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Trump Just Found Out When Mueller Plans To Charge Him With This Crime

Kelly Walsh

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Donald Trump

One question dominated Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Would the special counsel charge Donald Trump with any crimes?

Now a bombshell report just surfaced about when Mueller plans to reveal whether he is indicting the President.

The Mueller witch hunt dragged on for nearly 18 months.

The special counsel induced a slew of guilty pleas for process crimes about making false statements.

But Mueller has yet to produce a smoking gun proving collusion with the Russians or implicating President Donald Trump in a crime.

Even though these facts are staring everyone in the face, Mueller’s defenders in the fake news media, the Democrat Party, and Never-Trump Republicans have claimed that Mueller hasn’t shown all his cards yet.

They’ve held out hope that Mueller will release a dramatic final report proving that Trump was a criminal and a traitor.

Now it appears the rubber is about to meet the road.

NBC News reports Mueller is planning to submit his final report to the Justice Department in mid-February.

At that point, it will be up to whoever is supervising the Mueller investigation – right now that is Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker – to make the report public.

Mueller is expected to fabricate a report that implicates President Trump has all sorts of foul deeds.

The special counsel has no evidence of any wrongdoing, but prosecutors have a way of crafting narratives that implicate innocent men as guilty.

Critics believe Mueller will claim that, although there was no evidence of collusion, the number of Trump associates who lied to investigators impeded his hunt for proof that Trump was a traitor.

Trump supporters also expect Mueller to take the President’s legal and legitimate business dealings – such as the Trump Tower project in Moscow – and frame it as a nefarious scam that would have allowed Russians to pump money into his bank accounts in exchange for favorable policy outcomes.

All of this is fiction, but Mueller knows his job is not to write a report that clears the President.

Mueller’s job is to provide political cover for an impeachment effort in 2019.

That’s why critics expect Mueller to present a report that paints a highly negative picture of Donald Trump, his conduct, and his associates.

It does not matter that Mueller found no evidence of Russian collusion – which was what he was originally tasked to investigate – the special counsel will just bury that fact deep in his report with the knowledge that the fake news media will cover up this essential truth.

Even though this report is submitted in secret to the Department of Justice, there is a 100 percent chance it will be made public.

Either whoever is in charge of the Justice Department will make it available to the public, or the new Democrat majority in the House will subpoena it and then leak the report.

Trump supporters can also expect Democrats to call Mueller to testify to create a public spectacle to hype impeachment talk.

Mueller’s report will provide an opportunity for the fake news media to continue their “Trump in crisis” meme.

Even though the crux of the report will vindicate Trump – Mueller will report no evidence of Russian collusion – the media will seize on Mueller’s attempts to turn Trump’s routine behavior into a political scandal to demand Congress remove the President from office.