during 1981 outbreak, covert biological warfare attacks on Cuba’s residents and crops were believed to have been conducted against the island by CIA contractors and military airplane flyovers.

Particularly harmful to the nation was a severe outbreak of swine flu that Fidel Castro attributed to the CIA. American researcher William H. Schaap, an editor of Covert Action magazine, claims the Cuba dengue outbreak was the result of CIA activities.

In 1982, the then Soviet media reported that the CIA sent operatives into Afghanistan from Pakistan to launch a dengue epidemic. The Soviets at the time claimed the operatives were posing as malaria workers, but, instead, were releasing dengue-infected mosquitoes. The CIA denied the charges. In 1985 and 1986, authorities in Nicaragua accused the CIA of creating a massive outbreak of dengue fever that infected thousands in that country.

To anyone doubting the ruthlessness of the United States one need only look at the events of this past week that saw for the first time in history their President ordering the assassination of 2 American citizens without either evidence or trial. Only the “secret evidence” the US government said it had, but would not reveal, was used to justify these state-sponsored killings, an action US Presidential candidate Ron Paul warned yesterday may be an impeachable offense.

It is, also, worth noting at this point that the once great United States has descended so far into the abyss of tyranny that it has all but abolished trials for those citizens convicted of crimes and who, according to the New York Bar Association, has established a gulag system that aside from its holding more prisoners than any other nation in the world, is actively torturing over 80,000 of them in blatant violation of all International and Humanitarian laws and which today over 12,000 US prisoners are now reported on hunger strike in protest against their abuse.

To the exact “catastrophic events” revealed to China’s MSS by Underwood the US plans against not only its own people, but the world too, this FSB report warns, is centered on creating those conditions necessary for all-out global war to include: 1.) The deliberate implosion of both the US and EU economies in order to destroy the Global Financial System that has been in place since the ending of World War II; 2.) The launching of a massive conventional war by the US and EU on the North American, African and Asian Continents to include the Middle East; 3.) During this all-out war the deliberate releasing of bio-warfare agents meant to kill off millions, if not billions, of innocent civilians; 4.) At the height of this war the US and its allies will sue for peace and call for a new global order to be established in order to prevent the total destruction of our planet.

Important to note about the terrifying claims made in this FSB report was the verification of them by the World Net Daily (WND) News Service, who, in their article titled US Prepping For 'Tank-on-Tank' War, quoted a confidential source of theirs within the US Department of Defense (DOD) warning them that the US is currently in preparation for the unleashing of a massive conventional war.  And as WND directly quoted their DOD source, they indicated that “something else” is due and warns that the entire US military establishment is “expecting something conventional, and big, coming down the pipe relatively soon.”     

As we had reported on in our 16 September report Massive US Troop Buildup On Mexican Border Fuels Invasion Fears, the North American component of this massive conventional war being planned by the US will involve the invasion of Mexico, Central American and South America to secure for the Americans the vast energy and mineral resources of this region.

The Asian and Middle Eastern component of this massive new US war will involve a massive land invasion of the nuclear armed nation of Pakistan, and which new reports today are showing American and Pakistani troops are now openly engaged in firing at one another. [Note:Adding to the humiliation of Pakistan by the US was this past week’s arrest of CIA agent Raymond Davis who the Pakistanis were forced to release under threat of invasion.]  

This FSB report further details the American plan to “fully engage” China in this war because they will undoubtedly come to the defense of Pakistan.  But not just to defeat China is the American goal, but to gain for itself the vital energy sources of the South China Sea which this past week the official Chinese Communist Party newspaper warned they will go to war to defend.

As to the US plot to destroy both theirs and the EU economies, thus plunging the world into the greatest economic depression in history, it is now but all assured as aside from Europe’s economic collapse, China has issued an ultimatum to the US warning that unless their actions are changed a massive trade war between these two powers will ensure.

Important to note is that this coming trade war and global economic depression has long been warned about and is a nearly exact repeat of the actions taken by the US leading up to World War II.

Even more important to note is that war is an essential part of the US capitalistic economic system and was made “official policy” by the US National Security Council in a top-secret document designated NSC-68 in 1950 that essential turned the United States into a “total military society.”

Theories of Military Keynesianism and the military-industrial complex which NSC-68 codified became popular after the World War II, and perhaps for a good reason. The prospect of military demobilization, particularly in the United States, seemed alarming. The US elite remembered vividly how soaring military spending had pulled the world out of the Great Depression, and it feared that falling military budgets would reverse this process. If that were to happen, the expectation was that business would tumble, unemployment would soar, and the legitimacy of free-market capitalism would again be called into question.

And where America found herself at the end of World War II it now finds itself again.  And, once again, the call for massive war is being heard again in the “land of the free, home of the brave” as influential Obama advisor and Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman stated best this past week, “What we need is actually the financial equivalent of war. What actually brought the Great Depression to an end was the enormous public spending program otherwise known as World War II.”

For anyone to equate World War II and its hundreds of millions of casualties as nothing more than an “enormous public spending program” shows beyond all doubt how dangerous these Western elites are to our entire planet and the brutal lengths they will go to in insuring their survival.

To the exact time line planned by the US and EU for the launching of their master plot to dominate the world through its destruction and remaking it is not in our knowing.  What is in our knowing though is that it will come much sooner than later taking many by surprise, except those knowing how to heed the “signs of the seasons.”

4 October 2011 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]

Oct. 4, 2011