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Ben Dutka

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February 14, 2020



President Donald Trump keeps delivering on his campaign promises.

America has its healthiest economy in decades, and certain polls show strong support for our Commander-in-Chief.

Now, it appears Trump is about to take another step in his border security battle.

The President promised American citizens a southern border wall. And he’s willing to do what it takes to keep that particular promise.

In fact, Trump has just found an additional $3.8 billion to help fund that wall.

Like I said, he fully intends to get this project DONE!

From NPR:

The Trump administration has notified Congress that it plans to divert $3.8 billion from the Defense Department’s budget to build the border wall.

This is in addition to more than $11 billion that’s already been identified to construct more than 500 miles of new barriers along the southern U.S. border with Mexico.

Do you know what this is? I say this is Donald Trump working to protect our country.

Yes, he’s taking it from the Defense Department and in this case, from the National Guard and Reserve units.

But those billions were set aside for extra trucks, generators and spare parts. And frankly, I believe that money can be put to better use down south.

Obviously, Trump agrees. He believes that a strong border wall is a big part of this country’s defense.

And in the notice to Congress, the Trump administration said the funds were “in support of high priority items” that were “necessary in the national interest.”

I completely support this move.

If we want to shut down the drug smuggling corridors and put a dent in foreign criminal organizations, this MUST be done.

And while some Republicans are saying Trump shouldn’t take the money from the Defense department, I say he’s still using that money for the same thing: defense.

Of course, Democrats don’t like any of it.

They apparently don’t want any border security at all. And they keep slamming Trump for his wall efforts.

However, I support my President, and his goal of building a big beautiful southern wall!