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FULFORD: It is Time for Revolution

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Anybody who is still self-aware understands that Western civilization has been hijacked by gangsters: a bunch of not very intelligent and extremely vicious gangsters. It is time we force them out of power and set humanity free.

Western civilization used to have the moral high ground on such issues as academic freedom, human rights, scientific progress, environmental protection etc. Now it is rightly seen as a civilization hijacked by a criminal class that advocates endless war against manufactured enemies. The crimes of the ruling class of most Western countries are provable in any real court of law. It is time to bring them to justice.

The problem is that the highest levers of power in both the political and judicial systems in the West have been taken over by criminals. When the system can no longer provide justice, then revolution is the only answer. We need to arrest at most a few thousands, probably in fact only a few dozen, oligarchs in order to save Western civilization from the criminal, fascist class that has used murder, bribery and lies to seize power.

As things stand over 90% of humanities savings is being devoted to murder and war. The so-called leaders of the West have no vision for the future but war. They wish to use these wars to enslave humanity and establish themselves as living gods.

The White Dragon Society has a different vision. We propose using humanity’s savings to end war, end poverty and stop environmental destruction. After that, humanity can be set on a path of exponential expansion into the universe. Our savings and our future planning can be devoted to such attainable goals as increased longevity, improved human abilities, free energy, the creation of new eco-systems, the expansion of life in all its forms and anything else scientifically possible and morally permissible that we can dream of.

The White Dragon Foundation has been set up in order to attain these goals. It will carry them out by means of a meritocratically staffed international economic planning agency.

The Foundation is now soliciting donations in order to make this possible. All donations can be sent to the following account:

The White Dragon Foundation

Mizuho Bank,

Kichijoji Branch 2-2-13 Kichijoji Honcho, Musashino-City, Japan 180-0004

Swift Code: MHBKJPJT

Branch Number: 246

Account Number 1378636

Please note the bank charges a $50 processing fee for each overseas donation. For that reason, we are not soliciting donations from people of limited means.

Aug. 18, 2011