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----- Original Message -----

From: JL


Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 10:50 PM

Subject: Re: Colorado Springs, Denver


I do not believe the underground bases under Colorado Springs and DIA airport are of much use to the dark side anymore.  In hindsight I now understand what my contract on earth shan entailed.  I joined my local national guard unit right out of high school and was promptly attached to another local unit for their deployment to Fort Carson Colorado, right next to Cheyanne mountain.  During this time my awakening process kicked into overdrive.  All I could feel was intense sorrow and guilt for the things that took place in those underground bases.  I would spend many sleepless nights walking around Fort Carson, thinking about and transmuting these negative energies.  

I understand much better now who I was before this current incarnation and that my mission was to clear these places of negative energy.  About a year into the deployment wonderful things happened.  I started to see cloud ships, the biggest I had ever seen.  They hovered right over Fort Carson on several occasions   I knew that they where clearing out the bases beneath us.  This made me feel much better and seemed to bring closure to a chapter in my life.  Now DIA airport didn't feel as bad to me.  It didn't feel like there was old, ancient negative energy like at Fort Carson.  It felt more like a shrine to "future evil" yet to be committed but hollow and empty in that moment.  This may sound strange, but I can feel in a sense the amount of energy that the dark side has left before their game is up.  In the last month or two alone I feel they have lost just about all energy, power, control over this earth.  They are now fighting each other for the darkest corner of the "room".  There will be nowhere for them to hide shortly.  Soon we will meet aboard the ships!