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Dominique Baettig of the Swiss National Council

Alcuin Bramerton

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A photograph. Baettig has issued a strongly worded letter to the head of the Swiss Federal Department of Justice and Police saying that the Western Cabal's Bilderberg Group meeting at the Suvretta House Hotel in St Moritz, Switzerland, from Thursday 9th June to Sunday 12th June 2011, is not healthy for Switzerland's national integrity.


The Bilderberg meeting threatens the nation’s deep-seated traditions of populist rule and neutrality as well as bringing many disreputable participants into the country, some of whom are accused war criminals. The undesirable presence in Switzerland of equivocal personalities such as Henry Kissinger and Dick Cheney should be avoided.


Dominique Baettig is a member of The Swiss People’s Party (Schweizerische Volkspartei SVP / Union démocratique du centre UDC). More here, here and here (clunky translation from German).

May 21, 2011