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Alcuin Bramerton

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US Pentagon and Russian military now aligned against US Fed / Wall Street bankster cabal. Recently printed fiat-paper Dollars and Euros start to get rejected as legitimate currency across world. G5 cabal-controlled nations (US, UK, Germany, France, Italy) increasingly isolated. Monaco Colloquium majority group wrest control.

Increasingly, Monaco Colloquium nations across the world are declining to accept recently issued US Dollars or Euros "printed" by major banks which are still operating under the control of Nazi-continuum puppetmasters in the US Fed and Wall Street . The US cabal's outposts in Old Europe are being similarly shunned. This is one of the roots of the liquidity crisis in the EuroZone.


Just recently, two people of status went to Japanese banks with US dollars in cash. One had the serial numbers on his (new) dollars checked. His money was rejected as worthless. The other found that he was able to exchange his (old) US dollars for yen after the bank scrutinised their numbers against a legitimacy list. Then a bank card was presented by a third party. It was not accepted by Mitsubishi or Citibank cash dispensers, but was processed by Mizuho and Sumitomo Bank machines. Mitsubishi & Citibank have yet to detach themselves from (unlawful) US Fed control.


In Japan, the remaining senior agent for the US Fed cabal is reported to be Vice Finance Minister, Eijiro Katsu. According to Japanese military intelligence, the new Japanese Prime Minister, Yoshihiko Noda, is Eijiro Katsu's controlled puppet. Katsu is also said to be in bed with powerbroker Ichiro Ozawa's pro-G5 criminal syndicate in Japan in its attempts to loot the extensive funds controlled by the Sokka Gakkai Buddhist group.


Chinese whispers persist about Sokka Gakkai's reach in the region. A question is being asked in Japan, Taiwan, China and the Koreas: Is Hu Jintao, President of the People's Republic of China, a Sokka Gakkai-linked Japanese agent run by the G5 Western cabal?


It is rumoured that Hu Jintao has crafted a fake history for himself which has fooled the Communist Party of China. In reality, it is said, Hu Jintao is a Japanese agent and is being blackmailed by Washington about his covert status. During January 2011, major China-linked corruption emerged at the US Treasury. Swiss slushfunds had been set up for ChiCom officials. Hu Jintao was a beneficiary. More here (07.02.11).


And more comment on the collapse of the G5 Western cabal's fiat-paper casino can be found here (28.09.11) and here (28.09.11).