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Mira Akayeva

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From: Mira Akayeva
To: Patric Bellringer
Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2009 11:46 PM
Subject: 'Flower of Unity Cathedral to be built in Canada

For the first time I learned of Rescue Crystals in December 2005 in Almaty. I came to visit my parents and met my friends Ludmilla Anatolyevna and Irina Zueva. They showed me 3 pictures of the special Crystal, and explained briefly the history of it. I was amazed that in all of them Crystal had  different colors. A very strong energy comes from them ... I asked why the colors were different.

I was told that this particular Crystal can glow different light.   It can create many amazing things we still don’t know.

But the most important task - is to build a cathedral "Flower of Unity", the foundation of which the Crystal must be put on ... Many miracles and discoveries are awaiting humanity in the realization of this project ....  There is a big probability that this Cathedral has to be built in Canada.

I had to find the spiritual leaders among the Aboriginal tribes of North America and together we can start this project.

I arrived in Montreal and tried to make a contact with Mohawk tribe who live on the reservation near by. Quite by chance while standing on the line in convenience store, I met an elderly man. His name was Dominic from Kahnawake, Mohawk reservation. I showed him the pictures of Crystal and asked if he knew anyone who could talk to me about this. Dominic said that he had his niece Milly from BC. She was the right person to communicate with.

Next day I called Milly, briefly explained the Crystal story and she set up a meeting in Kahnawake. She said that the meeting will be with Mohawk elders, mostly clan mothers.

At 11 am next day I was in Kanahwake. A lot of clan mothers and elders were gathered in Conventional Hall. I got such a warm reception, I feel as a sister of a big family. Milly explained to me that Mohawks were the keepers of the Eastern doorways of North America (Turtle Island) and by tradition they are the first to get the news came from the east. 

I showed the pictures of the Crystal to everyone and shortly told why I came to their community. All of the clan mothers and elders were deeply impressed they all appreciated the Creator’s grace and mercy. Everyone was happy. At the end of the welcoming ceremony we hugged each other and promised to help in this noble mission. That was in June 2007.

After 7 months in February 2008 I went to Kanata, Ottawa Ontario to meet William Commanda. The meeting with 96 years old Aboriginal spiritual elder was set up in advance. Despite of his age William Commanda is always busy.

He is the keeper of three sacred wampum shell belts. All his life William Commanda as a great Aboriginal spiritual leader committed himself to raising awareness of the abuses of Mother Earth. He is a recipient of numerous awards for his efforts to create a racial harmony of Circle of All Nations (

It was unforgettable meeting…  I was blessed to have a chance talking to William Commanda. From the conversation I learned that for many years William Commanda together with Aboriginal tribes have been working hard to reclaim their rights to bring ceremony and gathering to Victoria Island on Ottawa river. This is a traditional spiritual meeting grounds many Indigenous tribes have held sacred ceremonies on this island. William Commanda believed that the Cathedral has to be built on this Victoria Island

On February 2009 at the Kryon seminar in the town of Sylvan Lake, Alberta, I showed the pictures of the Crystal to Lee Carol. Looking at them, he said that we should start the construction. I asked - How? He said the Spirit will bring us to the right way…

This summer I emailed Ann and Patrick Bellringer and they send me a message:

“You have asked about the Rescue Crystal.  Anne and I have asked Hatonn about your question.  We feel you should go forward with your plans---the crystal delivered to Canada and the great cathedral "Flower of Unity" should be built.  This is a most noble mission, and the positive energy of this crystal can create miracles.”