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William Barr Sent Barack Obama One Message That His Time Was Up

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It’s game on for Attorney General William Barr and Barack Obama.

Barr just made a major announcement into his investigation into the Obama administration and the FBI’s handling of the Russian probe.

And William Barr sent Barack Obama this message that his time was up.

Last month, Donald Trump made waves when he granted Attorney General William Barr the authority to declassify whatever documents he needed to in order to complete his investigation into the Obama administration and the FBI spying on the Trump campaign in 2016.

Since then, all of Washington has waited for the next shoe to drop.

And William Barr finally made his intentions known.

The Department of Justice issued a letter defining the scope and purpose of Barr’s investigation.

And it was far more expansive than anyone imagined.

“The purpose of the Review is to more fully understand the efficacy and propriety of those steps and to answer, to the satisfaction of the Attorney General, those open questions. Among other things, the Review will seek to determine whether the investigation complied with applicable policies and laws,”the letter read.

“Accordingly, the Attorney General has directed that a team (Review Team) led by John Durham, the United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, conduct the Review in order to better understand the activities leading up to and relating to the counter-intelligence investigation.”

In addition, the Justice Department’s letter made it clear it would investigate every aspect of the spying operation against the Trump campaign.

“The Review is broad in scope and multifaceted, and is intended to illuminate open questions regarding the activities of U.S. and foreign surveillance services as well as non-governmental organizations and individuals,”the letter added.

This is not what Barack Obama and his Deep State allies want to hear.

This investigation is their worst nightmare.

Attorney General Barr has made it clear he isn’t buying the Deep State’s cover story that the FBI had serious concerns that members of the Trump campaign may have engaged in treasonous collusion with Russian intelligence during the 2016 election.

In recent media interviews, Barr stated that, so far, he has not received good enough answers about why the FBI spied on the Trump campaign.

But questions have remained about how serious his investigation would be.

After all, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions would often promise to investigate criminal Deep State leaks only to fail to deliver indictments.

But the letter from the Justice Department helps put to rest any doubt about Barr’s commitment to holding the Obama administration and the FBI accountable for their wrongdoing during the 2016 Presidential election.

This is now officially a serious investigation.

And as much as the Democrats and the fake news whine, this is an investigation that is sorely needed.

A full accounting of the activities during the 2016 election is the only way the American people can receive closure on a scandal that has nearly torn the country apart.