Brand-new 'marriage' law called out for attacking 'people of faith'
Bob Unruh
'Anyone who supports this measure is into abetting persecution'
It was only a couple days ago that Franklin Graham, who heads the international Christian ministry Samaritan's Purse, issued a serious warning about a leftist plan in Congress that purportedly would establish same-sex "marriage" in law.
He noted the "deceptively named 'Respect for Marriage Act'" and said it would create significant problems for Americans.
"God says that marriage is to be between one man and one woman—not two men, not two women. The GOP used to believe that too," he said. "Will you pray for God’s intervention as this bill moves on to the Senate? Only He can save us from our evil and rebellious ways. Make sure you know how your representatives vote because it reveals where they stand on these and other important Biblical and moral issues"
Now a letter has been sent by dozens of leaders of the nation's biggest Christian and conservative organizations to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell asking him to reject the agenda outright.
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Those signing the letter included officials for Alliance Defending Freedom, the Heritage Foundation, Family Research Council, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Concerned Women for America, Christian Legal Society, First Liberty Institute, Liberty Counsel and dozens more.
Michael P. Farris of the ADF said, "When culture and political institutions fail to respect the institution of marriage and instead promote open aggression against those who believe that marriage is between a man and woman, they not only undermine human flourishing but seriously harm religious freedom. Despite claims from its sponsors, the so-called 'Respect for Marriage Act' doesn’t simply codify the Obergefell decision. It forces the federal government to recognize without limit any marriage definitions that a state adopts. It also empowers the government to punish millions of Americans who hold decent and honorable beliefs about marriage—beliefs that have existed since time immemorial—exposing citizens to predatory lawsuits and even endangering the nonprofit status of faith-based organizations."
He added, "Since Obergefell, we have continued to see attacks on people of faith for adhering to their religious beliefs about marriage, just as the Obergefell dissenters predicted. This legislation would only further that hostility. We urge members of the Senate, including Leader McConnell, to stand firm against these blatant attacks on religious freedom and the institution of marriage by opposing this dangerous and completely unnecessary legislation."
The movement to write a new law defining same-sex "marriage" was triggered because of the recent Supreme Court decision to return regulation of abortion to the states. Leftists were enraged, and have demanded everything up to and including buyouts of conservative justices on the high court so they again could have their way with the court.
The faulty Roe abortion precedent that was struck down was based on factors including the "right" to privacy that justices originally imputed to the Constitution, and since same-sex marriage precedent also includes that, leftists were frantic with worry that that precedent also would fall.
The letter, from "the heads of national and state organizations leading the effort to protect life, religious liberty, free speech and the family," pointed out that those who assembled H.R. 8404, the promotion of same-sex "marriage, did much more than just that.
"It is a startling expansion of what marriage means – and who may be sued if they disagree – that threatens the freedom of numerous 'decent and honorable' Americans of different faiths, creeds, and walks of life who wish to live consistent with their deeply held beliefs," the letter said.
It explained that the warning about attacks on Christians and others over marriage already was included in the opinion that created the "right."
Justice Samuel Alito then wrote that the precedent would "be used to vilify Americans who are unwilling to assent to the new orthodoxy."
"We are seeing this play out more and more against those who decline to openly embrace extreme views regarding marriage and human sexuality," the letter said. "This legislation will only hasten and intensify hostility against them. As such, anyone who supports this measure is crossing a line into aiding and abetting the persecution of people of faith."
It warned the results of the proposed law could include demanding federal recognition of "plural marriages, open marriages, marriages involving a minor or relative," and much more, and all of those cases will impact a long list of federal laws.
Secondly, the law would set up religious individuals or groups as targets for lawsuits from "activist groups" that refuse to tolerate those who hold a traditional view of marriage.
Targeted would be foster care providers, religious social service groups, religious groups that contract with the government to provide services, and more.
"Although the issues to be litigated would be many, there is no question the proposed act subjects religious people, businesses, and organizations to countless new lawsuits merely for practicing their faith."
And, the letter warned, the IRS, moving politically against religious organizations, could take away tax exempt status from groups that "continue to adhere to their belief that marriage is only between one man and one woman."
"The bill multiples the threats against tens of millions of Americans who in 'good faith' proclaim a marriage view with which the act's sponsors disagree," the letter said.
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