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How the City of London Controls World Power

Pat Donworth

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For those who always thought that the “City of London” was the same as the metropolitan city called London, think again.  This video has been going around the internet for the past week. I always knew the “City of London” was the financial center of the world, but I wasn’t clear on the “why.” After the listing of what and who actually comprise the “City of London” . . . well, now I get it. Take a look. The video is three and a half minutes long. — Pat

How the City of London Controls World Power …

Saturday, May 21, 2011 – by Staff Report, The Daily Bell

What happened in the heart of Greater London in 1694 under the direction of King William III of the House of Orange? Well, that would be when King William privatized the Bank of England, established the City of London, and turned control of England’s money over to an elite group of international bankers.

Like Vatican City, London City (not to be confused with Greater London) is a privately owned corporation operating under its own flag, with its own constitution and free from the legal constraints that govern the rest of us. And it was King William III in 1694 who paved the way for a private cartel of international bankers (money elite) to embark on a plan of implementing world governance, albeit secretly (that is until now, thanks to the Internet Reformation).

Find out more about how the power elite has built their base of global infrastructure for controlling world economies, media, politics and religion. Watch this telling video presentation.

Note: This video is linked from YouTube and was uploaded by antiparticlesteve.


June 1, 2011