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FULFORD: Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20110418: Only one man now stands between humanity and freedom: Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the Black Pope

Benjamin Fulford

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White Dragon Society monitored and recorded a conversation between Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the self-described Black Pope and a third party who shall remain anonymous because he was speaking under an oath of silence. During this conversation Kolvenbach claimed he was Satan’s representative on earth and proposed the creation of a global dictatorship headed by himself. Kolvenbach is officially known as the former Superior General of the Society of Jesus. He is also apparently, the final authority behind the Western financial system whose signature has financed countless wars and other tragedies. The aim of his Satanic or Lucifer-worshipping cult hiding within the Roman Catholic Church, was to create a global dictatorship ruled by a modern day Caesar. They were also planning to massacre over 4 billion humans in order to start their 1000 year Reich or rule. The White Dragon Society is pledged to stop the Satanists and free humanity.

April 18, 2011


Peter Hans Kolvenbach was the Black Pope from September 13, 1983 to Janaury 14, 2008, from Druten, Netherlands.  His successor is Adolfo Nicolas, who took office on January 19, 2008 from Villamuriel de Cerrato, Spain.  ---PHB