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HENEGHAN: China Now the U.S. Clearinghouse - Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate Remains Out of Control (Updated Nov. 4, 2009 with comment)

Tom Heneghan

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Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate Remains Out of Control

by Tom Heneghan

International Intelligence Expert

Saturday  October 31, 2009

UNITED STATES of America  -  It can now be reported that the Obama Administration has negotiated a TREASONOUS deal with the People's Republic of China that will allow China to continue to finance the massive U.S. debt tied to QUAD TRILLIONS of dollars of toxic derivatives that remain parked in U.S. banks and threaten to bring down the entire world economy.



left pic Rahm Emanuel, Greg Craig; center pic Timothy Geithner and Bernard Bernanke

right pic Alan Greenspan

George Herbert Walker Bush (AP) and his partner in crime, loser Hillary Clinton

The TREASONOUS deal with China was struck in recent direct negotiations involving the government of China, along with current Obama White House Chief of Staff and Israeli Mossad agent, Rahm Emanuel, as well as Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate firewall, current White House legal counsel, "Skull and Bonesman" Greg Craig, current Obama U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, current Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, as well as former President George Herbert Walker Bush and his business partner, current de-frocked U.S. Secretary of State, loser and lesbian in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton.

The TREASONOUS deal between the Obama Administration and the Chinese was struck in the last 48 hours and directs the Obama U.S. Commerce Department to hand over secret trading codes that would allow the People's Republic of China to have a 20-second lead time on ALL worldwide security, currency and commodity trading transactions.

The secret codes are tied to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and two major on-line U.S. discount security and commodity trading companies with a direct liaison to the noted criminal firm Goldman Sachs. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

The agreement also involves the government of Israel and its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu aka BibiFRAUD who will also be allowed access to these secret satellite trading codes acting as a middleman between the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and the government of RED China.,0

Against the American People

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in

Pakistan, Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2009  AP

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke in

China on October 29, 2009  Getty

pic movie War Games

Note: During her recent trip to Pakistan, Hillary Clinton,

accompanied by U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke,

also handed over to both Chinese and Israeli Intelligence secret U.S.-NATO-Russian nuclear launch codes

that were used as a bribe to exact the Chinese acquiescence to continue to finance our massive debt and buy our U.S. Treasury bonds.

Item: Gary Locke was a former Clinton Administration official and former Lippo Bank executive

who operated in duality with the Clintons, former Clinton National Security Advisor Sandy Berger and then alleged Independent Counsel and UN-registered lobbyist for the Chinese government, Kenneth W. Starr, to hand over secret U.S. technology to the Chinese during the 1990s.

So it is now clear, folks, the Chinese have been paid back their $1.8 TRILLION loan tenfold. In the last 48 hours, the Chinese-Israeli box gang have accrued up to $3.7 TRILLION of profitable trades in S&P, Euro dollars, U.S. bonds as well as gold and silver future contracts utilizing their 15-20 second lead time made accessible to them through the secret trading codes.


The Russian Federation, as well as the Republic of France, are now on the HIGHEST level of nuclear alert given the TREASONOUS activities of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton.

And, of course, it gets worse!

All of this criminal activity comes on the heels of an expanding U.S. Justice Department and SEC joint investigation into the India-Pakistan based Galleon Group hedge fund and the noted microchip company Advanced Micro Devices with a paper trail to the old London-based offices of the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme.

A new player has surfaced in the investigation, which is none other than the K-1 Deutsche Bank hedge fund also linked to the activities of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate administered Advanced Micro Devices. Friedman, Bernard Madoff, Federal Reserve Bank

We can now also divulge that the K-1 hedge fund, along with the India-Pakistan Galleon Group hedge fund, was used as a parking lot for the Bush-Clinton-Greenspan Crime Family Syndicate, where TRILLIONS of dollars of STOLEN U.S. Treasury and Chinese Sovereign Funds were parked after being laundered through Stephen Friedman's Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the London office of the old Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme.

Item: We can also reveal that current NBC News reporter Andrea Mitchell aka Mrs. Federal Reserve, as well as Obama White House legal counsel Greg Craig, and year 2000 election stealing Bush Family confidant James Baker III, have been given Power of Attorney over the secret accounts in India, Pakistan, Germany and Norway in the last 48 hours.

It is unclear now whether some of the funds have been frozen, although we can report that the Giga funds tied to the Vatican and the Deutsche have been.

George H.W. Bush and James Baker

As of this hour, daddy Bush aka George Herbert Walker Bush, and James Baker are in the German capital of Berlin while current U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is due to arrive soon.

Question folks.  Do you think they are all bringing ATM cards that say "access to STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds"?  Note: Current White House legal Counsel, "Skull and Bonesman" Greg Craig will be leaving the Obama Administration in two weeks and going to work at the noted Washington, D.C. law firm Baker & McKenzie.

Craig worked for his fellow "Skull and Bonesman", BushFRAUD's year 2004 election patsy, John Kerry Cohen.

Craig was also Cuban boy Elian Gonzalez's attorney in the year 2000 anti-Al Gore political psyop in the state of Florida.

Craig was also linked with his soon-to-be new law partner, James Baker, as well as former Illinois Governor George Ryan, to direct bribes paid to Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, as well as Florida state election officials and the "Gang of Five" on the U.S. Supreme Court that installed nation wrecker, election stealer, Constitution shredder, cocaine snorting, homosexual in-the-closet, U.S. Treasury embezzler, AWOL, war criminal George W. BushFRAUD as the illegal White House occupant in the year 2000 presidential election.

P.S. The recent violence in Pakistan was well scripted and timed to disguise the visit of Bush Family business partner, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The violence comes on the heels of a FBI inquiry into the activities of the Galleon Group hedge fund, as well as the K-1 Deutsche Bank hedge fund, directly financing the alleged Al Qaeda terrorist cell Jundallah.  Jundallah, which has a paper trail to J.P. Morgan Chase as well as the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, is currently behind the violence in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq.

As we have previously reported, Jundallah has been linked to the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and terrorist black op attacks in Mumbai (Bombay), India.

Hillary, who is suffering from a deadly disease, was recently in Pakistan not only to hand over secret U.S. and NATO nuclear codes, but to obstruct justice and keep the FBI off Pakistani soil aka the Galleon Group financial link to the terrorist cell Jundallah.

Jundallah is nothing more than state-sponsored terrorist activity with a direct link to Pakistani ISI, U.S. CIA.

P.P.S. There is also new evidence pointing to the role of the Pakistani ISI, the Jundallah terrorist cell, with paper trails to an Al Qaeda terrorist cell in Hamburg, Germany code named "Becker".

Evidence has surfaced tying the K-1 Deutsche Bank hedge fund to financial support for the 9/11 black op attacks on the United States, including the scripting of Osama bin Laden aka CIA asset Tim Osman as the 9/11 patsy.

Passports of Afghani nationals tied to the Hamburg Al Qaeda terrorist cell were recently found on the Afghanistan border.

We can now report that the evidence was 'planted' there by current CIA asset and Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai and his brother, Ahmed Wali Karzai, also a CIA asset.

Karzai and his brother, who want to remain in control of Afghanistan and its lucrative heroin (poppy) trade, are currently blackmailing the United States using the new 9/11 evidence linked to Hamburg, Germany as the hole card.

Reference: The problem for Karzai and his brother is the FBI has now gathered evidence showing both invested billions of dollars of profits from the Afghanistan heroin trade through none other than the Galleon Group hedge fund.

So you see, folks, all of this is setting the stage to force alleged President Barack Obama to deploy more U.S. soldiers to Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, which have become a black market TRILLION dollar bonanza in illegal arms and narcotics trafficking all to benefit the New World Order elite and their crooked hedge funds.

Again, stay tuned.  We will have the media whore list in one of our future intelligence briefings.  Tonight we will give you a preview alerting you that the business editor for the Washington Post, Steven Pearlstein, has not only been fingered as a former client of the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme and retrieved his investment in Israel, but has been active as a PRO Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate blackmailer and bagman engaging in bribes and blackmail of major U.S. media types and various Congressmen and Senators.

Note: It was White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel that leaked the names of the Congressman who are currently under ethics investigation by the House of Representatives to none other than Steven Pearlstein of the Washington Post.

We can now divulge that these Congressmen have tie-ins to the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme and secret offshore accounts tied to none other than the Galleon Group hedge fund.


California Attorney General Gerry Brown

The U.S. Justice Department is now sitting on a criminal referral tying a foreign intelligence agency to conducting an illegal espionage operation against the offices of current California Attorney General Gerry Brown. Harvey Rosenfield   The name of Bush Crime Family confidant Sofia Malstrom has been named as a person of interest, along with California auto insurance advocate Harvey Rosenfield.

Note: Sofia Malstrom has been tied to the illegal activities of various offshore hedge funds and is also a personal friend of noted internet mogul, closet homosexual Matt Drudge.

Former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer

Malstrom has also been linked to the Washington D.C. escort service that was used to frame former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer.

Stephen Friedman, Bernard Madoff, Federal Reserve Bank

Reference: Spitzer had been investigating the activity of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and its CEO Stephen Friedman and its link to the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme.

At this hour we can divulge that California Attorney General Gerry Brown

has been conducting a secret investigation tying Sofia Malstrom and individuals tied to major California banks,

which used the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme to LOOT the retirement funds of California state employees aka the CalPERS pension fund.

We announce to the criminal government and its criminal corporate media enablers:  YOU ARE TOO CORRUPT TO CONTINUE!  We, the American People, who are well armed, will be victorious!
Overlord at Yorktown remains relentless and victorious

TOM HENEGHAN'S EXPLOSIVE INTELLIGENCE BRIEFINGSInternational Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL--reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.


----- Original Message -----
From: A&CM
Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 2:45 PM
Subject: Response To Tom Heneghan's Article/11.01.09

I am not refuting or disputing anything Tom has to say in this article.  I have no reason to.  I am simply a bit puzzled and believe some areas of the article could be made clearer.  This concerns the activity pointed out by Tom regarding China, I assume Red China, cherry picking top U.S military tech secrets by permission of Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Hussein Obama, CEO of the Washington District of Criminals. In doing so, repayment of a rather huge temporary loan was canceled.  What will be traded next for repayment of another trillion plus temporary loan?

Many of us know that Obama is simply a pawn, a puppet of behind the scene handlers, puppet masters. He simply does what he is told to do. He probably needs permission to go to the bathroom.  Many other leaders of shadow governments in this world are someone's pawn or puppet.

Which puppet master(s) want this deal with Red China?

I recall a warning from Hatonn in the Phoenix Journals to be careful about stirring up the energy of the Dragon. That energy is being stirred more and more as world affairs are being manipulated by the Adversary's minions.  It even looks like Papa Bush in his bid to be King of the Hill is taking the Dragon Society seriously now.  I am too.  They can take him and any remaining clones out in a few split seconds, any time, any where.

I question whether Red China actually needs any more advanced secrets for military purposes. This information, in and of itself, is still a product of the continued, unbending use of the protocol to divide and conquer, in my opinion.  Not too long ago a Chinese submarine appeared in the middle of a great American Navy fleet in stealth mode, undetected.  A slap in the face to the military technology of the Navy?

I am  really not sure how much inventory or how many assets are actually left on American soil to be used for bargaining chips for debt swap maneuvers conducted by the Washington District of Criminals on behalf of their puppet masters. I suspect China already owns at least 51 percent of what used to be America.  I know China  bought and owns a valuable sea port on the coast of California.  Some one with the proper skill and knowledge could actually uncover how many corporations, factories, and enterprises in what used to be America are now owned by China.

All the retail products and items labeled "Made In China", does that tell us anything?

China understands the art of war better than any culture on this planet. They wrote the book on it. They understand patience and how to destroy an enemy from within. They do not forget when they have been mis-treated and rarely, if at all, forgive.  Keep that in mind puppet masters.

In the game of the puppet masters to ignite a global nuclear world war 3, their pawns lost the round for the missile shields that were basically missiles to be pointed at Russia, so they are now going to work on China.  The protocol to divide and conquer continues, but the global nuclear war will never happen.  The puppet masters have lost.  This is my 25 cent rant for today. It used to be a nickel rant, but I had to adjust for hyper-inflation.

A Reminder From Esu Immanuel Sananda:

"To those who believe they can stop us from intervening, should the planet be threatened in a global manner by the hothead puppets who do the bidding of the Master Tricksters: You haven't seen anything at all in terms of ADVANCED technology from your Space Brothers. NOTHING AT ALL!" 



In Love and Light,