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HENEGHAN: New World Order Currency Due Soon - Obama-Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate Update

Tom Heneghan

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Obama-Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate Update

by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert

Saturday  April 18, 2009

CONSPIRATORIAL TRAITORS Against the American People

Daddy Bush, Obama, BushFRAUD and Clinton

Photo by Pool/Getty Images

UNITED STATES of America  -  It can now be reported that TRILLIONS of dollars of AIG (American International Group), Citibank and Goldman Sachs U.S. dollar counterparty derivatives are sitting in major Japanese and Chinese banks.

These derivatives, due in May, threaten to collapse the World currency market and, once again, jeopardize the entire World banking system.

Note: A counterparty U.S. dollar derivative is actually a bet made that benefits from the appreciation of the U.S. currency.

Almost all of RED China's current assets are dollar dominated.

The now bankrupt Federal Reserve, under the leadership of its former Chairman, sociopath and Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooge, Alan Greenspan, guaranteed face value payment on these toxic assets, again, due in May of 2009.

We can now divulge that the Federal Reserve does not have the funds to pay off on these derivatives.

At this hour, President Barack Obama continues to commit TREASON by handing over to both the RED Chinese government, along with the government of Japan, what is left of the U.S. GOLD RESERVE, along with other U.S. Government assets, and special programs aka emergency funds, which are outside the scope of the U.S. Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury.

These funds are being held at five (5) secret, private locations in the U.S. Midwest.


Against the American People

Daddy Bush, Obama, BushFRAUD

Obama, known to some as the "anointed one", who now can be called the "False One", chats with sociopath and TRAITOR, former President George Herbert Walker Bush, on a daily basis, and is now conspiring to park these U.S. dollar derivatives in the World Bank.

Obama and daddy Bush are being assisted by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and elements at the criminally compromised German Deutsche Bank.

French President Sarkozy AP photo

Note: French President Nicolas Sarkozy has warned Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate bag lady, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, to cease and desist or else.

President Obama, along with daddy Bush, his Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, former BushFRAUD Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, and Obama's Secretary of State, loser Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, are now discussing a new Black-Scholes mathematical expotential theory of pricing derivatives aka naked options; their latest plot is to park derivatives aka naked options in the World Bank and then price these derivatives out on a 2,050 redemption rate.

All of this hocus pocus aka massive criminal accounting fraud is contingent on a New World Order currency, which would replace the U.S. dollar, the British pound sterling, the EURO currency, along with the Chinese yuan in late May of this year, 2009.

How dare you, you conspiratorial tyrants,
and kings and notable queens!

Reference: The New World Order currency would allow the Bush-Clinton-Crime Family Syndicate, along with their RED Chinese co-conspirators, to write off these TRILLIONS of dollars of toxic derivatives tied to the old world currency structure, park them in the World Bank, depreciate them down while bagman U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, along with Goldman Sachs try to re-sell them at the same time.

I will try to make this simple, folks. If you took Accounting 101 you would quickly conclude what we are describing here is a massive new PONZI SCHEME.

Item: If the Geithner plan to resell the toxic derivatives does not work, which it won't, the New World Order masters will just order new currency taxes to be placed specifically on the American People for the purpose of absorbing the New World Order write-off of the toxic derivatives that have destroyed the entire World economy.

In other words, folks, you will be paying for the Bush-Clinton-Alan Greenspan Crime Family Syndicate THEFT of your own U.S. Treasury for the rest of your lives!

And, of course, this will all be enabled by the corporate, fascist NSA-controlled U.S. media filth.

P.S. We can now divulge that President Obama, with the assistance of former President George Herbert Walker Bush, has ordered the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to prepare for MARTIAL LAW that will be imposed on the American People as early as May of 2009.

The MARTIAL LAW decree will include the suspension of the U.S. Constitution and the elimination of the First, Second and Fourth Amendments - the end of our Bill of Rights.

The latest leaks from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) clearly indicate that our Gestapo-run government has a list of alleged right and left wing extremists who are opposed to corporate fascist rule thrust upon them by an out-of-control criminal, TREASONOUS government.
CONSPIRATORIAL TRAITORSagainst the American People

Obama and BushFRAUD's DHS Secretaries

Janet Napolitano and Israeli Mossad agent Michael Chertoff

Current DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano is being assisted in compiling these lists of actual American Patriots by former DHS Secretary and 9/11 co-conspirator, KHAZARIAN Jew and Israeli Mossad agent Michael Chertoff and Democratic Congresswoman KHAZARIAN Jew and Israeli Mossad agent Jane Harman.

They are all plotting TREASON to activate FEMA concentration camps on American soil.


Against the American PeopleKHAZARIAN Jews and Israeli Mossad agentsJane Harman and Michael Chertoff kiss

AP photo

Note: When it comes to Ms. Harman, what you have here, folks, is a radical feminist, a loser Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton stooge, 9/11 cover up artist and archenemy of former Vice President now year 2000 duly elected, non-inaugurated President Albert Gore Jr.


Against the American People
KHAZARIAN Jews and Israeli Mossad agents

Jane Harman and Michael Chertoff

Both Harman and Chertoff are a THREAT to the U.S. Constitution.  They are an ASSAULT on liberty, whose loyalty is to the state of Israel, not to the United States of America.

Question: Could it be that the definition of a right wing or left wing extremist is someone who actually understands what a derivative is, or what a derivative is not.


If you need assistance in understanding what a derivative is call CIA

journalist John Harwood of the New York Times.  He is so happy that most Americans apparently do not understand what a derivative is.

Jane Harman as guest speaker at PRO Israeli AIPAC (L),

  with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon

Call Ms. Harman at (202) 224-3121, and tell the little KHAZARIAN Jew, fascist TRAITOR to "shut up".

P.P.S.  All of this is happening while the Obama Justice Department and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder have new "smoking gun" evidence detailing PRE 9/11 NSA (National Security Agency) spying directed against the American People.

The spying program actually began in February of 2001, well before 9/11.

The evidence shows that the BushFRAUD Administration was concerned about who knew what about various alleged Al Qaeda terrorist cells on American soil, which had been infiltrated by the Israeli Mossad.

We can reveal that the BushFRAUD NSA, along with Vice pResident Dick Cheney and U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, were warned at least three times (3x) in advance of the 9/11 attack and ignored all warnings.

This all dovetails to the 9/11 Commission cover up of PRE 9/11 TREASONOUS activity, including daddy Bush's little bitch, Bill Clinton, who was briefed in late February of 2001, on Vice pResident Dick Cheney's personal negotiations with the Taliban in Afghanistan in reference to a possible oil and natural gas pipeline being run through Afghanistan onto RED China.

Note: The company that would sponsor the pipeline was Dick Cheney's Halliburton, who had been given the contract by former President Bill Clinton aka daddy Bush's little bitch, to rebuild Bosnia after conclusion of the Bosnia-Serbia War in 1998.

What the 9/11 Commission also covered up were personal notes in which Cheney and Clinton discussed a pretext for military action against Afghanistan should the Taliban asking price be too high for use of their territory vis-
à-vis the pipeline.

These personal notes, which where never divulged to the American People show that Clinton and Cheney discussed a pretense for military action in Afghanistan aka what would become 9/11.

P.P.P.S. At this hour, TRILLIONS of dollars of STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds, which represent the back end of illegal profits from the bogus derivative market, are parked in secret CIA proprietary accounts in India, Pakistan and RED China.

These secret accounts are under control of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and family dynasties in RED China, which are tied to the late Madame Wu Yi.

Listen to this, folks.  The trustee on these secret accounts is none other than 9/11 patsy, former U.S. government employee and CIA asset, the late Tim Osman aka Osama bin Laden.

Reference: Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman died in December of 2001 of kidney failure in a hospital in RED China near the Afghanistan border.

Osama bin Laden is kept alive (ha) by the fascist corporate-controlled U.S. media because admitting the fact that Osama bin Laden is dead would immediately trigger an IRS audit of the accounts for the purpose of taxes due and expose the secret hiding places of the STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds tied to the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate.


You wonder, folks, if the latest Hollywood video about to be released will be a remake of the comedy "Weekend at Bernie's".

The new video will be called "The Weekend at Bin Laden's".

Reference: At this hour, the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols hangs in the balance.

American PatriotAmbassador Leo Wanta

Remember, folks, once the Protocols are implemented, our great Patriot Ambassador Leo Wanta, along with Bill Hamilton and PROMIS software, will immediately be able to identify the exact locations of the STOLEN U.S. Treasury funds and begin immediate repatriation of these funds back into the U.S. Treasury.

Wanta will be assisted not only by Hamilton, but also by former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker.

Note: Of course, repatriation of these funds will also lead to the incarceration of the TRAITOROUS Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and their stooges like former Clinton Administration U.S. Treasury Secretary and former Citibank CEO Robert Rubin.

Robert Rubin who, along with former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, needs to be duct tapped, handcuffed and placed in Federal prison, on various occasions has threatened to have Ambassador Leo Wanta assassinated.


Against the American PeopleKHAZARIAN Jews Robert Rubin and Alan Greenspan

AP by Gerald Herbert

It is time the U.S. Marshals arrest Rubin and Greenspan for HIGH Treason.

At this hour, will President Obama do the right thing?  Does he get it?  Or will he continue to operate as president of Goldman Sachs, not President of the United States and take direct orders from the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, who continue to blackmail him on a 24-hour basis.

U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald (r),
former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich

Final notes: As promised, more on the U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald-Governor Rod Blagojevich fiasco in the state of Illinois.

We can now report that U.S. Attorney Fitzgerald may soon be investigated by a U.S. Justice Department Special Master, which deals with prosecutorial misconduct involving the indictment of Blagojevich.

The Special Master is looking at Patrick Fitzgerald's continuing to "seal" the indictments of former White House pResident, illegal occupant George W. BushFRAUD and his Vice pResident Richard Cheney for plotting to plant WMDs in Iraq before the war.

Fitzgerald continues to shield the use of the Turkish Consulate in Chicago as the liaison for the plot as well as the Valerie Plame leak case as a disguise for the larger crime aforementioned.

A split has developed between BushFRAUD and Cheney concerning the fact that Bush did not pardon Cheney's aide Scooter Libby, who can directly link Cheney to the plot to plant the WMDs in Iraq.

U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald

AP by Arbogast

The U.S. Justice Department Special Master will ask U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald a very simple question.

Was the Valerie Plame leak case, along with the Scooter Libby indictment on perjury, a diversionary move created by Fitzgerald to obstruct justice involving the higher ups in the BushFRAUD Administration?

NSA's Stellar Wind
ILLEGAL domestic spying on the American People

The Special Master will also ask Fitzgerald why he utilized the U.S. NSA (National Security Agency) and its illegal Stellar Wind espionage program to illegally spy on Illinois State politicians, whose only crime was to try to bring inexpensive Canadian prescription drugs into Illinois in order to preempt the monopoly General Electric Medical Systems had on the prescription drug market.

Israeli Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel with Valerie Jarrett

Alex Wong/Getty Images

The Special Master is also going to ask Fitzgerald why he gave current White House Chief of Staff and Israeli Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel immunity from prosecution when Emanuel is heard on tape demanding and blackmailing Illinois Governor Blagojevich that Obama campaign aide Valerie Jarrett be appointed as the next Illinois U.S. Senator on a temporary basis so Emanuel could then seek the seat himself in 2010.

Jesse Jackson Jr (L), brother Jonathan Jackson

The Special Master will also ask Fitzgerald why he is giving Reverend Jesse Jackson Jr. immunity from prosecution when his brother Jonathan Jackson is heard on tape offering an alleged representative of Governor Blagojevich a $1 MILLION BRIBE in exchange for Jesse Jackson Jr.'s appointment to the U.S. Senate seat.

Fitzgerald allows Jesse Jackson Jr. to get away with this idea that Jackson Jr. is an FBI informant and was actually conducting a sting on Blagojevich.

That folks is absurd!


FBI Division COINTELPRO disinfo provocateurs

Jesse Jackson Jr. and the Reverend Jesse Jackson

Jackson Jr., along with his father, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, are lifelong FBI Division 5 provocateurs and have been used by the corporate fascist media to divide and destroy the Democratic Party and to pave the way for Republican presidential victories.

Example: Jackson's presence in the 1988 Democratic presidential primary enabled unelectable Northeastern liberal Michael Dukakis to survive then Tennessee Senator Albert Gore's challenge, which paved the way for the Dukakis nomination, and eventually the George Herbert Walker Bush presidency.

Reference: The Reverence Jesse Jackson was also present at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee on April 4, 1968, when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated by an FBI Division 5-J. Edgar Hoover team, with Reverend Jesse Jackson himself a liaison to the FBI Division 5 team.

Martin Luther King Jr., second right, and SCLC aides Hosea Williams, Jesse Jackson Jr., from left, and Ralph Abernathy return to the Lorraine Motel in Memphis.  King was shot dead on the balcony April 4, 1968. Photo: AP/File

King assassinated. Rev. Martin Luther King is fatally shot on April 4 while standing on a Memphis motel balcony.  Riots break out in 125 cities, leaving 46 dead. Time, Inc. photo, 1968, via Associated Press


James Earl Ray was used as the patsy.

U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald

leaking Federal Grand Jury evidence

UPI by Brian Kersey
(l-r) James Warren, Jesse Jackson Jr, Rahm Emanuel, Tony Rezko

The Special Master will also ask Fitzgerald why he is leaking Federal Grand Jury evidence to former Chicago Tribune editor James Warren, who, himself, is an FBI Division 5 informant, including the copies of the actual tape-recorded conversations involving Rahm Emanuel, Jesse Jackson Jr. and Antoin "Tony" Rezko.

Warren, a closet homosexual, a blackmailer and British Intelligence asset, has been used for years by the U.S. Attorney's office in the Northern District of Illinois to orchestrate frame-ups of politicians who cannot be controlled by the Illinois mafia syndicate. Warren has major financial ties to the outlaw Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the corrupt Sara Lee Corporation, which backed former New Jersey Senator Bill Bradley in his year 2000 presidential primary campaign against then Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr.

Warren is a national security risk who constantly appears on cable television in soccer shirts.  He lives in a luxury apartment with his homosexual lover on Lakeshore Drive, Chicago, Illinois.

In closing this intelligence briefing, folks, we can not understate that the corporate fascist U.S. media elite remains a direct enemy of the American People.

Once again we want to use as an example MSNBC Hardball's Chrissy Pooh Matthews aka Tweety Bird.

Affectionate moments between Chrissy Pooh Matthews and

loser Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton

Matthews, a stooge for loser and now U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, is the host of MSNBC's Hardball show, recently disclosed that he had been recruited by the CIA as a college student and promised a starting salary of $11,000 a year.

Let the truth be told that Matthews has been a lifelong CIA and British Intelligence asset who puts out disinformation and propaganda to benefit the corporate U.S. government fascist state.


Matthews, who bragged about voting for nation-wrecker, homosexual in-the-closet, AWOL, cocaine snorting, alcoholic in the year 2000 presidential election, George W. BushFRAUD, spent his time during the 2000 election

campaign distorting then Vice President Albert Gore Jr.'s Second Amendment position and actually aiding the campaign of Gore's primary opponent, unelectable Northeastern liberal, Bill Bradley, Democrat of New Jersey.

Matthews, who hates MSNBC's Countdown host Keith Olbermann, is a personal friend of Barack Obama's White House legal counsel, "Skull and Bonesman" Greg Craig.

Greg Craig was the campaign manager for George W. BushFRAUD's year 2004 presidential election patsy, "Skull and Bonesman" John Kerry Cohen.

Matthews is a personal friend of John Kerry Cohen and has openly admitted he wants Kerry Cohen to be president some day.

Reference: "Skull and Bonesman" John Kerry Cohen is a 3rd cousin of BushFRAUD on the Forbes.


Matthews also participated in issuing propaganda on the behalf of Cuban Elian Gonzalez attorney and "Skull and Bonesman" Greg Craig, which was designed to return Elian back to Communist Cuba in order to directly harm the presidential campaign of then Vice President, now duly elected President Albert Gore Jr. in the state of Florida during the year 2000 presidential election.

Matthews, who admits to being a personal friend of FOX News' Sean Hannity and former BushFRAUD's White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Karl Rove, was fully aware that Rove kept a file on former Florida Republican Congressman Tom Feeney concerning Feeney's knowledge of the NASA space agency electronic THEFT of the states of Missouri, Florida, West Virginia, Tennessee and New Hampshire in the year 2000 presidential election.

Matthews used this information on Rove to actually blackmail his friend Karl Rove on behalf of NBC General Electric.

You see, folks, what a piece of manure Chris Matthews is. 


We announce to the criminal government and its criminal corporate media enablers, you are too corrupt to continue!

We, the American People, who are well armed, will be victorious!

* * * REMEMBER * * *

The orders of the day for ALL patriots as we continue to identify the enemies of the American Republic and the American Revolution in the 21st Century and eradicate them:

When it comes to the enemies of the American Republic and the American Revolution in the 21st century, we dedicate ourselves to the 2nd American Revolution and making these enemies a memory.

We must remove them from American soil, and DO IT NOW!

Overlord at Yorktown remains relentless and victorious.

At this hour, we live free or dies as Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the natural-born  REAL  duly elected year 2000 President of the United States.

Year 2000 non-inaugurated, DULY ELECTED

President Albert Gore Jr.



International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL-- reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.


Patriotic, God-loving, peaceful Jewish People are NOT the same as the  war mongering ZIONIST KHAZARIAN Jews.

Homosexual gays and lesbians who are  "IN-THE-CLOSET"<span style="font-size: 14pt;