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Healing Mother Earth's Sacred Sites

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Healing Mother Earth's Sacred Sites:

Asking for Permission from the Indigenous Elders from

Uluru (Ayers Rock) Australia

and Stone Mountain, Atlanta, Georgia

May 17th & 18th, 2008

In 2004, LeBeau conducted a series of Medicine Wheel Ceremonies to honor the Earth and all creation. The Grand Teton National Park, Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming and Big Bear Lake, California became the hubs of these multicultural events. LeBeau envisioned that all four races of mankind would celebrate blessings of the Earth together. The Big Bear Lake Medicine Wheel Ceremonies demonstrated how 20 and 9 sacred mountains and waterways worked together to bring harmony to our Mother Earth in Wyoming and California.

LeBeau says these events were necessary for mankind to reflect on environmental issues and what is happening to her sacred sites.

LeBeau's Universal Medicine Wheel Ceremonies are a vision for people to celebrate the love and healing of Mother Earth. They teach ways of "re-birthing" harmony and balance within mountains and bodies of water that have been taken out of harmony by modern man. At these events, he teaches how the alignment of Medicine Wheels decreases the threat of natural disasters and how negative vibrations produced by government and private developments, mining, damming of waterways, road and housing construction, pipelines, and warfare all affect earth's harmony.

"Environmental disasters are wake-up calls for mankind to reflect upon Mother Earth's abuse of sacred sites. They cause earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis and horrific forest fires," said Bennie LeBeau.

Following Medicine Wheel Ceremonies, LeBeau conducts workshops on sacred geometry, grid lines, ley lines and song lines to provide additional insight for participants into the ceremonies, ancient earth wisdom and prophecies. LeBeau feels instruction about sacred geometry found in the Medicine Wheel and how it works on the matrixes of the earth and human existence is vital in today's world.

"As we heal Mother Earth, we heal ourselves and family relationships. This makes for a better tomorrow for all generations."

Message To The Elders To Be Shared

By White Thunder - June 27th, 2007

Many cease to unfold the mysteries passed down through time. Each footstep begins to unleash new beginnings for which time now releases many vibrations of ancient ones. Keepers of all Nations begin to understand the Truth, honesty and above all the ways through the darkest shadows that form amongst many.

Each heart that beats with the openness of all Creations bring together. Peace begins to form through knowledge, wisdom and all understandings of many words spoken by those chosen by others to move forward.

Teach with openness the Truth, for the Truth vibrates a high level of energy which transmits through Mother Earth's energy lines, cracks beneath the Earth's crust widen greatly through which open wounds form cavities beneath the surface of man's lands. Within the sores left by man's greed, anger grows strong. Man's ways move swift upon the plains of all Nations, this fails to be seen through openness of the heart. Each footstep placed down by those who gather releases energies of Ancient Beings. Within song words echo carried forward by the breath of Mother Earth, each word sung through song with the openness, honesty and Truth for all Creations seals from deep within the cracks, crevices and open wounds done by man.

Teach words of understanding, each word spoken give from the heart. Teach those who wish to listen, the understandings of each level of vibration held within each and every one of us. Balance of the left side and right side is only complete when the carrier of pure vibrational energies understands that Mother Earth's energies releases and touches those who walk in peace. Balance own energies before and after song, prayer and teachings for this lays many foundation stones not visible to the naked eye. Each walkway increases through the pureness of energies passed down through the ones who wish to listen. Many ways can enhance the ways through the darkest of shadows that form. Each cluster of rain clouds releases energies through which waters cascade upon Mother Earth's carpets, she in turn vibrates with the energies, releases the waters taken deep within from the rains that fall upon her carpets, each vibration given back through the soils that lay all around gives life through energies to the smallest of seed that has been sown by many.

Understandings of much can be given. Each word spoken give time for those who listen to ask if not understood, for many words spoken by those chosen to walk the pathway of peace teaches nothing as much is not understood. Many Nations upon Mother Earth bears the mark of resurrection, each mark given will never be shown. Each hand opened take hold, unite, merge together the vibrational aspect of the human body, release together through prayer, song, teachings, the collective energies brought together.

Message Given By

White Thunder

27th June 2007.