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The Definitive Canadian Guide To Indians and Booze 2008

Dieter Braun (Indian in the Machine)

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The definitive canada guide to indians and booze 2008 - by Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine)

The government has pushed booze on the masses, and the masses responded with thirst and hedonism.

The government knew that it's secret combination of white flour, alcohol and refined foods, would lead to 100% control over the Indians (and bonus!...everybody else too), however it can no longer last due to the Higher refined energies our solar system is travelling through at this time.

The government knew that it could control the masses through imbalances in any of the chakras.

The government secretly started to add poisons to alcohol, and it called these poisons "preservatives".

The government system has "legitimized" poisons, so that it would appear normal and be normal for you to consume their deadly poisons.

The government wanted control over your THOUGHTS, ACTIONS AND INTENTIONS, so that it could kill mother earth using tax payers dollars. 

The government fears that you regain control of your THOUGHTS, ACTIONS AND INTENTIONS, because you would then help restore mother earth.

In the government's world, yes means no, nuclear war is safe, peace means war, genocide is simply another day at the office in the 'HOUSE OF COMMONS AND CANADIAN PARLIAMENT".

****Watch the canadian government push nuclear energy on the masses when we now know that cars can run on you think they are not aware? Please be aware that while the masses are boozing it up, the government has murdered scientists and suppressed safe and harm-free technologies!

The government loves to combine booze with sporting events and entertainment (particular combining both with trance rhythms so that the government can access your subconscious with it's messages), and meanwhile it is controlling the weather and unleashing weather wars on the human race (most who are not aware of government manmade weather technologies).

The canadian government wants every canadian drunk, so that it can continue sacrificing it's citizens to satan....the Indians have seen many people die from many alcohol-dominated experiences.

Once you become a heavy drinker on an acidic diet, then very likely yeast and fungus will take residence in your body and will thus influence your cravings to consume simple sugars.

The yeast and fungus in your body (helping to create alcohol cravings) and will be there unless you go on a parasite cleanse.

Anyone seeking full health drinker or not, should have at least two parasite cleanses a year.

If you really want to quit drinking, first you must let your intentions be known to Higher beings, and make sure you detail how they may be of assistance to you.

If you drink regularly you may need to consider that when you are drunk, you may be possessed by dark entities, through the back of your brain.

If you drink regularly, then you must smudge and pray on a regular basis letting your heart's desires be known, so that you can be free of negative entities who have latched on to you, during drinking binges.

The Indians would be advised to reflect on this:  the government fears your spiritual powers, therefore you must exorcise your communities of all negative entities, immediately begin community-based parasite cleanses, and community smudging, and take immediate steps to bring to Light, how the queen and her lawyers and bankers, have illegally and immorally created drinking communties while throwing fascists laws at us faster than anyone can read or comprehend (especially while impaired at the local bar).

Seek out the Highest quality of Light at this time, in order to gain your power over government-based consumer products like beer, wine, mouthwash and the queen of england's hidden ways of control.

The government has marketed beer as your wise friend (Bud-wiser...get it?) and told you alcohol would make you feel better, however it has poisoned you with it's your response to roll over and give up, or could you put your drink down and raise your hands in powerful Universal Everlasting Love.

I promise all you drinkers out there this:  Take both your hands and rest them on your steering wheel of life, it's are in full control of you, not any consumer product.

I promise all you drinkers this:  If you intended right now to take your body and purify it, and stretched your lower abdomen area with regular yoga, and cleaned out your intestines, and committed yourself to eating 50% raw food, you could achieve full power over your alcohol dreams.

We are all on the road to health, assisting each other on the red road of balance, and eternal Love.

We could all benefit from community sobriety at this time.

It is my intentions that this writing reach every canadian indian with a computer and an open heart and mind by july 1st (canada day)....perhaps you know one or several?

Thank you for sharing this information with your loved ones with grace.



Indian in the machine

Beer drinking indian freeing himself from government mind control, and many false illusions of community and Self, in the energies of Light and Love.

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