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No More Rights For Natives

Cyndi Rose

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a travesty of justice and continued act of racial and religious discrimination against Indian People of all Nations. Tapalot, Tula


On February 12,2004, in a district court in St. Pauls North Carolina, Robert Swift Arrow Rose received a 30 day sentence for attempting to go against the system by asserting his birthrights.

Judge Gary Carter, who had been implemented for judicial wrongdoings in another suit against Swift Arrow, found him in contempt of court for speaking his native language, and asserting Treaty rights.

Also, while being subdued by State Troopers who were acting in the capacity of bailiffs, they then handcuffed Swift Arrow using undue force, and hurried him out of the courtroom where other people could not hear what he was yelling at the top of his lungs. Soon after, other deputies took Swift Arrows medicine bundle (religious artifacts) from him while using brute force by pushing him against the wall and crushing his eagle feathers that he was wearing in his hair on the back of his head. Next, while still pinning him against the wall, they dumped everything out on a table in the back room of the court. The judge and law enforcement agents were informed of the civil rights laws within their own system which had been broken, yet the judge defended their actions, using state law as his only excuse and stating that he did not follow federal law.

History Behind the Case:

Swift Arrow is a Cherokee Seneca by blood, and has been acknowledged as such all over Turtle Island and the World. His mother is Princess Pale Moon, who is credited with being the driving force behind the passage of American Indian Heritage Month (November) within the U.S. Swift Arrow is a Co-Founder, along with others, of United Nations of Turtle Island. UNOTI, are as of now, three separate autonomous Native Nations who declared their independence from the U.S. and State of North Carolina January 23 of 2003. We too, like many other Natives of Turtle Island, and Hawaiians have had enough colonial rule, having our true heritage and identity stolen from us through Cultural Genocide waged by the so called powers that be, which we have endured for centuries. All natives who now reside in this area regardless of where they were born, are forced to accept the name Lumbee, which is the only tribe of Indians ever created by the U.S. Congress, who has no history ie.. language, culture, and especially TREATIES!!!

We now must ask for all Onkwehonwes through out Turtle Island (North America) for your assistance and support in this matter. Swift Arrow is being held hostage by North Carolina as a political prisoner for standing up for his birthrights and nothing more. For more information please contact (910) 521-8184 UNOTI Territory or (910) 522-8524 or

On a personal note. This is my husband and everything he is doing is to help all native people. He and the other UNOTI representatives have a document collection that can help everyone. This hearing today was for a traffic violation. We have our own license plates, registration and drivers license and he was there to defend these rights and before he could even render his defense the judge found him in contempt. He went to court dressed traditionally, he was not disrespectful in any way. This whole thing was a set up because they knew that he had to be in court the following day on a gaming case. Their is a conspiracy in this area to keep the truth hidden but we are trying to get as much of the truth out that we can. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!!! What ever you can do, forward this email, tell your friends, call the media, call congressman and senators.

Thank you, Wado. Cyndi

... these Indians, should they be educated and guided, there can be no doubt that they will become so illumined as to enlighten the whole world. Shoghi Effendi,Citadel of Faith p.26, quoting Abdul'Baha

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