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Legal Group Backs Trump


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Legal Group Backs Trump

The legal group the Coolidge Reagan Foundation has offered their support for President Trump and his ability to block Twitter users.

Earlier this year a lower court issued a ruling that stated this was illegal and ordered Trump to unblock these users and refrain from blocking anyone in the future. 

The case was appealed to the United States Second Circuit Court Of Appeals where the Coolidge Reagan Foundation has now filed an amicus brief in support for the President. 

The foundation and their attorney, Dan Backer, argue that the court is wrong to find that the President's Twitter account is a governmental public forum, and it allows Twitter users to hijack the president's message.

According to Backer: ​"The district court has misconstrued the First Amendment in this case, and its ruling could have problematic consequences for other areas of law."

You can read the entire brief filed with the Second Circuit HERE.