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HENEGHAN: Emergency Update: Jews Gone Wild

Tom Heneghan

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Emergency Update:  JEws Gone Wild

by Tom Heneghan

International Intelligence Expert

Scroll below this briefing for a MUST read Wayne Madsen report

Monday   January 5, 2009

North American Israeli Mossad Chief Rahm Emanuel (left) AP by J. Scott Applewhite, KHAZARIAN Jew Dianne Feinstein (center) KHAZARIAN Jew and Israeli Mossad agent Jane Harman

United States of America – Notes from Tom Heneghan:

Below this intelligence briefing is a must read report from Wayne Madsen, who describes clearly the criminal events going on in the United States of America.

Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich (left),

North American Israeli Mossad Chief

Rahm Emanuel, (center)

I can divulge that North American Israeli Mossad Chief Rahm Emanuel has been caught on tape blackmailing Illinois Governor Blagojevich concerning a caretaker appointment to the Illinois U.S. Senate seat so that KHAZARIAN Jew Emanuel can, himself, run in two years.


I can also add that former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, along with Illinois Governor Blagojevich, New Mexico Democratic Governor Bill Richardson and former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, were all illegally wiretapped by then NSA Chief Michael Hayden using the ILLEGAL UN-Constitutional NSA spy program called Stellar Wind.

Note: Stellar Wind was also used to illegally wiretap and monitor every phone call and email made in the United States from February of 2001 to the present day. [jane_harman.jpg]

Enabling this TREASON was current KHAZARIAN Jew Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, and KHAZARIAN Jew Congresswoman and Israeli MOSSAD agent Jane Harman, Democrat of California.

Former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer was about to have noted ponzi scheme artist KHAZARIAN Jew Bernard Madoff arrested at the time Spitzer was suddenly fingered with the use of NSA wiretaps in his noted hooker-gate scandal.

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson was illegally wiretapped after discussing with former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell the nature of the criminal conspiracy that took the United States to war in Iraq based on a lie.

Illinois Governor Blagojevich was not only illegally wiretapped by the FBI, but also illegally wiretapped by the NSA Stellar Wind program.

North American Israeli Mossad Chief Rahm Emanuel (left)

and his money laundry scheme co-conspirator

KHAZARIAN Jew ponzi scheme artist Bernard Madoff


It was Rahm Emanuel that is on tape engineering the frame up against Blagojevich since Blagojevich had received the text of wiretaps delivered to him showing a criminal TREASONOUS money laundry scheme between Israeli Mossad agent Emanuel and KHAZARIAN Jew and ponzi scheme artist Bernard Madoff.

Item: The ZIONIST-controlled U.S. media filth is NOT reporting the fact that Bernard Madoff received a national security clearance from the head of the Department of Homeland Security, KHAZARIAN Jew and 9/11 co-conspirator, Israeli Mossad agent Michael Chertoff.


Dianne Feinstein at a PRO Israel rally (r) and

Jane Harman as guest speaker at a PRO Israel AIPAC

Reference: KHAZARIAN Jew and Mossad asset Senator Dianne Feinstein is currently promoting her fellow KHAZARIAN Jew, Israeli Mossad agent and NSA wiretap cover up artist U.S. Representative Jane Harman for the position of CIA Director.

It should be mentioned that president-elect Obama's choice of Leon Panetta as CIA Director would expedite the implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols, now held at Bank of America in none other than Senator Dianne Feinstein's hometown of San Francisco, California.

Sociopath 3rd degree witch Hillary Clinton threatening Caroline Kennedy

At this hour, we can report that loser and lesbian in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton is throwing temper tantrums and making physical threats against the daughter of the late President John F. Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy.

The sociopath 3rd degree witch was actually enabled by her stooge and fellow KHAZARIAN Jew and British Intelligence asset Tina Brown of MSNBC and the satanic website: the beast. com.'s fellow 3rd degree witch Tina Brown actually said today on MSNBC's Joe in the Morning show that Caroline Kennedy was like French or British royalty and might wind up like a Duke of York that was shot before he got to the royal court.

Call NBC General Electric at (202) 885-4200 and tell them they have now crossed the line of any decency and that their anti-Catholic jihad will now be dealt with.

So, NBC, it is about time that you understand that people are really getting angry with your anti-Catholic propaganda.



A MUST read report from Wayne Madsen:


Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald (left) and

Secretary of Homeland Security, KHAZARIAN Jew and

Israeli Mossad agent Michael Chertoff


January 5, 2009 -- The Fitzgerald-Chertoff game to destabilize American politics on behalf of neocon cause

The removal by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff of the federal security clearances of New York Democratic Governor Eliot Spitzer and Illinois Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich based on scandals not backed up by indictments is yet another indication of a runaway administration abusing unconstitutional eavesdropping authorities imposed under the National Security Agency's illegal STELLAR WIND program.

The latest victim of STELLAR WIND appears to be New Mexico Democratic Governor Bill Richardson, who withdrew yesterday as Barack Obama's nominee for Secretary of Commerce.

On May 15, 2005, WMR reported that Richardson 's phone calls to then-Secretary of State Colin Powell were being wiretapped By NSA. Although the program was then highly-classified, it is now known that the wiretapping of Richardson was carried out pursuant to STELLAR WIND, which had been authorized by President George W. Bush. WMR reported at the time that the illegal surveillance of Richardson was authorized by then-NSA director General Michael Hayden under the aegis of NSA "training exercises." We reported at the time that intercepts of Richardson's phone calls as "training exercises" violated United States Signals Intelligence Directive 18 (USSID 18) because "the material in question was not deleted and was transmitted in raw intercept form to external agencies for clearly political purposes - a violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and USSID 18, which only allows such raw training mission intercepts to be transmitted when evidence of criminal activity is uncovered during the training mission."

The federal investigations of Spitzer, Blagojevich, Richardson, and even former Democratic Alabama Governor Don Siegelman now all appear to have been partly based on the illegal use of NSA STELLAR WIND intercepts being used for blatant political purposes and that NSA's vast intercept capabilities were used in total violation of USSID 18, that is for political "fishing expeditions" to uncover evidence, no matter how circumstantial or flimsy, of criminal activity."

The criminal activity on the part of federal prosecutors and Justice and Homeland Security Department officials now centers around U..S. Attorney for northern Illinois Patrick Fitzgerald; Chertoff, Fitzgerald's one-time fellow prosecutor in northern New Jersey when Fitzgerald was an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Manhattan; Attorney General and former federal judge Michael Mukasey; and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales..

With word to WMR that Rahm Emanuel was involved in negotiations with Blagojevich to have named as Obama's Senate replacement someone who would serve as a placeholder so Emanuel could run for the Senate seat in 2010 and Emanuel's own close links, through a major Israeli intelligence political espionage and influence-peddling scheme involving Chertoff and Mukasey, among others, it now appears that the political "take downs" of Spitzer, Blagojevich, and Richardson were planned to eliminate "problems" for those threatened by the three Democratic Governors. These include problems for Wall Street scammers like Bernard Madoff, J. Ezra Merkin, and AIG's Hank Greenberg posed by Spitzer; problems for Emanuel's Senate ambitions and the Illinois cut-off of business to the Bank of America posed by Blagojevich; and Richardson's positioning to ultimately replace the extremely pro-Israel Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State in the event of a policy dispute between Clinton and the Obama White House over Middle East policy.

The U.S. Senate has not been immune to the effects of federal prosecutorial misconduct. The Blagojevich arrest has thrown into controversy the appointment of former Illinois Attorney General Roland Burris to the Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama. The Spitzer take down and his replacement by New York Lieutenant Governor David Paterson has resulted in Caroline Kennedy's camaign to replace Hillary Clinton in the Senate becoming a political tempest. There has been a camaign, supported by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) to have Representative Stephen Israel (D-NY) replace Clinton in the Senate, giving the State of Israel two solid supporters in the Senate from New York: Charles Schumer and Stephen Israel.

From Albany to Springfield and Washington , DC to Santa Fe , prosecutors have helped create political mayhem to match the economic turmoil plaguing the nation.

Fitzgerald has only been able to have a criminal complaint executed against Blagojevich having failed to convince a federal grand jury that Blagojevich's actions constituted a crime. Fitzgerald grandstanded at an uncharacteristic Chicago news conference complaining that Blagojevich had tried to sell the Senate seat of Abraham Lincoln and refusing to implicare Emanuel in Senate seat deals. Fitzgerald has now requested a 90-day extension of his investigation of Blagojevich because he is up against provisions of the federal law on speedy trials. In other words, Fitzgerald's case against Blagojevich is sloppy and is falling apart during a time when the conflict-of-interest between Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, who would preside over the impeachment of Blagojevich, and his daughter Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan is beginning to be noticed by the media. Fitzgerald has been eager to share wiretapped recordings with the Illinois House even though there is no validation that Fitzgerald's intercepts, both from phone taps and bugging devices, were obtained legally. The public only has Fitzgerald's word that the surveillance was legal but based on STELLAR WIND and Fitzgerald's past performance, there is no reason to believe that the Chicago prosecutor is telling the truth.

In early 2008, Richardson personally told this editor that I had been correct about his being illegally eavesdropped upon by NSA. News that Richardson is the latest Democratic Governor to fall victim to a Justice Department probe is a clear indication that the wiretapping of Richardson never stopped and continued until prosecutors were satisfied they had something to empanel a grand jury. However, such probes without a pre-existing criminal predicate constitute clear prosecutorial and law enforcement misconduct, something that imprisoned Illinois Republican Governor George Ryan cited for his reason in commuting the death sentences of Illinois ' death row inmates. Ryan, too, became a target of Fitzgerald.

Fitzgerald, who has been likened to a modern-day Eliot Ness who wages a relentless war against corrupt politicians and businessmen, is now emerging as a key user of expanded government eavesdropping powers available through programs like STELLAR WIND. In addition, Fitzgerald conspired with Robert Luskin, Bush top aide Karl Rove's attorney, to permit Rove to alter his perjured testimony five times before a grand jury in Washington . Fitzgerald also sidestepped criminal charges against Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby for revealing classified information about the CIA's counter-proliferation operations and the name of a covert agent and merely pursued obstruction of justice and perjury charges against Libby. Although Libby was convicted, Bush commuted his prison sentence. Fitzgerald won a criminal conviction of neocon media giant Hollinger, Inc. chairman Lord Conrad Black but Black's Hollinger colleague, arch-neocon and Bush administration adviser Richard Perle was not touched by Fitzgerald.

Fitzgerald's Irish-born father was a doorman for the wealthy elite who lived in the Upper East Side of Manhattan. While on summer vacation from Amherst College and Harvard Law School , Fitzgerald also worked as a doorman in the high-rises in the Upper East Side . Apparently, Fitzgerald's training as a doorman for the elite of Manhattan has influenced him as a federal prosecutor. An examination of Fitzgerald's record in Manhattan and Chicago shows that he still holds the doors open for and carries the bags for the elites.

While relentless against the Italian Cosa Nostra Gambino and Gotti families in New York , Fitzgerald showed no inclination in going after the "Kosher Nostra" responsible for countless scams on Wall Street.

On October 31, 2005, an article in the Irish Independent described Fitzgerald, while a doorman, as being upset over being "treated shabbily by residents who didn't realize this was a Phi Beta Kappa from Amherst, and later a Harvard Law School student, holding the door." It turned out that Fitzgerald learned his place in life while holding the doors open for Manhattan 's filthy rich and carrying the Bergdorf Goodman and B. Altman shopping bags for the Upper East Side 's wealthy widows.

The collusion between Fitzgerald and Chertoff go back to the investigation of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing investigation. While Jersey City was turned into a staging ground for the individuals who would carry out the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, Chertoff, the Republican U.S. Attorney for northern New Jersey, was more interested in throwing the city of Jersey City into political turmoil by indicting Democratic Jersey City Mayor Gerald McCann for defrauding a Florida Savings & Loan association of $240,000. McCann charged that Chertoff's prosecution of him was purely political due to the fact that McCann was a Democrat.

McCann said the prosecution against him by Chertoff was an attempt by the Bush 41 administration to deflect attention that top Republicans played in the savings and loan fraud, including the role played by Bush' son, Neil, in the collapse of Silverado Savings and Loan. McCann told The New York Times, "The simple reason for the indictment is that I happen to be a Democrat and they are Republicans."

The charges of political prosecutions by Republican U.S. attorneys would later be at the heart of charges that George W. Bush prosecutors were carry similar political prosecutions and investigations against Siegelman, Spitzer, Blagojevich, and Richardson.

Prosecutorial misconduct is no stranger to either Fitzgerald or his friend Chertoff. In 1988, Chetoff was involved in the extradition to India  of two Indian Sikhs, Sukhminder Singh and Ranjit Singh Gill, for trying to assassinate a top Indian military officer. One of Chertoff's prosecutors, Judy Russell, said that she received death threats over her involvement in the case. Later, FBI agents matched the typewriting on the envelopes containing the death threats to Russell the typewritten characters on Russell's job application from 1983. The actual threat letters were from words cut out of magazines. The threat letters were written to appear that they came from Sikh terrorists opposed to the extradition of the Sikhs to India . Chertoff was the Assistant U.S. Attorney in the bizarre "false flag" case. The U.S. Attorney who was Chertoff's boss was Samuel A. Alito, Jr., now an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Chertoff was appointed by George H. W. Bush to replace Alito as U.S. Attorney for northern New Jersey in May 1991. On March 23, 1993, President Clinton's new Attorney General, Janet Reno, requested all GOP U.S. attorneys to submit their resignations. There was one exception: Michael Chertoff. New Jersey 's two Democratic Senators, Frank Lautenberg and Bill Bradley interceded with Reno to allow Chertoff to keep his job. However, it now appears that Chertoff was kept on to help cover up details of the February 26, 1993 World Trade Center bombing, which had occurred a little less than a month before he was kept on his job by the Clinton administration. Chertoff would have a cover-up colleague across the Hudson River in Manhattan : his fellow Harvard Law School alum, Assistant U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald.

New Jersey Democratic Governor Jim Florio would have little for which to thank Lautenberg and Bradley in their support for keeping Chertoff around under Clinton . After losing a close re-election race to Republican Christine Todd Whitman, there were allegations that Whitman's campaign adviser paid "walking around" money to black preachers to suppress African-American turnout for Florio in traditionally Democratic urban areas in north Jersey . Democratic state committee chairman, State Senator Raymond Lesniak, filed complaints with Chertoff and the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division. No action was taken by either Chertoff or the Justice Department about the election engineering in New Jersey .

In December 1993, Chertoff announced the indictment of Rexon Technology of Wayne , New Jersey and four of its principal officers with filing a false export application for the export of fuses for 155-millimeter howitzer shells for Jordan 's armed forces. Chertoff charged the company and officers with exporting the fuses through Jordan to Iraq . Rexon was a major U.S. Army contractor. The fuse shipment was tied to the "super gun" work that artillery expert Gerald Bull, head of Space Research Corporation, was doing for Iraq's military. In March 1990. Bull was shot twice in the back of his head in his apartment in a suburb of Brussels . The Mossad was believed to have been involved in he hit on Bull and Chertoff, whose mother Livia was an alleged Mossad agent as a flight attendant for El Al Airlines, was left to prosecute the supply end of the Iraq arms transfer link in New Jersey .

However, Chertoff showed no interest in the activities of north Jersey Egyptian-born neurologist Dr. Magdy el-Amir, reported to be a major funder of the Al Salam mosque in Jersey City , the very same mosque was central to the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993. After leaving his U.S. Attorney post in 1994, Chertoff became Republican chief counsel for the Senate Whitewater Committee that investigated President Clinton from everything from the Whitewater land deals in Arkansas to the death of Clinton 's deputy White House counsel Vince Foster. Chertoff was succeeded as U.S. Attorney by Faith Shapiro Hochberg. Chertoff's Democratic counterpart on the committee was Richard Ben-Veniste, who would sit in judgement of Chertoff's actions before, during, and after the 9/11 attack. Ben-Veniste was appointed as a member of the 9/11 Commission.

After his stint with the Whitewater Committee, Chertoff wet into private practice with the law firm Latham & Watkins and represented el-Amir in an investigation of a Pakistani-based arms running operation to Al Qaeda. On March 3, 2006, WMR reported: "As Assistant U.S. Attorney, Chertoff . .  . declined to prosecute Dr. Magdy Elamir, an Egyptian-born neurologist in Jersey City who was implicated in an FBI/ATF arms trafficking investigation code named Operation Diamondback. It turned out that Elamir was a Chertoff's client in a fraud case brought against Elamir's HMO by the state of New Jersey . NBC's Dateline, on August 2, 2002, referred to a 1998 foreign intelligence report obtained by the network, 'The report alleges that an H.M.O. owned by Dr. Elamir in New Jersey was 'funded by ben [sic] Laden' and that in turn Dr. Elamir was skimming money from the H.M.O. to fund 'terrorist activities.'' New Jersey investigators discovered that $15 million in funds from Elamir's HMO were unaccounted for and Dateline determined that some of the funds were transferred to off-shore bank accounts. Chertoff represented Elamir at the time the money was shifted to the off-shore bank accounts."

Nevertheless, George W. Bush appointed Chertoff to be the head of the Justice Department's Criminal Division in 2001. Chertoff was in charge of the Criminal Division during the second attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

On August 27, 2006, WMR reported: " U.S. federal prosecutors suppressed critical evidence in trial of 1993 World Trade Center bombers. According to U.S. intelligence sources, the FBI and Justice Department sat on volumes of translations of Arabic telephone intercepts gathered before the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center from U.S.- and Sudan-based Muslim militants who once worked for U.S. intelligence in the mujaheddin war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.  The critical intelligence, which demonstrated a link between the CIA and 'Afghan Arab' mujaheddin forces, including those loyal to Osama bin Laden, was never introduced into the trial of the Brooklyn- and Jersey City-based based cell that included the blind Egyptian cleric Shaikh Omar Abdul Rahman, Ramzi Yousef, and Eyad Ismail. The New York and New Jersey cell also included Ali Mohammed, a graduate of the U.S. Army's Special Forces School at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, who, while an active duty member of the Special Forces, secretly traveled to Afghanistan to train Bin Laden's forces and provide special intelligence on U.S. "soft targets" for terrorist attacks, and Wadih el-Hage, Osama bin Laden's personal secretary, who was also a resident of the United States. Ironically, the two men responsible for the failure to present the surveillance intelligence on the 1993 World Trade Center bombers to the juries and grand juries hearing the charges -- the main federal prosecutors for New York City and New Jersey in the bombing case -- were Patrick J. Fitzgerald and Michael Chertoff, respectively. According to an FBI source, the chief FBI investigator against Al Qaeda in the 1990s, the late John O'Neill, was upset that the much of the telephone surveillance of the bombers was never introduced as evidence and remained  un-translated and classified."

Egyptian cleric Sheikh Omar Abdul Rahman was accused by Fitzgerald and Chertoff as a mastermind in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. However, Chertoff later represented one of the accused financial backers of Rahman's Al Salam mosque in Jersey City . Rahman's attorney Lynne Stewart argued that the government's case against Rahman was a frame-up and that Emad Salem, the government's chief informer in the case was an Egyptian intelligence agent who had been manipulated by the FBI in developing a case against Rahman, referred to as the "blind sheikh."

Fitzgerald and Chertoff also tried to prove that it was Ramzi Yousef who entered the United States six months before the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and organized the bombers into a group the government called the "Liberation Army: Fifth Brigade." The federal prosecutors maintained that Yousef fled to Pakistan hours after the Trade Center explosion. Rahman's attorneys argued that if Yousef was the mastermind of the attack that left Rahman off the hook. Fitzgerald never allowed jurors to hear the wiretapped Arabic conversations of Rahman, they were only permitted to read transcripts of English translations of the conversations. WMR learned from a CIA source that the translations were incomplete and incorrect.

Fitzgerald argued that the government had procured evidence from Denmark that proved that Yousef and Rahman had been in contact. Among the "smoking gun" evidence presented by Fitzgerald proving a Yousef-Rahman link to the 1993 Trade Center bombing was a Jerusalem bus schedule, a sketch of terrorist targets in Denmark , videotapes of Rahman's speeches seized from seven Arab men in Denmark in 1994, and mercury. Defense attorneys argued that the government should let them see all the evidence procured from abroad. The judge in the trial of the Trade Center bombers answered the request to see the evidence by one of the attorneys, "I am not going to order open file discovery just because you stomp your Buster Browns on the sidewalk and ask for it." Whether the defense attorneys were aware that the Fitzgerald and Chertoff has withheld critical intelligence evidence, as reported by WMR, is not known. The presiding judge who made the Buster Brown shoe remark was Michael Mukasey, the present Attorney General and Chertoff's and Fitzgerald's co-conspirator in their political vendettas.

In the end Fitzgerald's case against Rahman was so dubious he was forced to use a Civil War sedition statute in his prosecution of the blind sheikh. Rahman's attorney Stewart was later convicted of providing material support to terrorism by passing messages between third parties and Rahman in prison. Stewart was prosecuted based on wiretaps and hidden cameras authorized in the post-9/11 crackdown on constitutional liberties. It was an environment that permitted individuals like Chertoff and Fitzgerald to settle scores and engage in political witch hunts with four Democratic Governors, among countless others, being caught up in fishing expeditions.

In 1996, Fitzgerald was a co-chair of the Organized Crime and Terrorism Unit of the U.S Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York that helped the FBI conclude that the downing of TWA 800 was not due to terrorism.

The corporate rat pack media has salivated over the scandals involving Spitzer, Blagojevich, and now, Richardson. All the while the media has ignored the plight of Siegelman and his appeal of a political conviction. Four Democratic Governors done in by dirty prosecutors, with a Republican Illinois Governor thrown in for good measure because he dared challenge dirty cops and prosecutors in Fitzgerald's adopted home town of Chicago.

It is clear that not only should Fitzgerald be asked to resign immediately by the Obama administration but criminal conspiracy charges should be prepared by the new Justice Department against Messrs. Fitzgerald, Chertoff, Mukasey, and their underlings who have turned the criminal justice system into an arena for political paybacks and vendettas.



We live free or die as we continue to identify the enemies of the American Republic and the 2nd American Revolution in the 21st Century and eradicate them.

Overlord at Yorktown remains relentless and victorious. 

Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the  REAL  President of the United States.

Non-inaugurated, duly elected

President Albert Gore Jr.


International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL -- reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.





 Liberty and Justice for We, the American People


Punishment with Due Prejudice for ALL Traitors

Patriotic, God-loving, peaceful Jewish People are NOT the same as the  war mongering ZIONIST KHAZARIAN Jews.