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About two years ago I initially believed that the issue of Obama not having a valid birth certificate was something for idiots. So, I finally took to researching the matter. The more I researched the more I was shocked. This guy has never produced virtually any life history legal documents and chief among them is a valid birth certificate.

Recently I watched Donald Trump put heavy pressure on Obama. Obama was up against the wall. Then I watched as miraculously the previously dead Osama Bin Laden was trotted out. This Osama latest scam was to get three stories off the front pages; 1) Trump pounding Obama about him not releasing his birth certificate. 2) The 9th Circuit court of appeals hearing cases regarding Obama's eligibility. 3) Obama's use of a stolen Social Security number issued to a person from Connecticut.

Osama 'we had to rush his body for a burial at sea within twelve hours of killing him to be instep with Muslim tradition even though Muslims don't bury people at sea' Bin Laden.

Osama Bin Laden has been dead for years. He died in 2001 of Marfan Syndrome. Plus he had horrible kidney problems even ten years ago. He was a created asset of the CIA. But look, I saw all these Government officials next to Obama like ducks in a row as Obama put’s the nation through this dog and pony show. The Secretary of Defense Robert Gates (who served under W. Bush also) and Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff just to name two. And look too, the corporately owned media walks right behind them parroting all the lies.

Just prior to the 'we killed Osama Bin Laden' hoax, Obama released what he says is his official birth certificate which everyone now knows is a complete fake.

I believe that Obama is a part of the CIA. I believe his parents were CIA agents. Everywhere they lived they were near CIA activity. Hawaii in the early 1960's was just acquired by the US and was dense with US military. Obama's adoptive step dad was involved with the movement to overthrow the Indonesian government at that time...along with who else? The CIA.

Obama's supposed mother traveled the world without having a job. She was involved with the Ford Foundation which is a CIA front group. Obama's supposed grandmother worked at a CIA front bank in Hawaii. Obama's supposed grandfather was involved in Airlift Africa which was a CIA program, that is how Obama's supposed father came to America. Obama's first job out of college, according to his manufactured biography (Dreams of My Father aka Mein Kampf For Dummies), was for a CIA 'front' company. Obama was traveling around the world while supposedly in college but there was no mention of how he paid for any of this. Obama, if that's his name, was a CIA incubator baby groomed to do exactly what he is doing. It's like being born into a mob family, wherever he was born.

I believe that our government has been seized (particularly the Executive Branch) by US intelligence agencies, namely the CIA. Beginning in the Clinton Administration (a pathological liar, sex and attention addict, sadistic date rapist loyal only to himself), hyper speed during W. Bush (who is a sick sadistic psychopathic 'rich kid' similar Juran Van der sloot), and now with near finality with Obama (a compulsive liar half-wit, mother and fatherless narcissistic self destructive souless ghost who has a homoerotic fantasy of mutual-destruction of himself and America similar to the Columbine shooters). By the Way, Bush Sr. (41) was heavily involved in the CIA and was rumoured to once have been the head of the CIA. The bush family is known in Texas for being mixed up in satanic cults and for running drugs, presumably for the CIA (and isn't it interesting that the US government got caught red handed this year for smuggling guns into Mexico to assist the Mexican drug cartels?). While Governor of Texas W. Bush pardoned notorious serial killer Henry Lee Lucas who was said to have been mixed up in a satanic cult in Brownsville Texas. While Governor of Florida Jeb Bush revoked the death sentence of Henry's partner in crime, Ottis Toole. It has been speculated that Lucas may have been a contract killer for the CIA. Once when W. Bush was asked about his dalliances as a youth he said "I was spirited as a youth"...I'll bet. Both Clinton and the Bush family are members of a satanic cult founded at Yale know as Skull and Bones. In this organization they recognize various gods from historic civilizations. The Bush family and Clinton belong to yet another satanic cult, know as the Bohemian Club, where they and other powerful leaders gather and engage in demonic bonfire rituals and claim to burn and kill spirits as well as cunduct mock human sacrifices. There they worship a deity named Moloch, which manifests in the form of a large statue of an owl, at a yearly retreat in the woods of Monte Rio, California. Both satanic cults are men only clubs and both are rumoured to engage in homosexual rituals. Other than coming into union with demonic spirits, the main objective of both these organizations is the formation of a One World Government, where the powerful elite such that attend these meetings and rituals would rule over all the little people. In essence these people are in competition with God. We're not exactly dealing with chior boys here.

Soon after Obama took office he made some changes in the wording for the scope of the DoD (Department of Defense), which states the following: "Members of the DoD Civilian Expeditionary Workforce shall be organized, trained, cleared, equipped, and ready to deploy in support of combat operations by the military; contingencies; emergency operations; humanitarian missions; disaster relief; restoration of order; drug interdiction; and stability operations of the Department of Defense in accordance with DoDD 3000.05". What are "restoration of order" and "stability operations"? And the word "overseas" was removed from the way the DoD’s scope was formerly worded which could be taken to mean that the DoD's focus has now been shifted to encompasses our own country. We're not talking about the police, SWAT, or National Guard here, we're talking about the Pentagon! I mean, in 2010 a SWAT team surprise invaded a family's home with a wife, toddler, and the suspected drug dealer husband inside, put them on the ground with M-16's pointed at their faces, and shot their dog which was penned up in the kitchen all for a small bag of weed. With power like that why do we need to Pentagon pointed at us?

Why in 2008 while on his campaign tour did Obama Say the following: "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."? Obama has also reported Arizona to the human rights commission at the UN, and he has recently made key decisions regarding the war in Lybia from the UN. This might sound familiar, here is an excerpt from a 1961 State Department memo from the Nixon administration: "...elimination of all armed forces and armaments except those needed to maintain internal order within states and to furnish the United Nations with peace the time it (UN global government) would be so strong no nation could challenge it." Nixon, who was also a memer of the satanic cult Bohemian Club, was a Council of Foreign Relations member, an organization pushing for a one world government. The Council on Foreign Relations is a front group of the top world bankers who have as their goal a one world government in which they would have appointed themselves kings and rulers. Bill Clinton and the Bush family are members.

Private bankers who rule by proxy such as Rothschild: London and Berlin; Lazard Bros: Paris; Israel Seiff: Italy; Kuhn- Loeb Company: Germany; Warburg: Hamburg and Amsterdam; Lehman Bros: New York; Goldman and Sachs: New York; Rockefeller: New York. The Trilateral Commission is another front group of the most powerful bankers on the planet who again have a One World government as their goal, Obama is a member of this one.

Remember, W. Bush kicked off the Stimulus and TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) money bonanza just before he left office and Obama picked it up from there. Stimulus and TARP turned out to be nothing more than billionaires receiving trillions of dollars stolen from and borrowed against taxpayers. They are all part of the same cabal. It's the ruling elite who work for the banking elite.

We have a puppet government in America. We've been living under the auspices of a shadow government for decades now, why do you think the state of our country is in such bad shape, bad luck? Our country is being run by a financial and political crime syndicate.

It is plain to see that Clinton, W. Bush, and Obama are pawns of the monopolistic global banking elite families who desire a one world government where these families would rule by proxy even more so. For this to be accomplished America is going to have to be weakened. Clinton with his undying support of the UN and implementation the the horrendously destructive to American manufacturing NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement). W. Bush with his government growth, attempts at the North American Union which would have eliminated our physical, financial, and political boarders with Canada and Mexico as we knew them, his bidding and invasion into the middle east, the dismantling of the constitution, and setting up the framework for a police state. And Obama with his continued invasion into the middle east, the passage of an ultra destructive and oppressive Universal Health Care model whereby the government will be able to control every aspect of our lives, the destruction of our currency with massive debt and an uncertain business climate with no available capital or incentive, and the evisceration of the constitution and rule of law.

The Clinton administration was wrought with corruption and cover-up’s. The Bush administration was total cronyism, lawlessness, unconstitutional, and tyrannical. The Bush family and James Baker have made a lot of money with the Bin Laden family through what is known as the Carlyle Group. And the Obama administration is completely void of Constitutional constrain and is working to bring this country to it’s knees while destroying our currency. It seems that we have had a slow creep coup from within the United States Federal Government.

The CIA’s loyalties are not to America first and foremost. The CIA's loyalties are to itself. Or perhaps to foreign governments or to foreign ideology, such as Communism. The CIA was created around the end of WWII. They have been envelopped by people and organizations with money, power, and influence on the global stage. They are doing the bidding of people, organizations, and institutions beyond the porous boarders of the United States. The CIA is a rogue outfit perverted by power hungry control freak psychopaths. Also, the CIA is known for having a high concentration of homosexuals. Germany's Brown Shirts had a high concentration of homosexuality as well. Obama is a bisexual leaning more towards homosexual, he and Rahm Emanuel belonged to a ‘gay gentleman's club’, Man’s Country, in Chicago. Not a single girlfriend has emerged from Obama's past but there have been several boyfriends. One of Obama's former boyfriends, Donald Young who was also a member of Rev. Wright's church and claimed to be a "close friend" of Obama, was executed. That's not the only person that has been executed on behalf of Obama. In 2009 a security firm hired by Obama's campaign accessed Obama's passport files and scrubbed them (made them disappear). A key witness, Lt. Quarles Harris Jr., 24, for a federal probe regarding the passport incident was shot execution style on a Thursday night in his car in front of his church in Washington DC, the Judah House Praise Baptist Church. He was found slumped over in his car. The case remains unsolved. This reminds me of all the dead bodies that floated to the surface surrounding the Clinton's, such as Vince Foster, who was about to be forced to testify in the White Water land swindle the Clinton's were waist deep in. The Clinton's were like the television show "Murder She Wrote", wherever the star Angela Lansbury went people wound up dead. In fact there were two openly gay members of Rev. Wright's church that were executed: Larry Bland was murdered execution-style on November 17, 2007; Young was murdered execution-style on December 24, 2007. Obama and Young were also members of another Chicago gay club called the ‘Down Low Club’ aka the “DLC”. Also, former US Senator Larry Sinclair has claimed to have had sex on several occasions with Obama as well as having done cocaine with him. Rahm Emanuel has a masters degree in ballet yet he is now the mayor of Chicago. Obama is the most bribable US president in history.

The CIA can act as a slush fund to other intelligence agencies such as the DoD (Department of Defense) because the CIA is above Congress oversight regarding what happens with the money over at the CIA as long as the leaders there deem things to be “extraordinary or an “emergency nature”. Regarding this, The Cia Act of 1949 states the following: “The sums made available to the Agency may be expended without regard to the provisions of law and regulations relating to the expenditure of Government funds; and for objects of a confidential, extraordinary, or emergency nature, such expenditures to be accounted for solely on the certificate of the Director.” This gives the CIA enormous power and secrecy. Potentially enormous power with regards to other intelligence and military agencies as well. They are above reproach and can launder money at will to whatever cause or organization they deem fit. I have also read that it's possible that funds have been diverted from other Federal agencies to the CIA's coffers, such as the magical disappearance of billions of dollars from HUD (Housing and Urban Development). If that were true than you would have the nearly complete circumvention of Congress from oversight of the US military. Has Congress approve the war we're in engaged in over in Libya? No. What's going on? In essence you would have what amounts to Hitler's SS police on an international level at the command of whatever sitting President the foreign bankers would choose to throne-up. We are in Libya to secure oil for Europe and China I would presume, but who really knows? Politicians say it's because we want to save people from a dictator. How about saving the American people from a dictator? The weapons, weapon systems, intelligence and command on the ground in Libya is all US. We are fighting a war by proxy exactly the way we fought Russia in Afghanistan years ago. But none of the American people are privy to what's going on or why, we are a nuisance in their eyes. Even the Dod may not be totally accountable. In 2001 Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, who is also a memer of the satanic cult Bohemian Club, referring to the DoD said it "cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions.". We have become all but powerless as evidenced by an illegal alien who sits in the White House waging illegal wars and no one does anything about it.

Since the CIA is above congressional oversight could the CIA be involved in illegal activity in order to raise funds? Could the CIA be receiving foreign funding such as Obama's presidential campaign did? Might the Saudi government be interested in having us help them shape the Middle East with their input? We could never call them a crime syndicate because in certain cases as you can see they're above the law. No connection to a representative government whatsoever. Does the Cia have dirt on senators and congress people, and others? Are member's career's, reputation's, or lives being threatened behind the scenes? Does the CIA under the direction of the White House do the bidding of major international banking families intent on the New World Order? Has our government been hijacked by a terrorist crime syndicate known as the CIA? How does one go about eradicating a very powerful and clandestine rogue organization that has it's tentacles everywhere all the way up to the White House? An organization that won't think twice about destroying people or straight out wacking them.

The CIA have been playing chess on the world stage for decades. Propping up this puppet government, then executing them when they aren't needed anymore. Causing revolution in a foreign country only to install a different head. Then later doing the same thing to that head. Such as the current "revolutions" in Egypt and Libya. All behind the American peoples back. We have no idea of what they're doing or why they're doing it.

Now it seems, other than manipulating world events, manipulating geopolitics, and cooperating with forces unseen with no loyalty to America, the CIA’s main role is engaging in psyops against the American people. The ‘we killed Osama Bin Laden’ is psyops. Psyops name for people trying to get the truth about Obama’s background? Birthers. And no one is speaking out forcefully enough against the Obama Administration in part because the American people are mentally frozen from speaking out because of the Media and the Administration's psyops campaign of calling people racists. The government and corporate media ridicules us and calls us names and we shut up. Plus, we as American's have limited commons sense anymore, we've been conditioned to believe lies.

When I saw the ‘we killed Osama Bin Laden’ scam unfold I asked myself, “if these people can do this what else can they do?”.

Which led me to 911.

I believe that 911 was a false flag pretense orchestrated by US intelligence agencies and the White House. Not only that, the power and scope of US intelligence agencies sky rocketed after 911. And the massive spending and hence borrowing to fund two wars, and now three, makes the privately owned Federal Reserve very happy. Borrowing play money from a handful of international banker families only to have to pay it back with interest makes slaves of us all, which is their goal. The con was so large, so heinous, so unthinkable that they could do it right in front of our faces and get away it.

Never before in the history of mankind has a steel structure building collapsed due to a fire. There has been severe fires that have raged for twelve hours in a sky scraper and the building stayed standing. Now we have two within twenty minutes of each other.

Also, building 7 of the WTC complex was ‘pulled’, it was demolitioned or brought down by experts which would take months to setup. Building 7 had nowhere near any sort of damage to it that would cause a forty seven story building to collapse down on itself. But, within seven seconds a long and wide forty seven story building was no more, swallowed up by it’s own footprint. Other buildings around Building 7 suffered far more damage but stayed standing. A news reporter from the BBC reported of the collapse of Building 7 twenty minutes before it went down, the story had already gone out to media outlets even before the event occurred. It was 100% staged and planned.

A man named Barry Jennings barely escaped from Building 7 and he said he heard many explosions before the building came down and the lobby was completely destroyed and littered with dead bodies prior to the building coming down. Building 7 was not hit by any plane, in fact it was quite far from the Twin Towers and only had a couple small office fires. A radio reporter named Ilene interviewed someone that saw Building 7 come down who said the following: "we heard this sound that sounded like a clap of thunder... turned around - we were shocked to see that the building was... well it looked like there was a shock wave ripping through the building and the windows all busted out... it was horrifying... about a second later the bottom floor caved out and the building followed after that." There are many more eye witness accounts that point to a controlled demolition of the three WTC buildings that fell perfectly and uniformly straight down within a short time of each other.

Larry Silverstein, the owner of the WTC complex said the following regarding Building 7 during a PBS documentary of the 911 events: "I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, 'We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.' And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse." 'Pull it' is a professional demolition term for intentionally bringing a building down. Again, to 'pull' a building of that scale would require prior planning and implementation that could takes months to setup. Also, Building 7 just happened to have contained the files for thousand of fraud cases involving some of the biggest companies such as Citigroup and WorldCom.

I saw television reporters interview ‘plants’ around the crime scenes shortly after they happened. Regarding the Twin Towers there was a very calm and composed 'bystander' guy in front of the camera, wearing a Harley Davidson t-shirt who said he “witnessed” both of the Twin Towers fall and stated that the fell "mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just to intense".

WTC owner Larry Silverstein (which by the way the WTC had just been privatized less than two months prior to the 'attacks') had recently made beneficial changes to his insurance policy prior to the 'attacks', to include "terrorist attacks". So in less than three months of ownership he profitted more than $10 billion. Many influential billionaires headquartered in the Twin Towers miraculously never made it to work that day. The US military was strangely practicing drills on that very day regarding the very scenario that played out. They all 'stood down' as the actual event occurred.

I believe the government flew modified jets loaded with explosives via remote control into the Twin Towers. I believe the government planted explosives in the Twin Towers. The Twin Towers had already been rigged to come down in a controlled demolition. There was evidence of Thermite at the aftermath scene, and molten iron even days or weeks after the incident. Thermite is a high tech agent that burns extreamly hot and long and can melt the type of iron used in steel buildings. Jet fuel burns right away, and does not produce enough heat to melt the iron used in steel frame buildings. And by the way, the smoke from the fires that you saw in the air was black which means the fires were starved of oxygen. Fires starved of oxygen do not burn very hot, they are not out of control super hot fires. No tall building on earth has ever accidentally fell perfectly in on itself, let alone three in one day! Why did the 'plane' I see hit the second tower in live video look black and shiny instead of light silver and eye witnesses claimed it didn't have any windows on it? Why did W. Bush, when asked to recount the initial sequence of how he reacted when he was learned a plane had first struck one of the WTC buildings, say something that was impossible? He claimed that he was at a children's school and he watched the first plane hit the tower from a television in the hallway of the school right after it happened. Only one problem, a video of the first plane hitting the first tower didn't exist until the next day. Bush stated: "And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on, and I use to fly myself, and I said, "There's one terrible pilot." And I said, "It must have been a horrible accident." But I was whisked off there -- I didn't have much time to think about it, and I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my chief who was sitting over here walked in and said, "A second plane has hit the tower. America's under attack."

In 1997 Former National Security Advisor Brzezinski says that it is imperative for the US to control the oil in the region to include Afghanistan but the US population would not be willing to pursue this militarily "except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat." he said. In 2000 a think-tank Project for the New American Century wrote a report for the W. Bush administration called Rebuilding America’s Defenses which talks about the US presence in the Persian Gulf and states "the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbour". Maybe the government wanted to secure the upcoming Afghanistan oil pipeline as well as gain a larger footprint in the Persian Gulf for strategic purposes benificial to the US. And who knows who is profiting from the opium production in Afghanistan which is responsible for seventy five percent of the worlds heroin supply which $50 billion a year industry.

Regarding the interception of the hijacked jets Major General Paul Weaver, director of the Air National Guard, said "the pilots flew like a scalded ape, topping 500 mph but were unable to catch up to the airliner. We had a nine-minute window, and in excess of 100 miles to intercept 175,'' But, the problem with that is F-15's are built to travel 1875 mph. Another problem is they had way more than nine minutes, more like a half hour after they supposedly heard the planes were hijacked. No way such a massive breach in our air defense is not intentionally permitted. In 2001 the Times of London reported "Five of the alleged hijackers have emerged, alive, innocent and astonished to see their names and photographs appearing on satellite television. The hijackers were using stolen identities, and investigators are studying the possibility that the entire suicide squad consisted of impostors.", yet the identities of the hijackers is not officially changed. Three hijackers list their address for their drivers licenses and car registration as the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla., Mohamed Atta apparently graduated form Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama, the Air Force issues the statement "we are probably not talking about the same people.".

A highly excited woman was interviewed after she made her way out of one of the Twin Towers said by the time she got down the stairs 'the lobby was gone, there was no lobby, a bomb must have already hit there'. Several witnesses said they heard explosions even after the initial explosion from a plane. One shaken woman said that right before the building fell 'it sounded like when you light off a bundle of firecrackers how they just keep going off', she went on to say "it sounded like the grand finale at a fireworks show". All signs of a controlled demolition of a building. When you think about her comment of a grand finale at a fireworks show, we're talking about one hundred and ten stories.

Rudy Giuliani admitted in an interview with Peter Jennings that he was told by someone after the buildings were on fire that the Twin Towers were going to collapse, he said "We were told the World Trade Center was gonna collapse.". Who told him this and why? There is zero history of a sky scraper coming down due to fire.

You cannot tell me that an impact of planes could have done this either. The videos I watched of planes hitting and the buildings did not budge. A plane is soft aluminum and the buildings were iron. The towers were built to handle far more impact namely the width and breadth of one hundred and ten stories absorbing sustained wind gusts of sixty plus miles per hour. If the jets would caused the structures to fail they would have done it on impact and not waited for enough cameras to capture the carnage before they decided to perfectly telescope down down in on their own footprint. All of the evidence was quickly and secretively gathered up and sold as scrap metal to be melted down, no forensic work to the structural remains could ever be done. However, super miraculously, one of the hijackers passport, that of Mohamed Atta, was found at the WTC aftermath scene. In fact, GPS monitors were used on the trucks carting the structural pieces of the buildings away. There has never been an adequate investigation into 911 and much of the evidence has been destroyed or is classified and there has been stonewalling all around since the very beginning.

The lie and the scam is simply to big and to dark to believe. Psyops code name for people trying to get the truth about 911? Truthers.

All this was a false flag pretense to invade the Middle East by psychopaths in our government.

The ‘jet’ that hit the Pentagon. There is only one issue with this story, the lack of a jet. No fuselage pieces, no tail section, no luggage, no seats, no bodies, no wing section, no wing section impact points on the Pentagon. I saw a video of a plant at this crime scene as well, a very composed man in his 40’s, wearing a nice stainless steel watch and polo shirt. I watched his body language, his delivery, observed his hair cut, the guy has all the tell tail ‘gives’ of professional agent and/or military background. He actually made it a point to say he could see the American Airlines logo on the side of the plane before it hit the building. The president of a major news organization in Europe, Thierry Meyssan, claimed several things regarding Russia's reactions to 911: Russia claims an A3 Skywarrior operated as a drone type plane left a carrier and hit the pentagon (Russia can watch us from their satellite system as well); Russia watched all of this real time because they heard of a large military exercise was going to take place in America that day: "Russian forces were watching North America because of the large military exercises being carried out by the US that day, so they saw in real time by satellite what was happening on that day."; Russia was trying to get a hold of the White House to let the US know they had nothing to do with it, but once they saw the buildings they knew it was something going on within our boarders: "they understood already that the collapse of the buildings could not have been done by the planes. They already realized it was controlled demolition - an internal problem and not an external attack". Some believe Aircraft Carrier USS George Washington was anchored off Long Island and served as the base of operations for the 911 in which the US Navy played a huge role.

Also, the Pentagon has not released any video footage of the plane hitting the building although the Pentagon is surrounded by cameras. One bit of footage is out there from a non-Pentagon camera and it shows an explosion minus an airplane. The black box from the plane that hit the Pentagon was said to be to damaged to be of any know, black boxes that are designed to withstand a plane crash?

Flight 93, in Shanksville PA. There is a problem with that official story as well. No jet, no luggage, no seats, no bodies(!), no tail section, no black box, no jet engines, no portions of wings, and the scar on the earth was very very minor with no evidence of a fire or explosion.

911 was an inside job.

George Bush and his crew, and every single human being complicit in 911 represent the the most powerful terrorist organization the world has ever known. They offuscate and point the finger to a ghost terror operation known as El Quida. It's as simple as the 'good cop bad cop' routine. We are experiencing Nazi Germany all over again. This time it's not the Jew's, it's the Arabs, but the end goal still holds true...domination. Nazi's didn't overpower the population, they pulled people along with them, they shaped the perception to suit their goals. Coincidentally, one of W. Bush's ancestors, Prescott Bush, had ties to Nazi Germany. Like Hitler's Socialist Nazi government it seems that large swaths of our government have been superseded by politicians washed in the occult and bent on world domination.

This is the most horrible truth I have ever confronted about this country and it makes me not want to live here anymore.

There is an incredible amount of information available out there regarding every single aspect of what I have talked about above. It is a matter of research and having an open mind and a tiny bit of courage to absorb information no matter where it leads you.

I am personally still reeling from this new found perspective which I believe with certainty to be the truth. We have an evil and wicked government and it has been that way for quite some time. We live in a parallel universe, there is what the government and corporate media tells us what is happening, and then there is reality.

The downing of the WTC buildings, the drone that hit the Pentagon, the drone that struck the ground in Shanksville, PA brought new things to America. Not only did it bring us an invasion into the Middle East, but it made way for things like the Patriot Act and Homeland Security, for example. beautifully sounding names, perhaps coined by the CIA, rolls off the tongue just like "Reeducation Camp". If you aren't in favor of the Patriot Act then your not a patriot, if your not in favor of Homeland Security then you oppose our homeland being secure, you must be with the enemy. But, in reality, now we have six year old girls being molested in airports by TSA agents run by the lesbian Janet Napolitano (does J. Edgar Hoover ring a bell?). Less than a month after 911 the Patriot Act was introduced. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy resists the administration. Anthrax letters are sent to Leahy and Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle a week later. Within the next six months twelve leading microbiologists are murdered or killed under suspicious circumstances, world leaders in weapons-grade biological plagues and bioterrorism. A partial list includes Nov 12, 2001: Benito Que, 52, killled in carjacking. Nov. 16: Don Wiley, 57, his body was found in Mississippi River. Dec 10: Dr. Robert Schwartz, 57, sllain at his home. Dec 14: Nguyen Van Set, 44, dies in an airlock compartment at his lab. Jan 2002: Ivan Glebov, attacked and killed. Feb 9: Victor Korshunov, 56, killed by a head injury. Feb 11: Ian Langford, 40, murdered in his home. Feb 28 (2): Tanya Holzmayer, 46, and Guyang Huang, 38, murder/suicide. Mar 24: David Wynn-Williams, 55, killed while jogging. Mar 25: Steven Mostow, 63, killed in a private plane crash.

911 has leveraged the governments position to take away many more of our liberties, which they have done. It has greatly enhanced their ability to exert greater control and dominance over our society, which they have also done. The government benefited greatly from 911 as did the government official's 'banker puppet masters'. One step closer to authoritarian rule. One step closer to a weakened population heavily laden in debt with a teetering currency. One step closer to being positioned to be swallowed up by a centralized global government. In 2010, Democratic strategist and former Clinton strategist, Mark Penn said "Obama needs an event similar to Oklahoma City Bombing to reconnect with voters".

Under W. Bush we had a complete divorcement from the Constitution under the guise of 'it's for our own protection' from impoverished goat herders who hide in caves wearing turbans thousands of miles away. This had laid at least the ground work and the formula for complete control by the government. Use a created catastrophe to begin to straight-jacket the population.

How much do you want to bet that the oil rig in the gulf of Mexico, the Deepwater Horizon, was blown up by the US government in the summer of 2010? Oil does explode, you can put a lit cigarette out in a bucket of oil. But that catastrophe led to the shutting down of all US gulf drilling. Remember how Obama refused help from other countries to get on top of the containment effort Including well equipped experts Saudi Arabia? They wanted this catastrophe. But the next thing you know we're giving Brazil money to develop oil off of their coast.

Now, with Obama and the fake Osama killing, we are now receiving manufactured reports from the corporate controlled media, that now that we killed Osama that the 'terrorists' might strike back.

So, next we could have the US government detonate a small nuclear suitcase bomb in the Mall of America in Bloomington, MN. Which would lead the way to so much more restrictions on our population that it may resemble martial law.

I have a theory. Bush the 1st was actually running portions of the Bush 2nd Presidency. The Bush's have had strong ties to Nazi Germany and their allegiances are questionable. Their family made their money from selling businesses in Nazi Germany and some were high ranking in the Nazi military, only one generation ago. They are not Christians as they claim, they are of Jewish decent but really they are followers of the occult. The Bush family's background is as manufactured as Barack Obama's AKA Barry Soetoro...more of the CIA's handiwork. Bush 1st is power hungry and bent on world domination. Their family is twisted and completely power hungry. Bush the 1st is totally tied up in the CIA and has been for a very long time. He probably still has strong influence in that organization especially within a certain faction. The only thing I've seen current figure head of the CIA, Leon Penetta, be good at was defending the artwork Bill Clinton did on Monica Lewinsky's blue dress. 911, being an inside job, was ultimately orchestrated by Bush the 1st through the CIA, and Bush the 2nd went along for the ride with daddy. And now Bush the 1st is pulling the strings with the extremely bribable Obama (who is also in the CIA), hence the continued wars and more wars, to name a few. So, perhaps in a very ironic twist of fate, Obama is a direct puppet of the Bush's.

Your right, this stuff is for conspiracy theorist kooks. Hitler's Socialist party never rounded up Jews and dissenters to gas them, that never happened, right? Asian communist countries never murdered millions of dissenters for the sake of power...nope, that's revisionist history, it really didn't exist. Russia never murdered millions of it's own countrymen, no way! Governments have never acted against their own people for the sake of power and's just not part of the human condition. Yeah, your right, American's are so much smarter than the Germans, or the Russian's, or Asians...yeah, uh huh...have you seen aptitude tests of ourselves compared to other countries or cultures? We don't hold up so well having been mind numbed by one of the other Communist propaganda arm's know as the American educational system.

The American people are the dumbest bunch of sheep ever, myself included. 911 was done by goat herders in caves..."ok". An oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico with an incredible and massive fire ball that looked like napalm in Vietnam even though oil is non explosive..."sure, ok". Barack Obama is legit and here is his birth certificate that looks like it was practically done on a restaurant napkin over dinner to prove it..."yep, checks out, no story there". Oh, we now finally found the-'formerly'-dead-as-a-result-of-multiple-critical-ailments-that-began-to-consume-his-health-more-than-a-decade-ago Osama Bin Laden, just when Obama was in deep political trouble, but we had to dump his body in the sea within twelve hours; But look, here he is in a video we took of him watching Obama on television; next thing ya know Obama's on Oprah..."ok, sure, sounds reasonable". I mean c'mon, are you kidding me?

Ladies and gentleman, we have become spiritually blind.

All the heinous crimes that occurred in Nazi Germany that people now look back in hindsight and wonder how they got away with it. How could the population have been that naive and ignorant to what was going on right in front of their faces? We're living in that same environment now.

Your dealing with people who murdered over three thousand innocent people at the WTC. Who murdered innocent people at the pentagon, Who terrorized a nation including children. Who murdered people on the Deepwater Horizon. Who murdered people who entrusted them with their country. Who murdered thousand of innocent Middle Easterners and disrupted their lives. All for more money and power. The reason they have been able to get away with all this so far is because it is far to sinister for people's imaginations.

George Bush 1, George Bush 2, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Carl Rove, the owners of certain transnational corporations and crime families, a select few major international bankers, and many other officials including military officials are complicit in this barbarism conducted by the lowest form of heathenism in the history of the world. These people's souls slosh amongst sewage and they breath the air of lizards. These are the servants of the darkest recesses of the world. Our time is as historic as the totalitarianism of the 20th century. But they are able to accomplish their means with a much lower level of bloodshed than killing millions of countrymen. Can you imagine? When Bush 2 put his arm around the elderly fireman at the WTC wreckage and talked to the crowd of clean up crewmen while knowing that he had caused the buildings to come down? A photo op no doubt orchestrated by Goebbels style propagandist Carl Rove. We're dealing with psychopaths. Human beings leapt from height were city buses looked like specs on the ground to get away from being burned to death.

You right, I suggest you crack open another beer, put your feet up, and watch some more sports. Go ahead and fire up the minivan and take your kids to soccer practice.

Since we live in America we would never be under threat from our own government, it's simply impossible. American's are way to sophisticated to have anything bad happen to it. That's why we're bankrupt, broke, and have so many problems that we can't begin to know how to wrap our arms around them except to turn to the government who happens to be the blatant source of all our troubles.

Sophisticated indeed.


This web site has some extremely thought provoking information and perspectives regarding the complete background and details of 911 along with documentation and photos:

Here is their partial account below:

9/11 was a KISS (Keep it simple, stupid) operation FOUR TIMES, so simple that even the US Navy couldn't screw it up but they did FOUR TIMES! Four remote controlled aircraft with four napalm bombs strapped to the understructures plus various sundry bombs: two Boeing 737 aircraft hit the towers, NOT the Boeing 767 flights, UA175 and AA11; two A3 Skywarriors departed the aircraft carrier George Washington anchored off Long Island on 9/11 also loaded with fighter jets that never made it into the air to protect America.

Russia viewed via satellite in real time the A3 Skywarrior that hit the Pentagon wall leave the aircraft carrier.

One A3 Skywarrior guided by the white Saab Jet seen in all 9/11 locations by the camera and/or witnesses was blown up in Pennsylvania as it headed WEST not East as the fairytale claimed. The other A3 Skywarrior also guided by the white jet smacked a Pentagon wall and dropped to the ground AND a half hour later preplanted explosives brought the wall down.

US Navy helicopters waiting at the South Tower and at the Pentagon took over final guidance from the white jet. The North Tower Boeing 737 was guided completely by the white jet flying in formation right above it.

The big plan was to hide the South Tower helicopter like a BIG MAGIC SHOW in a smoke plume created in minutes from hundreds of barrels of creosote oil located on one North Tower floor. The big problem was the need for a NW wind to blow the smoke plume over the South Tower. When the NW wind weather forecast came on September 6th, Bush made his big decision, thumbs up, and 85 year-old Bush I had to leave his rocking chair to get to DC to manage the standdown of America's defense while Bush II took the usual Situation Room crew to Florida so there would be no witnesses.

The South Tower helicopter waited 59 minutes after the crash before setting off preplanted explosives to bring that tower packed with Americans to the ground and departed to the aircraft carrier. A half hour later the white jet did the same to the North Tower and later in the afternoon did the same to WTC7. The BIG MAGIC SHOWS were all caught by the cameras and witnesses.

Bush I was in the White House on 9/11 as the White House personnel normally in charge of the Situation Room were taken to Booker School for merely a photo opportunity.

9/11 was a Keystone Cops mass murder of Americans where everything went wrong while cameras galore were rolling. 9/11 Prime Suspects used Boeing 737 drones with napalm bombs attached to create Hollywood Spectaculars at the South and North Towers. of the napalm bombs exited the South Tower before exploding in an enormous flaming cloud AND only a small component of the flaming clouds at the WTC were fueled by aviation jet fuel.

...showed the South Tower Napalm crematory of live victims in the most heinous crime possible in this life, suspected to be compliments of the Bush Administration, the CIA, and the US Navy.

Besides the Napalm bomb exiting the South Tower an engine from alleged Flight UA175 went clean through the South Tower landing on a police car in a NYC street.

May 5, 2011