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The San Diego Stench And The New World Odor

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This is a fascinating brouhaha. Is the sudden San Diego stink a precursor of tectonic activity?
The San Diego Stench And The New World Odor

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: t w

Date: Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 5:30 AM

Subject: Ruining the planet - dark side knows they are done so....why not fuck things up for everyone

To: of the one sovereign sentient

Pull out your orgonite, your cloud busters and bust the busters!


The San Diego Stench And The New World Odor

Zen Gardner

Before It's News

Just couldn't help but draw the comparison. I used to live there in San Diego. This reported stench over the city has always been there in other ways. The once pristine beauty of this Illuminist and military infested enclave called San Diego is now smothered in chemtrails and pollution from LA thru SD and all the way to filthy Tijuana. It coagulates over the ocean and rolls in to cover everything, dusting your lungs, vehicle, yard and anything in its wake.
Only the chemtrails cover the disgusting brown smog to give it all an enhanced sheen of whitish toxicity.  Sick.
And not to be forgotten--Fukushima fallout is cranking on the unwitting joggers and bicyclers--not being reported of course--which is dancing into the slap-happy California environment while once fabulous beaches will soon be awash in radioactive Japanese debris and dead wildlife. Nice. I'm sure future generations will love it.
And no one notices. They've been lobotomized and medicated.
The San Diego Stench And The New World Odor

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The San Diego Stench And The New World Odor