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8,000 Drums


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Aho Evreryone!

I was contacted by my friend Gilles Novaks who is a Montagnais Indian  from Montreal. He is a Medicine Man and a Healer. He asked me to get  as many Tribal people to participate in a worldwide ceremony called  the "8,000 Drums".

He was contacted by two Huron Clan Grandmothers from up there in  Canada and they asked him to help spread the word to all Indians  everwhere. It will take place on March 21, 2008 at 12:00 noon MEXICO TIME!! Which is Central time.

All you need to do is play a drum any kind of drum either alone, or  with a group or have the whole Tribe participate. The purpose is to  fulfill the OTOMI PROPHECY. The Otomi's are Mayan Olmec and Toltec  descendants. The drums will be played so that the Creator will hear  us and grant our wishes as we pray for help in the Healing Process of  our Mother Earth.

Many races of people are destroying Her and our Mother Earth needs  our prayers.

I will be in Egypt at this time in the Great Pyramid with my group  doing this Ceremony

Please as we all come together the power will be strong so our  prayers will be answered

