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PUBLIC STATEMENT from the ITCCS Central Directorate (GMT, Brussels) Bogus "jurors" spreading misinformation and false claim regarding the Common Law Court of Justice

Hidden From Hisory

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Dec/ 23,22014

Bogus "jurors" spreading misinformation and false claim regarding the Common Law Court of Justice


As part of the enormous black ops campaign now being waged against the ITCCS and Kevin Annett, two opponents of the ITCCS are posing as former "jurors" in the court cases conducted against Pope Benedict and others, and are falsely claiming that no such trial ever occurred. They made their claim today in a you tube broadcast posted by Alfred Webre and other misinformation specialists.

For the record, neither of the two individuals making this claim, Alex Hunter and Watsek, have ever been jurors with either court case conducted by the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. Their claims are false because they never had access to either the court process or the central ITCCS bodies.

Both men live in Vancouver, Canada and for about a year in 2011-2012 were active with our ITCCS branch there and Kevin Annett. Both Hunter and Watsek became suddenly hostile to ITCCS and Kevin Annett, without cause or explanation, and dropped away from ITCCS over a year ago.

The simple truth is that none of these supposed "insiders" have ever had access to the ITCCS courts or leaders, as they claim. In the same manner as Alfred Webre and other libelous critics, they are fabricating their story, relying on peoples' ignorance to blacken our work and reputation.

Kevin Annett will be issuing a full statement about this latest misinformation in a you tube broadcast and interview tomorrow.

Please stay tuned to for more information.

ITCCS Central Directorate, Brussels

24 December, 2014 (GMT