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TWO VIEWS OF HISTORY:  accidental or  planned? – accidental view is false belief that history is a series of random events – “things  just happen”, this myth is contradictory to all available evidence suggesting  it has been propagated by global management team, through well-funded programming centers called “academic institutions”  and  media machines, such as Reuters/AP (both controlled by Rothschild Dynasty)  and  Rupert Murdoch’s NewsCorp, acting as global schoolmaster spinning this fantasy narrative… 

World Financial Capital

The view that events in history are “planned”  is first step in understanding  centuries old plot by global mgt team to create perpetual hereditary monarchies cloaked in religiosity, to rule humanity — herding us  into a single tunnel vision of reality — thus far, it has been incredibly effective … 

Three of the world’s most powerful cities are not under authority of any nation and pay no taxes – 1.Washington District of Columbia (DC) not part of the city of Washington or United States. 2. City of London, not part of London or England, and 3. Vatican City, not part of Rome or Italy — this geostrategic triangle serves as power base for global management team…  

These cities, called City States, have their own independent flag, their own separate laws and their own separate identity — like City States of London and the Vatican, a third city state was officially created in 1871, w/passage of  “the Act of 1871”.  that city state is called the District of Columbia located on 10sq miles of land in the heart of Washington — the District of  Columbia flies its own flag with its own independent constitution 

The constitution for the District of Columbia operates under tyrannical Roman law known as “Lex Fori” ;  which bears no resemblance to US Constitution. When congress passed the act of 1871 it created a separate corporation known as THE UNITED STATES and corporate government for the District of Columbia. This treasonous act allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside the original constitution of the United States and outside of the best interests of American Citizens (sheeple). POTUS  is the Chief Executive of the Corporation of the United States and operates as any other CEO —  governs  w/a Board of Directors (cabinet officials) and managers (senators & congress) Obama as others before him is POTUS — operating as “vassal king”  taking orders from “The City of London” through the RIIA (Royal Institute of Intl Affairs)

Although geographically separate, the city states of London, the Vatican and the District of  Columbia are one interlocking empire called “Empire of the City” – flag of  Washington District of Columbia has three red stars  one star for each City State in the three city empire — this corporate empire of three city states controls the world economically via London’s inner city (Rothschild banking empire), militarily via District of Columbia (Unified Military Quarantine)  and spiritually through the Vatican (controlled by Society of Jesus or Jesuits; headed by Superior General Adolfo Nicholas a.k.a. The Black Pope; ;  his soldiers are Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM Knights of Malta)  Jesuit Oath of  Fourth Vow: 500 yr  all male — Roman Catholic Military Order,9171,912814-2,00.html 

Malichi Martin “Keys Of This Blood”  

The U.S.A. is a Crown Colony — careful study of signed treaties/charters between Britain and U.S. exposes a well-kept secret – U.S. has always been and remains a British Crown colony. King James I not just famous for translating the Bible into “The King James Version”, but for signing first charter of Virginia in 1606 — which granted America’s British forefathers license to settle and colonize America — also guaranteed future Kings/Queens of England would have sovereign authority over all citizens and colonized land in America, stolen from Native Americans via  genocidal methods — its  farming industry/infrastructure was developed by Africans “stolen” from their homeland, classified as property and relegated to sub-human status.  

After America declared independence from Great Brittain, the Treaty of 1783 was signed treaty identifies King of England as prince of  U.S. – completely contradicting premise that America won The War of  Independence — though King George III gave up most of his claims over American colonies, he kept his right to continue receiving payment for his business venture of colonizing America — if America had really won War of  Independence, they would never have agreed to pay debts and reparations to King of England. America’s blood soaked War of  Independence against British bankrupted America, turning  its citizens into permanent debt slaves of the King. In the War of 1812, British torched and burned to the ground Whitehouse and all US government buildings, destroying ratification records of  US Constitution.  

Most US citizens have been fooled  into thinking U.S. is a country and POTUS is most powerful man on earth – U.S. is NOT a country, it is a corporation (colony) and POTUS  is president of “The Corporation of the United States” – he along w/his officers (cabinet officials) and elected officials (congress) work for the corporation, NOT for American people (sheeple, masses, useless eaters etc). Since U.S. is a corporation, who owns the corporation of the United States?  Like Canada/Australia whose leaders are Prime Ministers of the Queen, and whose land is called Crown Land, U.S. is just another crown colony — Crown colonies are controlled by  Empire of the three City States. 

There are “obelisks”  in center of each city-state — towering  phallic shaped stone monuments – in DC city-state, the obelisk is the Washington monument– dedicated to Freemason George Washington by Grand Lodge of District of Columbia. 250 Masonic lodges financed Washington monument, including Knights Templar Masonic order (SMOM Knights of Malta).  in center of City of London city-state is 187 ton 69 ft Egyptian obelisk called Cleopatra’s Needle — transported from Egypt and erected on the banks of the river Thames.  In Vatican City, another Egyptian obelisk towers high above St Peter’s square. Obelisks are phallic shaped monuments honoring the pagan sun god of ancient Egypt called Amen Ra (sun rays) — spirit of this pagan god is said to reside within the obelisk.  The stranglehold Empire Cities have over humanity is acheived through secret societies such as Freemasons (Scottish Rite & Prince Hall) — members are “blood brothers” having sworn to “ever conceal and never reveal”  the principle secret, which is the “G” in center of  “compass and square” represents Lucifer and they are his soldiers which have been given titles of Royalty (exalting them over humanity)…thus they are known as the “Black Nobility”…  

The Pilgrim Society interlocks w/Committee of 300/Bilderberg/Trilateral Comm/Royal Institute of Intl. Affairs and its American Branch, Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) — these along w/Worldwide Freemasonry form nexus of  global management team, which binds  Zionist-British hereditary monarchies (Royalty) and Anglo-American plutocracy together  

Empire States are “sovereign” — operating above all other nation states, whose installed leaders MUST make pilgrimage to Rome and do obeisance  before their earthly king — “kiss the ring” of the Supreme Pontiff , who exercises temporal power on earth… 

*Part II – Rothschild controlled City of London coming soon…

Jan 23, 2010