Sunday August 22, 2010(L-R)Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, stooge U.S. Attorney PatrickFitzgerald, White House Chief of Staff and Israeli Mossad agent, more" /> - Delivering Truth Around the World
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HENEGHAN: Fitzgerald, Blago and Victor Bout Part 1 & 2

Tom Heneghan - International Intelligence Expert

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Sunday  August 22, 2010

(L-R) Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, stooge U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, White House Chief of Staff and Israeli Mossad agent, Rahm Emanuel

UNITED STATES of America  -  It can now be reported that Obama Attorney General Eric Holder is stonewalling Department of Justice officials still loyal to former Assistant U.S. Attorney General James Comey, who want to appoint a Special Master to investigate the current U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, Patrick Fitzgerald.

Fitzgerald has been fingered in massive prosecutorial misconduct in the trial of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich as well as a massive cover up of the criminal conspiracy orchestrated by the former BushFRAUD Administration that took the United States to war in Iraq based on a lie!

  Fitzgeral is ignoring past and new tape recorded evidence that current White House Chief of Staff and Israeli Mossad agent, Rahm Emanuel, solicited and blackmailed then Illinois Governor Blagojevich aka getting Blagojevich to appoint current Obama Administration official Valerie Jarrett as the new Democratic U.S. Senator from Illinois to succeed and fill the vacancy of then President-elect Barack Obama.

The tape recorded conversations involving Emanuel and Blagojevich have been illegally withheld by Fitzgerald from a Federal Grand Jury investigating Emanuel in Illinois.

Emanuel's political plot was to have Valerie Jarrett appointed as a temporary U.S. Senator so Emanuel, himself, could seek the full term of Illinois U.S. Senator in the election of 2010.  Fitzgerald is also covering up the roles of both Reverend Jesse Jackson Jr. and Jesse Jackson Sr. in attempting to end run the Emanuel plot by using a major Jackson campaign contributor aka a friend of Tony Rezko to bribe Blagojevich reference the appointment of Jesse Jackson Jr. as the next Illinois U.S. Senator.

Jesse Jackson Jr. (r) and his daddy Rev Jesse Jackson Sr.

Reference: Both Jesse Jackson Jr. and Jesse Jackson Sr. are lifelong FBI informants who were actually directed by Fitzgerald to bribe Blagojevich in an attempt to protect Emanuel, who had already been caught committing a crime on tape.

So the evidence gathered by Fitzgerald aka Emanuel and the two Jacksons were then used in an attempt to frame Blagojevich and then allow Emanuel and the Jesse Jackson Jr. along with his daddy to take a nice walk in the park.

The trial of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was run like a kangaroo court, it was not a fair trial; despite that, the jury got hung, even though Blagojevich was not allowed to call any witnesses in his own defense.

Note: The witnesses Blagojevich's defense team wanted to call were, of course, Rahm Emanuel, FBI informants Jesse Jackson Jr. and Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr., as well as Obama fundraiser Tony Rezko, and President Barack Obama himself.

Blago's defense team also wanted to call former Chicago Tribune editor James Warren as a witness too (James Warren is Patrick Fitzgerald's boyfriend).

Note: Blago might have also called MSNBC Chrissy Pooh Matthews (ha).

The problems for Fitzgerald are escalating.  If a Department of Justice Special Master investigator is appointed to investigate Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald will be fingered for what he is, a "gatekeeper" for Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate secrets and it will be divulged that he covered up a criminal conspiracy launched by the former BushFRAUD Administration to take America to war in Iraq based on a lie aka the existence of WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) in Iraq.

Then Vice President Dick Cheney with his aide, Scooter Libby

Fitzgerald used a perjury charge against former White House Vice President Dick Cheney aide, Scooter Libby, to shield the Bush Administration's larger crime that dealt with the Bush Administration, the Israeli Mossad, elements of the noted Mossad-controlled American-Turkish Council and none other than arms dealer Victor Bout to smuggle and transfer WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) from the old Soviet province of Georgia through Turkey and into Iraq  before  the war started.

Fitzgerald is illegally withholding tape recorded conversations aka wiretaps from the Turkish Consulate in Chicago that would prove, once and for, all the HIGH TREASON orchestrated by Dick Cheney, as well as nation wrecker, Constitution shredder, election stealer, U.S. Treasury embezzler, cocaine snorting, homosexual in-the-closet, AWOL, war criminal George W. BushFRAUD.

The perjury charge Fitzgerald brought against Scooter Libby dealt with the Bush Administration, specifically Libby, divulging the name of CIA covert officer Valerie Plame, who had investigated and was on the trail of the Bush Administration's plot to plant WMDs in Iraq before the war started. CIA covert agent Valerie Plame, Victor Bout and CIA employee and asset Tim Osman aka Osama bin Laden

We can now divulge that CIA covert agent Valerie Plame, at one time, had worked with CIA employee, alleged terrorist Victor Bout, as well as none other than CIA employee and asset "Tim Osman" aka Osama bin Laden aka 9/11 patsy, on an anti-terrorist task force, whose mission was to identify weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) that could be used to fund alleged terrorist organizations, mainly Al Qaeda.

We can now reveal that Bout was the actual financial bagman for alleged Al Qaeda aka the CIA "data base", with its headquarters at the Israeli Mossad-riddled American Turkish Council in Istanbul, Turkey.  It was former BushFRAUD's U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former BushFRAUD U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's aide, Stephen Cambone, who once suggested that Bout be assassinated since he knew too much about the  secrets  of 9/11.

Valerie Plame found herself caught in the middle of a criminal conspiracy aka an espionage double cross, in which Plame, unknowingly, had compromised a criminal CIA operation to plant WMDs in Iraq.

You can see why former crooked BushFRAUD U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez and alleged Mr. Clean, Patrick Fitzgerald, cooked up an alleged perjury trap against Scooter Libby as to protect both sides of the Victor Bout-Valerie Plame box.

Bout may face a new trial in Bangkok, Thailand where he is currently jailed and is now involved in an extradition proceeding with the United States, who is trying to return Bout to the U.S. so as to put him on trial for an alleged terrorist charge; but in reality, the U.S. government wants to park him back here so the  "secrets"  that Victor Bout holds about 9/11 and the Iraq War do not leak out overseas.  Of course, it is none other than dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State, loser and lesbian in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton that is orchestrating this latest Victor Bout obstruction of justice plot.

Note: Hillary needs to not only cover up the role of Victor Bout with the CIA, but also Bout's relationship with the Pakistani ISI,  including the secrets of the September 11, 2001 "BLACK OP".  That is why Hillary continues to insist on foreign aid to Pakistan even though Pakistan is now the Number 1 terrorist nation in the world.

Hillary insists that the Pakistani government knows where Osama bin Laden is.  Of course, bin Laden aka CIA employee and asset "Tim Osman", has been dead for almost nine (9) years.  Maybe the aid we are giving to Pakistan will finally pay for bin Laden's state funeral. (ha)  So you see, folks, what kind of stooge this Patrick Fitzgerald actually is, with all this TREASON evidence in front of him Fitzgerald would rather re-try poor little Rod Blagojevich.
Fitzgerald, Blago and Victor Bout

Part 2 of 2

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

Sunday  August 22, 2010

(L-R) Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, stooge U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, White House Chief of Staff and Israeli Mossad agent, Rahm Emanuel

P.S. We also want to divulge that former Chicago Tribune editor James Warren is the major gatekeeper and chief blackmailer in protecting the closet homosexual elite, that includes Warren, his boyfriend Patrick Fitzgerald, Rahm Emanuel, former Illinois Governor Jim Thompson, as well as the Reverend Jeremiah Wright and President Barack Obama.

All are members of secret gay bath houses in the Chicago area administered by Israeli Mossad assets and financially supported by the Chicago-based Turkish Consulate.

James Warren, former Chicago Tribune editor,
British Intelligence asset and FBI Division 5 counter-intelligence agent
pic wolverton-mountain. com

We can also report that closet homosexual James Warren, along with internet mogul, homosexual in-the-closet and sexual terrorist Matt Drudge aka Drecht, current USC (university of spoiled cheats) law professor Susan Estrich, MSNBC reporter Alex Witt, also a graduate of the university of spoiled cheats, FOX News stooge Sean Hannity and FOX News owner Rupert Murdoch Greenberg, have been identified along with former BushFRAUD Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove and lifelong Clinton attorney Lanny Davis, as well as loser Hillary Clinton, herself, in financing a smear campaign with the National Enquirer directed against former Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.

(center ) Closet homosexual and sexual terrorist Matt Drudge aka Drecht

(L) Hillary Clinton with Rupert Murdoch Greenberg, (C ) Murdoch and Hillary, (R) FOX News Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch Greenberg with Hillary Clinton  Note: Clinton attorney David Kendall is also the attorney for the National Enquirer.  Matt Drudge, Susan Estrich and Sean Hannity talk on a daily basis.  The sexual allegations made against former Vice President Gore by Portland, Oregon masseuse, Molly Hagerty, turned out to be totally false as she failed a lie detector test and her claimed DNA evidence turned out to be negative.

Former Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected

President Albert Gore Jr.

The aforementioned media and political filth were clearly trying to blackmail (a crime) former Vice President Gore,

who has been testifying before a National Security Grand Jury outside Washington, D.C. concerning the TREASONOUS crimes of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate in regards to what has been discussed in this intelligence briefing, as well as the LOOTING of the U.S. Treasury.


International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL--reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.

August. 22 and 23, 2010