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Help the Mohawks of Akwasasne Protect Themselves

Jennifer Hathaway

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nifer Hathaway

Today I received an email regarding a peace caravan to the

Mohawks of Akwasasne. There will be speakers and socials on Cornwall

Island today.

This is a peace protest to bring attention to the fact that

the Canadian border patrol has begun carrying weapons inside the reservation-

sovereign turf- and that following a series of violent attacks against

indigenous people who live on the reservation [including women and children and

even a baby in a stroller at one event], predator drones out of Fort Drum NY

are being flown over the reservation. Yes, the same military weapons we are

using to blow up tribal people in Afghanistan

are now flying over sovereign native territory, treating Mohawks as

"insurgents" because they refused to allow guns on their land.

In the beginning of May, Canada's

border guards were authorized to carry 9 mm Berrettas. Some of these guards

have been consistently assaulting, intimidating, and harassing Native people

who are crossing from one side of their reservation to the other.  The Mohawks have been resisting the effort to

have these guards armed, and have had little or no press on their behalf

The email directed me to a blog on the subject, where I've

been learning what I can on the situation.

On May 2, Kahentenitha wrote:

"We know we have to stop at the border. Kimberly Jacobs of Cornwall

Island said, "Some of the border

guards are respectful, while others are intimidating." Her friend, who crosses

at least once a day, has been pulled over six times in the last month for random

inspection. A woman was strip searched by border officers without a good

reason.  Without guns they can already

isolate us, lock us up, hold us for hours for no reason and almost kill us.

They accuse us of just about everything including "suspecting" us of having

drugs, guns, and whatever. It's scary when they take us to the back of the

shed. With guns, these power-hungry anti-Mohawk lunatics will have unquestioned

power to intimidate, strip search, and falsely charge us.  After investigations, most of the bogus CBSA

complaints against us are dropped."

May 20th:

"At Akwesasne there are escalating brutal attacks by the

CBSA Canada Border Services Agents. These maniacs constantly racially profile

and provoke us. We have to cross many times a day to carry on our normal lives.

On June 1, 2009, these goons

will try to carry 9mm Berretta guns. They could instigate violence and death.

This border crossing must be removed. We object to putting deadly guns in the

hands of these openly racist border guards.

June 1s

"At 10 pm last

night, May 31st, the chief was coming through Cornwall Island

Canadian Customs. He was served with a letter from Peter Van

Loan, Canada's

Public Safety Minister, informing us that "There will be guns" on June 1st 2009.

The Canada Border Services Agents were to be armed at midnight last night. Instead they walked off.

The two bridges to Cornwall Island

have been closed. The north span by Cornwall

police and the south span by New York State Police. There are native guards in

the customs buildings. There has been an RCMP [Royal Canadian Mounted Police

~Jen] buildup in the area over the last few days.