Ms. Nina Sidorova: The Appellant’s Reply Brief Case No. 18AP002381/17CV318715 Crimes: Judge Carol Overtone + Attorney Siegel + the organised crime syndcaite.
Nina Sidorova
Nina Sidorova
PO BOX 932
Mountain View, CA 94042
Tel.: (408) 204-8252
Defendant Nina Sidorova,
an individual
Hall of Justice (HOJ)
190-200 West Hedding Street, San Jose, CA 95110
Mailing address: 191 N. First Street San Jose, CA 95113
John E. Bardes Plaintiff,
Nina Sidorova,
Defendant. |
Case No. 18AP002381/17CV318715
The Appellant Reply Brief
Presiding Judge Honorable Joshua Weinstein
October 23. 2018
Northern California Tenant Association
Ms. Nina Sidorova
President of Northern California Tenant Association
PO Box 932, Mountain View, CA 94042
Judge Honorable Joshua Weinstein
Honorable General Joseph Francis Dunford
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of US Army
Honorable Provost Marshal Major General David Glaser
Commanding General U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command,
Mr. Kevin Annett
The Field Secretary
The International Common Law Court of Justice
Mr. Sacha Stone
International Tribunal for Natural Justice
The Hague International Criminal Court
Judge M.P. Dillon,
The Head of the Information & Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor
The International Criminal Court
The Hague Case:
Reference OTP-CR-370/13 (Ms. Nina Sidorova) of the Office of the Prosecutor
Mr. Jeff Sessions
Attorney General of the United States
US FBI States’ Headquarters
District Attorney Office of Santa Clara County
The Appellant’s Reply Brief
Case No. 18AP002381/17CV318715
Judge Honorable Joshua Weinstein,
Honorable Provost Marshal Major General David Glaser
Commanding General U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command,
Honorable Sirs-- Judges and Investigators of the International Criminal Tribunals,
Dear leaders of the International Human Rights Organizations,
Honorable Attorney General Jeff
Dear Leaders of the US FBI States’ Agencies,
District Attorney Office of Santa Clara County,
I am Ms. Nina Sidorova, President of the Northern California Tenant Association (NCTA), a member of three Human Rights Organizations and a member of the Citizens ‘Commission on Human Rights International, who submits now to the Hall of Justice (HOJ) of the Santa Clara County, to the Provost Marshals of the United States Army, to the International Criminal Tribunals, and to law-enforcement agencies my Appellant’s Reply Brief of the Case No. 18AP002381/17CV318715.
On August 9, 2018, I submitted to the Santa Clara County Court of California and to Attorney Leo Siegel of the Stone & Siegel Law Firm my Appellant’s Opening Brief (Court Case 17CV318715).
Despite 30 days for a Responder’s is already passed, I did not receive from Attorney Leo Siegel a Responder’s Brief or Attorney Siegel’s explanation, informing me and the Judges of HOJ that disabled US Veteran John Bardes terminated his contract with Attorney Siegel in January 2018 because of Attorney Siegel’s frauds, lies in the courts, blackmail, and other criminal activities, in which Attorney Siegel is involved.
On October 2, 2018, I visited Santa Clara County Court and talked to several clerks of the Santa Clara County Court, who are working with the Hall of Justice, and I contacted a Sheriff‘s Sergeant, Sergeant Tyron Monroe, who represents in the Santa Clara County Court Sheriff Office of the Santa Clara County.
The clerks gave me a copy of Attorney Leo Siegel’s Responder’s Brief, his new falsification, which Attorney Siegel refused to submit to me, but in order to mislead judges again, Attorney Siegel sent his falsification to the one of the housing entities, which is managed by his crime partner, Mr. Matt Franklin, the Head of Criminal Housing Cartel of the Northern California, who is involved in the organized crime syndicate together with Attorney Siegel, Judge Carol Overtone and Attorney Todd Rothbard.
All three frauds, who are are involved in this case, 1) Extremely Corrupted Judge Carol Overtone of the Santa Clara County Court and her two long time crime partners---2) High level fraud Attorney Todd Rothbard of the Law Offices of Todd Rothbard and 3) Attorney Leo B. Siegel of the Stone & Siegel Law Firm, are working very closely with the Housing Cartel of the Northern California led by Mr. Matt Franklin, whose criminal activities were investigated already, and some important decisions were made by the US Departments of Justice.
According to the information, which I received, these ‘DOJ’s special decisions’ would be unsealed soon.
The new fraud, committed by Attorney Siegel and his crime partners in the Santa Clara County Count shocked me again although I know these frauds.
New Leo Siegel’s falsification and fraud forced me to contact four clerks, a manager of the Calendar Office of the Santa Clara County Court, contact Sergeant Tyron Monroe, and to contact a criminal investigator of the District Attorney Office of the Santa Clara County, reporting about new crimes committed by this attorney-fraud.
I also visited the Information Office of the Santa Clara County Court. I submitted my complaint to Pressing Judge Patricia Lucas. The clerk of this Office, Ms. Jessica, placed a stamp on a copy of my complaint. See attached (Exhibit 1)
The names of the other officials, whom I contacted, discussing this issue and submitting my complaint on October 2, 2018 will be submitted to the Hall of Justice by a separate document with my arguments to this case.
By emails, I submitted my report about Attorney Siegel’s new fraud to the Headquarters of all fifty FBI States’ Agencies. They know my case…
I report now to Judge Honorable Joshua Weinstein, to all judges of this case, and to all Honorable Officials, whose names I listed above about Attorney’s Siegel’s fraud:
1. Attorney Leo Siegel did not represent disabled US Veteran John Bardes since January 2018. US Veteran John Bardes terminated his contact with Attorney Siegel because Attorney Siegel’s dishonesty, systematic lies during court hearings, frauds, blackmail, and his involvement in other criminal activities. Attorney Siegel is a fraudster, who again misleads a court, lying that he represents US Veteran John Bardes. Please see attached a testimony of disabled US Veteran John Bardes, whose signature was confirmed by Notary Public (Exhibit 2).
Since March 2018, the District Attorney Office of the Santa Clara County was informed fourt times that Attorney Siegel does not represent disabled Veteran John Bardes anymore. The District Attorney Office of the Santa Clara County was informed about Attorney Siegel’s blackmail of disabled US Veteran Bardes, and about other crimes committed against these 73 years-old senior citizen, including Attorney Siegel’s involvement in a gang, which committed attempts to murder Mr. Bardes.
The information about the organized crime syndicate, which operates in California and some other states, stealing properties and money-grubbing elderly US citizens is described very well on a website of the United Nation. I will submit more detailed information and supporting documents later during a court hearing.
I also can submit supporting information with the names of criminal investigators, who are investigating this case, including information how Judge Carol Overton and Attorney Todd Rothbard in 2015 stole US Veteran Bardes’ house, which locates in the City of Los Gatos. US Veteran Bardes was CURRENT on his mortgage to the Madison Management, which Madison Management confirmed later when disabled US Veteran Bardes hired an attorney and went after this criminal bank and extremely corrupted Judge Carol Overtone and her crime partner, Attorney Todd Rothbard, who is well known fraud in the Santa Clara County.
This is why these frauds: Overtone, Siegel and Rothbard requested their gangsters to murder US Veteran Bardes with Direct Energy weapons.
In order to do so, these gangsters needed to separate me from desperate disabled Veteran Bardes, and this is why this organized crime syndicate, initiated my eviction in December 2017.
I will submit emails, which these frauds sent to each other in 2017, discussing how to organize my eviction from the Ranchero Mobil Home Park and how to blackmail 73 years-old US Veteran. You will be shocked reading these emails.
Santa Claus sent me these emails as a Christmas Gift in December 2017. Thank you Very Much, Dear Santa Claus!
2. In order to hide the fact that he is a deceiver and fraudster, who does not represent US Veteran John Bardes, Attorney Siegel submitted his fraudulent Responder’s Brief NOT to the defendant (me) but to one of the address of the housing entity, which is managed by his crime partner Matt Franklin.
I request to Judge Honorable Joshua Weinstein and other Judges of this case to take urgent necessary actions against Attorney Siegel of the Stone & Siegel Law Firm, who committed a fraud again.
I again respectfully inform and report to Judge Honorable Joshua Weinstein and other Judges of this case that Judge Carol Overtone of the Santa Clara County Court and her two long time crime partners---high level fraud Attorney Todd Rothbard of the Law Offices of Todd Rothbard and Attorney Leo B. Siegel of the Stone & Siegel Law Firm are involved in Unbelievable Lawlessness, Judicial Misconducts, Fraud, Abuses of Discretion, Abuse of Contempt, violations of the CALIFORNIA CODE OF JUDICIAL ETHICS, Administrative Malfeasance, Hatred toward regular residents of the Santa Clara County, dishonesty, violations of the Constitutional and Civil Rights of the US citizens and in other crimes and misconducts that the residents of the Santa Clara County, including me, face in the Santa Clara County Court.
For example, since 2015 to 2017, I contacted many times former Presiding Judge Rise Pichon of the Santa Clara County Court, and I informed former Presiding Judge Rise Pichon about misconducts, frauds and other crimes committed by Judge Carol Overtone and Attorney Todd Rothbard.
I sent my warnings and complaints by certified mail, by emails, and I submitted my complaints personally to Judge Pichon’s office. However, former Presiding Judge Rise Pichon internationally covered up all crimes and misconducts committed by Judge Overtone. Judge Rise Pichon sent to me her foolish responses, harassing me.
Since 2017, I informed many times Presiding Judge Patricia Lucas of the Santa Clara County Court about misconducts, frauds and other crimes committed by Judge Carol Overtone, Attorney Leo Siegel and Attorney Todd Rothbard.
I submitted my warnings and complaints by certified mail, by emails, and to Presiding Judge Lucas’s office. However, Presiding Judge Patricia Lucas also internationally covered up crimes and misconducts committed by Judge Overton, by and Attorney Siegel and Attorney Rothbard.
I respectfully explained to the former Presiding Judge Rise Pichon and to Presiding Judge Patricia Lucas that they are watched… and their misconducts and crimes are monitored!
I Was Right!
Please, see below a photo of the first page of the Federal Indictments under RICO of former Presiding Judge Rice Pichon and Presiding Judge Patricia Lucas. (CRIMINAL № 1:13 CR-2739-SFCN)
Judge Honorable Joshua Weinstein and other Judges of the Case No. 18AP002381/17CV318715,
Honorable Provost Marshals,
Honorable Sirs,
I ACCUSE Judge Carol Overtone and her crime partner, Attorney Leo Siegel, in committing Serious Abuses of Discretion, Judicial Misconducts and Violations of my Constitutional and Civil Rights!
I am an honest and law-abiding woman, who during ten years is helping tenants of the Northern California with their Fair Housing Rights.
I accuse Judge Overtone and Attorney Siegel in participation in the dangerous crime syndicate, which is involved in the genocide of US civilians. Some leaders of this crime syndicate are already in Guantanamo Jail, some were executed, and the Military Tribunals are doing on...
I can present to the US Military Tribunal a book-- documentary, describing horrific abuses of the residents of the Santa Clara County by Corrupted Judge Overtone and by two of her crime partners, Attorney Todd Rothbard and Attorney Leo Siegel.
In fact, I already submitted these documents to the Provost Marshals of the US Army!
Respectfully submitted,
Nina Sidorova
President of the Northern California Tenant Association
Data October 23, 2018 Defendant: Nina SIdorova
Also sent to the District Attorney Office of the Santa Clara County, We The People.