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The Bald Eagle: Role in Native American Culture/ Earthean Eagles Information

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Bald Eagle adult landing on nest

The Bald Eagle is a sacred bird in some North American cultures, and its feathers, like those of the Golden Eagle, are central to many religious and spiritual customs among Native Americans. Eagles are considered spiritual messengers between gods and humans by some cultures.[36] Many pow wow dancers use the eagle claw as part of their regalia as well. Eagle feathers are often used in traditional ceremonies, particularly in the construction of regalia worn and as a part of fans, bustles and head dresses. The Lakota, for instance, give an eagle feather as a symbol of honor to person who achieves a task. In modern times, it may be given on an event such as a graduation from college.[37] The Pawnee considered eagles as symbols of fertility because their nests are built high off the ground and because they fiercely protect their young. The Kwakwaka'wakw scattered eagle down to welcome important guests.[38]

During the Sun Dance, which is practiced by many Plains Indian tribes, the eagle is represented in several ways. The eagle nest is represented by the fork of the lodge where the dance is held. A whistle made from the wing bone of an eagle is used during the course of the dance. Also during the dance, a medicine man may direct his fan, which is made of eagle feathers, to people who seek to be healed. The medicine man touches the fan to the center pole and then to the patient, in order to transmit power from the pole to the patient. The fan is then held up toward the sky, so that the eagle may carry the prayers for the sick to the Creator.[39]

Current eagle feather law stipulates that only individuals of certifiable Native American ancestry enrolled in a federally recognized tribe are legally authorized to obtain Bald or Golden Eagle feathers for religious or spiritual use. The constitutionality of these laws has been questioned by Native American groups on the basis that it violates the First Amendment by affecting ability to practice their religion freely.[40] Additionally, only members of federally recognized tribes are legally allowed to possess eagle feathers, preventing non-federally recognized tribe members from practicing religion freely. The laws have also been criticized on grounds of racial preferences and infringements on tribal sovereignty.[41]


Earthean Eagles Information

With this clarification of the sequence of events, a very informative body of information from Andromeda Rex was received by spiritual messenger Lucy Colson and submitted for this focus. Parts of it are scattered in various sections of the text. Andromeda states:

"The Gatherings will take place under the deepest secrecy imaginable. The 'Gathering of Eagles' will come first. This meeting will consist of the advanced echelon of Commanders, a group of highly trained Beings, skilled in planetary affairs. They will contact world governments, groups of Light students, preparing them for an eventual lift-off while the planet is made new. The people must be advised that this is imminent. Those who will remain behind to pass through the fire and water must know the reasons why they will not be lifted off. For out of this trial will come new leaders and new hope for Humanity. They must know that they are never really alone.

The Earthean Eagles will bring back with them from the meeting, concrete, indisputable proof! The Eagles are the ones who will be needed immediately in the days ahead; and who will be beamed up last during evacuation. The Earthean Eagles will be contacted and expected to be at their destined positions in as little time as twelve hours from the time of the Call to Gather. The Eagles will also remain for the regular Gathering, to be briefed with everyone else, and will then brief the Light Commanders under them."
