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BREAKING: GOP Senators Make Shocking Announcement About Obama SCOTUS Pick

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March 23k 2016

One of the things driving the candidacies of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz has been an immense anger from Republican voters at the so-called “establishment.” Voters feel betrayed by Republicans in Congress who haven’t done much to stop President Barack Obama’s agenda.

Now, it appears that this anger might actually be paying off. Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell has stated in an interview with CNN that the Senate will not confirm Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, no matter who wins the presidency.

“This nomination ought to be made by the president we’re in the process of electing this year,” McConnell said.

McConnell even went a step further and stated that if Hillary Clinton were to be elected president, and Congress maintained a Republican majority, Garland will still be unacceptable for confirmation.

“I can’t imagine that a Republican majority Congress in a lame-duck session, after the American people have spoken, would want to confirm a nominee opposed by the NRA, the NFIB and (that) The New York Times says would move the court dramatically left,” he stated

“So just to put a button on this, are you ruling it our 100 percent?” asked CNN’s Dana Bash.

“Yes,” stated McConnell.