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Patriots STAND Up and DEFY TYRANNY in the Courtroom!

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Published on Mar 3, 2015

Read Blog Post:




The full video from the courtroom encounter with Gavin Seim, Nathan Seim, Grant Seim and other patriots who stood against corrupt Douglas County Courts. -- It took us time to gather all the footage and pull it together. But it's like nothing you've ever seen in the courtroom!


The details about what happened here are on my post: Read Blog Post:


Numbers you can call:


Douglas County Non-Emergency Line: (509) 663-9911

Okanogan County Sheriff (holds political prisoners for Douglas): (509) 422-7200

Douglas County Sheriff: (509) 884-0941

Douglas County prosecutor Steve Clem: (509) 745-8535

Douglas County Commissioners – Ken Stanton, Dale Snyder, Steve Jenkins: (509) 745-8537


(Note that the time index on the main camera is about an hour ahead.)



Other Notes:


I get a lot of messages from people telling me how I'm doing it wrong because of this line, or that law, or because I did not claim wear a tutu into court, or use some super duper MAGIC words.


Now I don't claim to have it all perfect. But these bold claims that you give up your rights if you say you're a citizen, don't assert a magic dance, renounce the 14th amendment, or dance naked under a blood moon. These have ZERO to do with how the courts respond. LIBERTY has never been complicated.


Liberty and true law is for every man. It's honest and just. Read The Constitution, read John Locke, read Frédéric Bastiat. In a weekend you will understand law better than most lawyers. I'm serious.


Liberty is always law. Law exists to protect life, liberty and property. An official acting outside of that is acting as a criminal. You don't have to say special words to posses your rights. They are an inherent possession. The problem is that a criminal does not care. The issue is STANDING up for liberty. This is not about magic words, it's about liberty and actually doing something.


Folks it's not about the color of the fringe on the flag. It's has not to do with lawyers being British. It's not a hidden secret. Stop looking for magic phrases and every possible conspiracy. What have you done for liberty today?


The conspiracy is REAL, it's against liberty and it's a battle of good and evil. Stand on principle. Stand up dang it. STOP getting distracted, STOP complaining and start doing something about it. That's our duty to our children and that's what will restore liberty. There is hope, we can take back America. Now is the time to rise.


-- Gav