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July 9. 2015

ALLING ALL INTERCESSORS:  If God can overturn a Presidential Election, He can Overturn an Illegal Supreme Court Ruling!  PRAY!













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We know these four are ready to rehear the case!



Roberts:  "Just who do we think we are?"  "The Majority's decision is an act of the will, not legal judgement.  The right it announces has no basis in the Constitution or this Court's precedents."



Scalia: "A system of government that makes the People subordinate to a committee of nine unelected lawyers does not deserve to be called a democracy...Thus, when the rights of persons are violated, the Constitution requires redress by the courts."


" allow the policy question of same-sex marriage to be considered and resolved by a select, patrician, highly unrepresentative panel of nine is to violate a principle even more fundamental than no taxation without representation: no social transformation without representation."



Alito:  "I assume that those who cling to old beliefs will be able to whisper their thoughts in the recesses of their homes, but if they repeat those views in public, they will risk being labeled as bigots and treated as such by governments, employers, and schools."  


Five people should not be able to take away the votes of 50 million Americans.


The Motion for Rehearing could literally protect the voters in nearly 40 states, our state constitutions, the institution of marriage, and our Freedom of Speech and Religion.  Think that is worth a call to Attorney General DeWine?      800-282-0515  

In the 2000 Presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore, I lived in a place called Broward County, Florida.  When they declared the state of Florida--and the election--for Al Gore, I, like so many others, got down on my knees and asked for something that had never been done. I asked for God to CHANGE the outcome of the election. 



You know what happened: He answered that "ridiculous" prayer.  And if God can change the outcome of a presidential election, He can change the outcome of a Supreme Court ruling.


This battle is NOT over!  Call Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine now, and post this so your friends who care about marriage and our freedoms can be a part of reversing this illegal decision!




P.S.  The film "Light Wins: How to Overcome the Criminalization of Christianity," will be shown Sunday, July 12 at the Palace Theater in Dallas, TX.  For more info click here.  

Extended Offer: Watch the 30-minute version of Light Wins--available for a little while longer.  Order one for yourself and several for your church at

           Everything to Gain


The marriage ruling just abolished the First Amendment.  After the Supreme Court marriage decision, Aaron and Melissa Klein, who refused to be forced to bake a cake for a lesbian so-called wedding, not only lost their business, they were fined $135,000 and ORDERED to never speak or write about their biblical convictions concerning marriage nor practice them in the workplace.


But there IS something we can do: Ask Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine to file a Motion for Rehearing the marriage case at: 800-282-0515


Tell AG DeWine we have everything to gain by trying, and nothing to lose by filing a motion to rehear the marriage case at: 800-282-0515.


*Urge your local radio station to air these daily commentaries for free.

 Dear Andrew,
Ask AG Mike DeWine to file a motion for rehearing the marriage case: 



Attorney General Mike DeWine can save marriage by filing a "Motion to Rehear" the Obergefell v. Hodges case.   Pray for our meeting with him this week! 


With marriage and our freedoms hanging in the balance, why would we just give up?



"With God ALL things are possible."



Is that just a nice state motto, or do you really believe it?  Pray for the team of attorneys meeting today to put together a legal strategy to present to the Attorney General this week.



Four reasons why Attorney General DeWine should file a Motion to Rehear the marriage case:


 1. The ruling is invalid because Justices Ginsburg and Kagan violated Federal law by not disqualifying themselves:  



"Any justice...shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned." 
--28 U.S. Code § 455  


2. The court just opened the door to polygamy.  A man in Montana now wants to marry two women and will sue if his "marriage licenses" are not granted. This issue was raised by Justice Alito during oral arguments, but now we know his concern is valid.


3. The marriage ruling just abolished the First Amendment.  After the ruling, Aaron and Melissa Klein, who refused to be forced to bake a cake for a lesbian "wedding," not only lost their business, they were fined $135,000 and ORDERED never to speak or write about their Biblical convictions concerning marriage nor practice them in the workplace.


4. Homosexual "marriages" cannot be consummated.  While same-sex people can have sexual activity, they lack the complementary physical components necessary to fulfill the definition of consummation.  According to Ohio law, this issue invalidates an "otherwise valid" marriage.



"A marriage may be annulled...[IF] the marriage between the parties was never consummated although otherwise valid."


                            --Ohio Revised Code 3105.31 (F) 


Marriage, our freedom, and Western Civilization hang in the balance...think that's worth a call?      



Call Attorney General DeWine and say:



1. Please file a "Motion for Rehearing" the marriage ruling because Justices Ginsburg and Kagan violated Federal law by not recusing themselves.  We have everything to gain by trying, and nothing to lose by filing a motion to rehear the case.    


Attorney General Mike DeWine:




2. Call on the Creator of marriage and the Creator of the Universe. Ask Him to help us make the case to Attorney General DeWine, and help AG DeWine make the case to the Supreme Court to overturn the marriage ruling--just like He helped us overturn the 2000 Presidential election.  



Does THIS look like impartiality to you?
Like Justice Elena Kagan, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (above) officiated  homosexual "weddings" prior to the marriage ruling 


Beyond officiating at homosexual ceremonies, Justice Ginsburg also publicly stated that she believes same-sex marriage is a constitutional right.  Sounds like someone who has made up her mind before considering a case, doesn't it?



Supreme Court Rule 44 allows a party to file a motion for rehearing within 25 days of the June 26 hearing.  That means if Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine files a motion before July 20th, the case can be reheard--potentially without Justices Ginsburg and Kagan. 



The dissenting justices didn't want to risk antagonizing the Justices before the decision, but there is no reason to ignore this now.  If you read the dissenting opinions, they are scathing--Justice Scalia calls the decision a "threat to American Democracy"--and he is right.  Now there is something you can do about it!



Call the number below with this message:



Please file a Motion for Rehearing the marriage ruling. Justices Ginsburg and Kagan violated federal law by not recusing themselves.  We have everything to gain by trying, and nothing to lose by filing a Motion to Rehear the case.


Attorney General Mike DeWine: 800-282-0515  



P.O. Box 33395


North Royalton, OH 44133