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The Chiefs of the Cherokee Nation of Texas Reservation

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From: Chief Cylde Bouse
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 7:01 PM
Subject: We have finally installed our Credit Card Application page
Attention: Mr. Patrick H. Bellringer,
Dear Mr. Bellringer,
We pray that you, your family and your associates are doing well and that God is blessing all of you.
We also pray that you will visit and read our Website at
We are the primary Chiefs of the Cherokee Nation of Texas Reservation, Inc., which is registered and Incorporated with the State of Texas.  We are currently on a quest to gain Federal Reservation Status. To do this, though, we know we need to grow in Members and Sponsors.  If we get enough Members along with select Sponsors, then we know the State of Texas and the US Government will listen to our words if we walk softly and speak clearly, with a large number of Members and select Sponsors behind what we say.
We are praying that Four Winds would agree to help us in getting our news out to the world by posting our information on your website.  Again, our primary goal is to search for new Members and select Sponsors to help improve our chances to obtain Federal Government approved Federal Reservation Status.
We request that Fourewinds10 will publish our Information letter that is herein attached named 1-News letter and pass on our Website address:
to your Family and all of your Friends and Associates
The Chiefs of The Cherokee Nation of Texas Reservation,
Head Chief Evening Star Elizabeth Sheri Bouse
Deputy Head Chief Morning Glory Leana Morgan Bouse
Chief Justice Screaming Eagle Clyde V. Bouse

This is history in the making.

 We are the new Head Chiefs and Board of Directors (Head Council Members) of the Cherokee Nation of Texas Reservation.  In 1836 Chief Bowles, Chief Big Mush, along with some of our ancestors signed a Treaty on behalf of the Cherokee Nation of Texas with Sam Houston and other Government Officials from the Republic of Texas.  With this in mind, in 2002 we incorporated and reregistered the Cherokee Nation of Texas Reservation with the State of Texas.  We have updated our original Constitution and Bill of Rights, and in 2004 we signed out First Amendments to our Bill of Rights.

 We are now rebuilding and praying that the Federal Government will grant our quest for Federal Reservation Status and the right to take our rightful place in this modern world.

 We are not asking the State or Texas or the Federal Government to give us any money nor put out any money to buy land for our Reservation. We only request the Federal Government to grant Cherokee Nation of Texas Reservation, Inc. Federal Reservation Status.

We are striving to gain new members and sponsors. As we look back at the History of the United States of America, we have seen that the United States has gained their position in this world by accepting new citizens from countries all over the world.

 Since the 4th of July 1776, the people in the new land called America fought and formed the United States of America, after this, people have come to the USA from other Countries all over this world and thereafter the US Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization Services issues a certificate of Naturalization, after the individual meets all of the requirements and Pledge allegiance to the United State of America, the Document is then signed by a Federal Judge, who hands the document to that individual person who then becomes a full blooded American.

  The United States of America has become the prosperous Nation it is by accepting people from Nations all over this world regardless of their Race, Creed, Color, Nationality, or Religion, and under the Laws of the United States of America every person is created equal.

We have considered this point and we have noted that in order to achieve our goals and be recognized by the US Government where they will grant Federal Status to Cherokee Nation of Texas Reservation we must become stronger in numbers.

Therefore we are searching for new members from all over the world. Should you be interested in becoming a sponsor and an official registered member on the Rolls of the Cherokee Nation of Texas Reservation, visit our Website at:

May God Bless you,

The Chiefs of Cherokee Nation of Texas Reservation

Head Chief Evening Star Elizabeth Sheri Bouse