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The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 23 Nazi-infested FED Destroys America

Jon Carlson

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The Federal Reserve is a monster created by German born Paul Warburg circa 1913. Germany has been the No. 1 enemy of the US for a hundred years. Their main goals are to elevate Germany to prominance in the Global economy and destroy America.. Germany that shitty little country, smaller than Montana, causing all of the trouble in the world for a hundred years!

John Jay, first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, President of the Continental Congress, Ambassador to Spain, Secretary of foreign affairs, and author of the Fedealist Papers with Madison and Hamilton wrote a letter on July 25, 1787, to George Washington, presiding officer of the Constitutional Convention stating the importance of keeping foreign spies out of the Federal Government:

Framers of the Constitution could never have dreamed of foreign spies infiltrating and controlling the White House, Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Federal Reserve.

Using the Ferret Out Foreigners method that analyzes the typical fifth grade level English speaking of foreigners and other characteristics,

The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 21

Clinton Just Another Nazi Spy

the Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, and Pelosi clearly speak like foreigners. Their lack of credible American genealogy data indicates Germany birth or in Obama's case probably Thailand.

In addition, putting Federal Reserve chairmen Volcker, Greenspan, and Bernanke to the FOF method shows similar poor English speaking skills and a dreath of American genealogy data. Basically the test of a Nazi spy is poor English speaking and constant policy decisions harming America. Nixon and Reagan were dupes for Nazis in the background with excellent English speaking but otherwise met the Nazi test with a shitload of policy decisions destroying America. What else could be expected of Nixon merely a probate and divorce lawyer and Reagan merely a Grade B actor.


Jan. 17, 2011