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Share Deep Aboriginal/Indian/Native Thougths

Dieter Braun (Indian in the Machine)

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Not every dark skinned person like me, thinks like I do.

Many aboriginal/indian/aboriginals can clearly see that modern governance is designed to create financial imbalances. What is the solution? The solution is to hold in our thoughts, that which we envison a perfect world to be......a thoughtform put "out there" by enough of us, will create it as our think beautiful thoughts and hold them for at least 68 seconds or longer, to make them REALLY powerful.

   Sat, December 29, 2007 - 7:51 PM

1. I "don't want my land back", which is a statement of living in the past, instead I would like to have an abundant life now....I wish to live in an abundant universe where everything is in abundance for everyone today and forevermore.

2. All treaties/agreements native governments made with indian/native/indigenous governments, are null and void. As the Lakota knows, contracts must have been created in "good faith", something imperial governments are not able to demonstrate, thus ALL INDIAN TREATIES ARE NULL AND VOID.

3. Just because I am a canadian card carrying "first nation", doesn't mean I give native governments authority over me. The reason is that no one can be an authority between me and my Creator, that would be blasmphenous remember?

4. I believe the governments have been controlling the natives through a poisoning of the food supply. There is ample proof of this here in canada, here in saskatchewan, there is a special brand of food for the indians, sold through the northern stores, that is poisoned, genetically modified, processed, microwaved, frozen and canned. People remember that 50-80% of your food should be ORGANIC RAW at this time....most governments score a "F" on their report card for failure, and the people will not forget this any longer if they want their species to evolve and prosper.

5. Since we share our air here on our planet, I find any poisoning of mother earth as an infringement upon all of us, and this must immediately end. All overt/covert military activity must come to a complete halt.

6. Any human governance must be in full integrity and must respect All humans as equal beings right here and right Now.

7. Any human governance from this moment forward must immediately be shone the Light of Universal Law. May all global governance be immediately renegotiated over and over until the people are Free. May the people of the world be free today.

8. May all native/indigenous/aboriginal people collectively embrace the full potentiality of the moment in the Light of all Creation.

9. The best way to free the slaves, is to not be a slave, so be and live as a free thinker and shine your unique Self, from the voices of all, become a beautiful chorus of human Angels. I send you Light and Love so that you may shine your unique Self in conscious and knowing ways.


Dieter Braun

Indian in the machine